^ only book you'll ever need. The C++ Programming Language, written by the creator of C++.
I oppose. That book is great if you already know programming and already understand how programing languages work in general. This book would be an overkill for a beginner like the OP.
He said he is looking a C++ book for a beginner, not for an experienced programmer.
This book would make learning programming slower and more difficult because it covers absolutely everything. And that is not a good thing for a beginner. It might confuse him and he might just give up.
I would rather recommend starting with a lighter easier to read book, like C++ Primer 4th ed. Much better choice for a beginner. Only after you read and understand this book well, you can get The C++ Programming Language and use it more as a reference. Also at this stage you could read Effective C++ and The C++ Standard Library. One of the main strengths of C++ is the standard library so make sure you study and understand it very well. It can save you thousands of hours of reinventing the wheel.
So once again, unless you already know another programming language very well, DO NOT start to learn C++ from any of Bjarne Stroustup books because they are not intended for the beginner, and usually don't even teach good programming practices as they were not designed to do that.
Have fun learning programming and C++!