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Author Topic: what do you do?  (Read 5216 times)

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what do you do?
« on: September 08, 2012, 12:28:33 AM »
What do you guys do on a regular basis (computer wise) after learning all the syntax that you need to? Im wondering because im almost finished learning python syntax, and am now wondering what im going to be spending my time on afterwards. I mean, there cant always be a new program to write, can there?
Also, if you work as a programmer, what do they have you doing most of the time?

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Re: what do you do?
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2012, 12:36:35 AM »
Also, if you work as a programmer, what do they have you doing most of the time?

I would guess that a Programmers main working task would be.... Programming
Theres always new programs to write and theres always a way to fixup code, and there will always be new things to learn.
When I think ill know a programming language ill do some quiz about that language ill find online to test my skills (if i don't program something) and then theres another language to learn or new exploits to learn and so on.

I am newer bored in front of a computer :P

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Re: what do you do?
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2012, 12:44:06 AM »
Just find something you could make for yourself and build yourself an application that can do something for you. But I work part time as a programmer for a professor at my university, and he's really vague so I just go through my part of the program and try to improve it while making it fit with the other parts of the program that some team mates make. Then we have meetings to see what we have and where we want to go with it so that we all can be sure to be making progress towards our final goal.

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Re: what do you do?
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2012, 12:46:31 AM »
Problem Solving! Find a problem and solve it with code.

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Re: what do you do?
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2012, 01:48:14 AM »
MOVED to Other in the programming section.

Programmers do programming.

If you need something to do, think of something that interests you and code the fuck out of it. You wanna do something with the webcam? Learn about webcam API's. You wanna write a tool to automate cleaning out your trash bin, then code it. There are more than a few places google will point to for coding projects. has stickies in all languages with project ideas, Python being the most prevalent since it is the most popular language.

If you are still lost, find an opensource project like Twisted or something else that INTEREST you and fix the bugs. Joining something opensource and closing error tickets will gain you respect, knowledge, and fixing others problems.

The biggest thing I'm getting at is you really need to find something you think is cool and go with it. When I got into coding, augmented reality is what I was after so I studied it and learned all I could. Then moved on to image processing because I wanted to track moving objects in the webcam feed. Find something you thing is cool/awesome/interesting and go with it.

I was going to remove this topic when I first read it to be honest, because it comes up soooo fucking much and project ideas and the like can be found on google and other forums and all. GOOGLE PROJECT IDEAS. And the whole what do programmers do? question was kinda stupid, programmers program. Programmers aren't going to go fix the transmission in your car, or help your credit score, the fucking code. What else would a code monkey do? Not to be mean or rude, but it was a touch of a stupid question, but this thread will be locked after a few more replays are made, just saying.

Scratch that, locked because google will yield more/better/all answers.

« Last Edit: September 08, 2012, 01:49:25 AM by techb »
>>>import this

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Re: what do you do?
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2012, 01:51:11 AM »
I just want to throw in here that learning a programming language syntax is not the same as learning programming. Programming is about problem solving and efficiency. A programming language just gives you the means to perform the given task.

Also, if you are learning a programming language just to learn a programming language, you are doing it wrong. The best way, and also most entertaining and fun way to learn programming is to learn by doing and by going in whatever direction your brain wants. That is, if you suddenly want to create a website, you learn PHP because its the best language for websites. Likewise, if you suddenly want to get into 3D games or whatever, you learn C++/C# + DirectX or something similar.

There is ALWAYS new technology and things to learn out there, you just have to find out what makes you tick, what you are interested in (without yet knowing it).

EDIT: Awww, you were a few seconds before me techb :( "
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