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Author Topic: Anonymous – The Über-Secret Handbook  (Read 12667 times)

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Offline geXXos

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Anonymous – The Über-Secret Handbook
« on: November 15, 2012, 10:15:14 AM »
I found it in an abandoned corner of the web...

Just a small part of it:
Basic Rule: Use as many security layers as possible. The question is not whether you are paranoid, but whether you
are paranoid enough?
A good start is to use a VPN and run Anonymous related Software from a USB device. A proxy will also do, but it is not as
secure as a VPN.
Always use as many security layers as possible. Make sure to use them in the right way. If you don't know how to use them,
learn first.
Most Anonymous’ use VPN to hide their traces. They use SSL encrypted connections and #vhost when they are on
Portable Software
Portable software is a software which you can run from an USB drive, so that it leaves almost no traces on your computer.
When you join the Anonymous IRC network, do so only via SSL (point you IRC client to port 6697). Port 6697 is an
unusual SSL port, just checking the "Always use SSL" box will not work, check for both. 
After connection you can register your nickname by using a fake email address, then you join #vhost and AFTER that
procedure you join the channels.
Make sure you start by launching I2P with the "I2P Launcher" button in the portable apps tray icon.
You can then use the integrated PChat client; it automatically connects to the I2P IRC server anonymously. 
Join #anonops for to keep track of Anonymous activity. Many Operations channels are relayed between I2P and
When thinking of a VPN service, think first about the legislation of the country. A USA VPN might provide user data upon
warrant issue. In other countries such as Sweden and Iceland, this is unlikely to happen.  They have a strong privacy policy,
which makes it harder for law enforcement agencies to get access. In addition, some servers do not keep logs of users. Also
try to get VPN services that accept anonymous payments (For those that keep user billing information)
More info:
Free VPNs -- Not recommended. 
If they aren't selling you a service they are selling you. -- Occasionally hijacks your traffic to redirect you to advertisers.
Commercial VPN providers   >   logs IPs   >   logs IPs  >   logs IPs
Extra info about VPNs 
List September 2010 - (Korben source)  - PPTP Vpn - 2 offers: Free and Premium ($ 12.99 / month - $ 24.99 / 3  months).
Regarding free: there are regular disconnections every 20 minutes, the P2P is legal but inconceivable. The charge:
Premium offers including improved speed for downloading, a static IP and port forwarding. The two options both
offer direct access to a VPN secure and anonymous. Servers in the Netherlands in particular. - OpenVPN - Installing a software house - 1  GB / month - off after 6h
(reconnection possible) - no guarantee of  flow  - PPTP - Provides free and unlimited. French company banned = P2P in  France. You
can create a private community to share your data.  - Software - U.S. servers, adds advertising on web pages. Firefox with  adblock and
found no ads. Note that you can use it with the public  HotSpots New / SFR WiFi. Openvpn - Vpn free. - Server Lynanda France, the United States. P2P forbidden on this
vpn.  Hide - PPTP - VPN offering 100 free accounts beginning of each month.  The paid
version allows you to connect to openvpn. P2p is not allowed with this vpn.  - JanusVM VPN Free (open source) and free. - Using VMware virtual machine and
based on OpenVPN, Squid, Privoxy and TOR. An old but useful tutorial incompleted is available in French. - A
VPN Hardware JanusPA called hardware-based brand Yoggie is also since 2009. P2P forbidden because of the
philosophy TOR. 
Payable VPNs:  - VPN - Site in French, without limits or quotas. The web's cheapest  (and en) 5 € / month
maximum, minimum flow guaranteed 5mb / s! 2048bits encryption and support very responsive! - OpenVPN / PPTP - quick access without limitations Europe and USA. Site and support
in French and English. 
∗ https:  / / - OpenVPN, and PPTP VPN SSTP - From 5 € / month. Servers in the
Netherlands, USA and UK. Support and French site.  No logs, speed and unlimited tranfer.  - OpenVPN / PPTP / Routers - Website in french, no speed limits or  transfer. The
network is fast (the site a bit slow but certainly housed outside U.S.), IP access with Europe or USA for € 4.99 per
month. Just the logo on the page worth visiting. Staff nice. - OpenVPN Established by an association campaigning for freedom of expression.  - OpenVPN, 4.90 € per month with no speed limit,  server in the  Netherlands, no logs,
SSL key-1024, open enrollment. XangoVPN supports Quadrature du Net qu'FDN well.  - OpenVPN, from € 1.35 per week with no speed limit,  server in France,  4 ip changeable 24/24,
private VPN creates for French,  2048 and  encryption keys with AES- 256.Inscriptions still open.  - OpenVPN, L2TP and PPTP VPN using OpenVPN-AS - $ 5 per month is about 
3.50 €. Servers in Germany, United Kingdom, Netherlands and USA - OpenVPN - from € 4.58 per month, registration reopened! - PPTP Vpn - 15 € per quarter, closed Beta invitations.  / en - OpenVPN - Site in French - about 4 €  and 5 € per month,  unlimited traffic
and speed, Key of 2048 bits, a  company registered in  Greece, servers in Luxembourg, the Netherlands ...  - OpenVPN - 4.50 € per month, servers outside of  France (Europe or  USA, your choice),
P2P servers allowed on Europe,  AES-256 encryption,  open enrollment.  - Site in French - PPTP Vpn - 4.90 € per month, unlimited volume and  speed, open
enrollment. Quality service for a small price. Servers in  the Netherlands, Germany ...  - Site in French. SOCKS, PPTP VPN, OpenVPN - 4 to 13 € per month Discount over
time. Allopass possible! Speed and unlimited traffic. Free  trial of 3 days. Servers in France, Slovenia, Luxembourg,
∗ https:// - PPTP Vpn - 149kr or 14.9 € for 3 months, open enrollment. Uses the network Relakks
Sweden. - PPTP Vpn - 149 SEK (about 15 €) per quarter, and 449 SEK (about 45 €)
per year. Servers in Sweden. - PPTP VPN, 40Kr or 4 € per month with no log and no speed limit, server in Sweden.
Registration open.  - Vpn unlimited speed available with openvpn  or pptp server choice in  europe or the
usa for 5 € a month or two for 10  € a month, entries open  ..  - OpenVPN - 5 € / month with 50 GB of traffic -  Free Trial 3h -  Company in Sweden,
servers in the Netherlands in  particular -  Redirection of a port. - PPTP Vpn - $ 5 per month but only 2GB per day guaranteed. - PPTP Vpn - $ 5 per month or about 3.5 € - Reviews free 7d.  - VPN is the only specially configured for P2P applications - and  BitTorrent in
particular. OpenVPN on all accounts and subscribers can  use both public and private trackers. 2048-bit key that
changes  automatically every 20 minutes. $ 17 per month  - $ 24.95 per month with an additional setup fee of $ 10. The  VPN also  offers
solutions with keys of 4096 bits: PPTP, OpenVPN, 4096  bit  SSH-2, 4096-bit SSL / TLS, Squid Proxy, CGI
Proxies, Servers and  more  ... all over the world. In the peak of the servers (usually between 7am  and 11am)
subscribers are "encouraged" not to exceed 100GB per month.  The rest of the time no limits. Anonymous
payments possible (Liberty  Reserve, Web Money, Cash ... and PaySafeCard). - $ 15/month. No setup fees. PPTP, L2TP IPSec VPN services.  - PPTP - From 2 € to 10 € / month depending on connection speed and  getting or not
to open ports. Support friendly and responsive enough.  Servers in the U.S., France, the Netherlands.  - Starting from $ 5/month for VPNs, and $ 8 for OpenVPN. Found in the  forums of
people screaming for the scam that VPN (payment and no  account), so caution.  - PPTP and L2TP/IPSec VPN. From $ 6 per month. Servers in the U.S.,  Britain,
Germany and Canada. Dedicated IP VPN for $ 15/month. "There are  no limits to our VPN service. However, we
do not recommend using it for  torrents and p2p in violation of copyright. "According to the  administrator. Is it to
cover themselves or to protect its bandwidth  ...  - From $ 9.49 per month to $ 39.45. Opportunity also to use the proxy  only for $
5.49 per month. A choice between the Secure Anonymous OpenSSH  Proxy, OpenVPN, PPTP VPN, Socks Proxy,
or HTTP proxy servers. An  industry first to offer this variety of options. Free anonymous email  included in all
accounts. Servers in the U.S., Britain, Canada, Germany,  Netherlands, Malaysia. Anonymous payments by Liberty
Reserve, Pecunix,  and PaySafeCard.  - PPPTP Vpn - $ 15/month, $ 5 for a week. Gladly accepts P2P (the owner  says). Servers
in the U.S. and Canada. - From $ 19.95/month to $ 34.95 depending on the OpenVPN server (2048 bits) * - From £ 6.5 per month. Servers in the U.S., Britain and Canada.  - A nice selection of alternatives. Per month, $ 8, there is a good  classic. At the time (10h,
20h etc. ..) handy when you will spend the  weekend with friends and we do not want "" rot "their IP. Or as the 
limit of the bandwidth required 
∗ https:  / / - $ 17/month. 2048-bit key. Very reliable (a  disconnection in six months). About
once a week, your server output  changes (transparently) so that your IP changes and it is also extra  security. It's not
always easy to install OpenVPN client type. This  provides a vpn setup very simple, just enter the username and
password.  This vpn is very committed to the freedom of the internet worldwide. He  collaborates with the
Electronic Frontier Foundation and opened free  accounts for militants threatened in their country. If you fear a
VPN  keeps your logs, this one is one of the safest.  - PPTP and L2TP/IPSec Vpn - $ 15/month, $ 60 per semester. Servers in  the U.S.,
Britain and Germany. "P2P and Other Illegal use it Not  Allowed. Filesharing ports, protocols and sites are blocked.
"Says the  site in red.   * - Price: 10 € / month, 25 € / 3 months, € 0.5 / 1Gb, 100 Mb free for   testing - Payments:
Paypal, Visa, MasterCard, Ukash - Connection:   OpenVPN, PPTP, IPsec -  Encryption: MPPE PPTP 128, IPSec
ESP 3DES,  AES-256 Firefox Extension,  OpenVPN 2048bits RSA for authentication and  Blowfish 128 for the
data -  Servers: Great Britain, Russia, United  States (down at the moment, seems  Is  it because of the DMCA
notices  ...) - P2P: Port forward from 5 random  ports, TCP and UDP-Bonus:  Firefox Extension, usenet server,
internal  ivacy sites, utilities  ivacy.   * - Price: 25 € / year, 1 week free evaluation - Data encryption via   VPN to 1024 bits -
certificates exchanged are unique to each user.  Changing the IP address: IP address is replaced by that of Drakker 
servers. Servers in Great Britain, Netherlands, Sweden, Canada.  Confidentiality: The network collects and Drakker
do not have any data  about its users. Portability: it takes is a username / password to use  his account Drakker
worldwide. The network Drakker promotes freedom of  expression and press freedom worldwide. He is a partner of
Amnesty  International, Reporters without Borders, and the project 'Enough' for  Africa.  - PPTP. Site in French, Price: 6 to 15 € per month free trial. Servers  in Great
Britain, Netherlands, United States. Changeable servers at each  connection. Ideal for sites like geo-limits,
BBC iPlayer. Very  reliable and has great speed.

credit's where credit is due

« Last Edit: November 15, 2012, 10:17:10 AM by geXXos »

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Re: Anonymous – The Über-Secret Handbook
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2012, 05:10:59 PM »
Good find.
<@Phage> I was put in place ONLY to take care of you.

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Re: Anonymous – The Über-Secret Handbook
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2012, 12:23:12 AM »
indeed the abandoned corners of the web are very interesting. +1

Offline silenthunder

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Re: Anonymous – The Über-Secret Handbook
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2012, 05:19:21 PM »
Great info to use for when I move into my apartment :D

"Hacking is a lifestyle, a specific mindset, and it really is a lot of work." - Daemon

"Just wanted to state that this is just wicked social engineering at its best." - proxx


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