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Author Topic: Guide: Multiboot USB  (Read 2889 times)

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Offline Libertine

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Guide: Multiboot USB
« on: October 13, 2012, 03:42:10 AM »
Hey everyone,

I'm making a quick instructional guide on how to create a Multiboot USB in Windows. As many of you are most likely already aware, it's quite an easy process that is quick to setup and fast to get configured. The benefits in doing so include being able to provision multiple operating systems on a single USB drive, useful for creating an All In One flash drive for penetration testing or what have you. Hopefully this will help new users and maybe even some veterans as well.


The aim of this thread is to provide procedural steps on how to create and configure a Multiboot USB in a Windows environment. Included topics will cover relevant programs and procedures as well as steps to further enable a user to test their USB installation from within a Virtual Machine application, as an alternative to booting back into the machine via system restart.

Suggested Distributions:

Although you can install whichever operating system will best suit your purpose, a few suggestions will be given below relevant to penetration testing and computer security;

- Blackbuntu - An Ubuntu based Linux distribution designed for penetration testing
- Backtrack 5 - Linux distribution specifically for the purposes of penetration testing
- BackBox - A computer forensics/penetration testing distribution
- Deft 7 - A penetration testing and forensics distribution based on Xubuntu
- Phlax - (Professional Hackers Linux Assault Kit) - A distribution for security analysis/forensics/ and penetration testing.
- DBAN - (Dariks Boot N Nuke) - A utility for erasing hard drives entirely. Works against forensic examination and data restoration techniques.
- Konboot - A utility allowing the user to circumvent the Windows Logon screen on boot in a single click
- Orphcrack XP/VISTA - A rainbow tables password cracker available for Windows XP/VISTA
- Offline NT Password And Registry Editor - A utility to reset Windows user passwords


To create your multiboot USB first download and install your chosen creation software. A few options will be listed however I found the easiest, most user friendly program to use for this purpose was "Yumi Multiboot USB Creator" Links are listed in the appropriate section of this post.
First download and run the program as Administrator. Ensure you've obtained each ISO or setup file you wish to install to your USB drive. These files can be found on the corresponding project homepage of your chosen distributions. See the links portion of the post for further details.

Once the program is executed specify your drive path, operating system type, and manually select the ISO/package pathway from the appropriate directory. From here just hit create. Everything will be handled automatically by the program. No need for any manual partitioning.

When the process has completed you may restart your machine and enter BIOS setup by hitting F2/F10/F8 from the splash screen. Confirm that you've configured the boot order to allow "external device" as the first priority. Exit saving changes. You will automatically be taken into your USB flash drives multiboot selections menu.


If you wish to uninstall a specific operating system form your drive, boot back into the Installer program as Admin. Select "Remove an installed item" then choose your desired O.S. from the list and hit Continue. Upon completion your selected option will removed.

Boot USB From Virtual Client:

As an alternative to booting into USB via system restart you can also chose to configure your preferred Virtual Machine client to boot directly from the flash drive. Vmware and Virtualbox are two programs I generally use for the purpose of testing bootable USB installs virtually. First obtain yourself a copy of whichever chosen software you wish to use.


1) Begin by downloading a copy of "Plop Boot Manager" from the following link:
2) An ISO image will be contained inside the zip archive. Run your Vmware client as Administrator and create a "New Virtual Machine"
3) From the ISO selection screen manually browse to the path of the ISO folder within the unpacked zip archive
4) Once the virtual machine has been created start the machine and select "VM" from the toolbar menu, scroll to "Removable Device/Disk" and select your USB drive making sure you have inserted the flash drive into the machine.
5) Select USB from the pop up menu inside the virtual machine window and you will be automatically redirected to the multiboot options screen.


1) Begin by running and command prompt console with elevated privileges and typing the following code:

Code: [Select]
cd %programfiles%\oracle\virtualbox
VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename "%USERPROFILE%"\.VirtualBox\usb.vmdk -rawdisk \\.\PhysicalDrive#

2) Replace the hash symbol at the end of the second line with the drive letter of your USB
3) Run Virtualbox as Administrator, create a new machine, choose existing hard disk and specify usb.vmdk in the appropriate path
4) Now with your USB inserted you'll be able to restart Virtualbox and boot from the drive by running your newly created virtual machine.

Alternate Tools: USB Creation

Some alternative programs are available to aid the user in creating a multiboot flash drive. Those links are listed below:

1) Xboot Multiboot -
2) Sardu Multiboot -
3) Yumi Multiboot -


* If you experience issues with 64 bit versions try proceeding with 32 bit versions of the O.S or use an alternate installer. 
* Ensure "Hardware Virtualization" is enabled within BIOS settings if provided
* If you experience problems with Konboot install attempt to specify the ISO manually as the rar package or selecting "Unlisted ISO" and navigating to the extracted ISO file.
* For configuration and compatibility issues consult your distributions support forums

ISO Links:

- Backtrack 5:
- Konboot:
- Blackbuntu:
- Deft 7:

- DBAN: (Dariks Boot N Nuke) -
- Orphcrack XP/VISTA:
- Backbox Linux:
- Offline NT Password Editor:
- Vmware Workstation (Cracked) -
- Vmware Homepage:
- Virtualbox:

Hope this helped :)

« Last Edit: October 14, 2012, 10:08:50 AM by Libertine »


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