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Author Topic: GOD??  (Read 14716 times)

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Offline z3ro

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« on: July 24, 2012, 08:08:14 AM »
Why do people believe in GOD?

My opinion:
1. You can’t explain the existence or origin of something, so you believe God must have done it.

2. The universe seems too complex, too ordered, too beautiful, to have appeared naturally.

3. You’ve been educated that way.

4. You’re afraid of death, and want to believe that it’s not the end.

5. You’ve witnessed an apparent miracle.

Now, please be honest: if you’re a believer, do you fit into one (or more) of the above? Or is your case different? I’d like to know.
~ God is real. Unless declared as an integer.

Offline iTpHo3NiX

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Re: GOD??
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2012, 08:29:10 AM »
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[09:27] (+lenoch) iTpHo3NiX can even manipulate me to suck dick
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[09:27] (+lenoch) sorry

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Re: GOD??
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2012, 08:43:17 AM »
I do not call it god, I refer to a other state and do not follow the religious beliefs set on by man. But the char "god" I do believe.

1) No you can't explain it even with science and the recent discoverys. Knowing the big bang happened does not disprove "god". It proves where the universe, as we know it today and this time came from. But what made the big bang happen. All out of no where?.The big bang was a reaction to something we can not explain..

2) The order and naturally? You contradict yourself. Go look at the golden formulas such as the fibinacci sequence and tell me with math and science it is not orderly. Math and science it its own right is ordered and structured.

3) No, I developed these thoughts and beliefs on my own observations. I do live in the bible belt of the US and have had "god" shoved down my throught since I was born. I did not feed into it and developed the idea of a higher being on my own terms, whether it be an alien or some other being, we all and everything come from something .

4) I am not afraid of death, and still am not when staring down the barrel of a shot gun when my mother made bad drug deals. I have stared death in the face more than most G's in the stupid hood. I think when we die, our energy or soul will be recycled in the universe.

5) No miracles here. Nothing but my own thought process makes me believe in a "god". And yes "god" remains in quotes and shall not be capitalized on the simple fact this higher being doesn't need a label. Labels are for the weak of mind. I do believe in a higher power though, whether it be aliens or something we can't explain or simply do not understand.

We will never know until we die, and even then we might not know. The debates are pointless, and religion is only there to build morals and give a path of understanding we can't explain. Whether it is a crutch or not religion still tries to teach a moral since of being. Now bible basheers and people taking shit to the extreme have lost the since of values they once stood for. Whether it be Christians or other holy causes,most loose their since of being and loose all cause of reason.
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Re: GOD??
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2012, 10:03:05 AM »
Oh dear Lord, another discussion about God?
I only have one question - Y U HATIN'???
People believe if they want to believe, because people has to believe in something. This only applies to Christianity because others are brainwashed, so they kill people in their name :P

Anyway, I won't discuss this anymore, seems kinda pointless and dumb.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2012, 10:03:17 AM by Kulverstukas »

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Re: GOD??
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2012, 04:31:40 AM »
It all comes down to faith.  I'll try and explain, and if my ramblings offend anyone, then I do apologize in advance.  I'm not going to try and convert you.   ;)

It's not that things are not explainable, but could not those things have come to be or influenced by God?

The universe is what it is.  No one can really explain how it came to be.  Best we have is theories, some of which are completely plausible.  Again, could that initial spark have come from God?  Didn't something set it in motion?

Education may be part of it, but there are many who are educated as children in (insert religion here) that do not follow that particular faith, if any.  I honestly do not think it does anything to add or detract memberships in various faiths.

I'm a believer, but do not fear death.  Think about it - WHY would I, if I believe there is life after death?  That doesn't mean I do reckless things or take unnecessary chances.  I don't want to die anytime soon, but I don't fear it.

Miracles.  People call them different things, but in my mind my disabled four year old is living proof that such things exist.  He has numerous medical issues and currently recovering from his forth major surgery in as many years.  You may call it something else, but that's what it's been for me that he is still here with a good prognosis - a miracle.

Nutshell version:  You are trying to fit matters of faith into very rigid boxes to which only parts may apply.   So it's some of what you list, and none of what you list. 

« Last Edit: July 25, 2012, 04:33:05 AM by F1.z3ro »

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Re: GOD??
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2012, 05:06:09 AM »
@Kulverstukas- All religions kill people in their name

However, he is right this has been debated many times and will surely not go very far. I'll let it go for awhile though.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2012, 05:07:02 AM by lucid »
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Re: GOD??
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2012, 04:34:16 AM »
I belive in gods that created us but they had been here since the begining of everything till the times of greek gods (zeuz,etc) I think that they are like another type of humans (more developed) and all that they left to us are big structures and impossible for normal humans to do like pyramids of egypt , nazca lines, etc.

im very sure that all this that im saying is already think by ufologists
« Last Edit: July 27, 2012, 04:35:37 AM by gh0st »

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Re: GOD??
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2012, 09:37:32 AM »
I belive in gods that created us but they had been here since the begining of everything till the times of greek gods (zeuz,etc) I think that they are like another type of humans (more developed) and all that they left to us are big structures and impossible for normal humans to do like pyramids of egypt , nazca lines, etc.

im very sure that all this that im saying is already think by ufologists

what you've said is nonsense to me   ???
~ God is real. Unless declared as an integer.

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Re: GOD??
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2012, 04:45:23 AM »
1) No you can't explain it even with science and the recent discoverys. Knowing the big bang happened does not disprove "god". It proves where the universe, as we know it today and this time came from. But what made the big bang happen. All out of no where?.The big bang was a reaction to something we can not explain..
ok here's my opinion:
Knowing the big bang happened surely proves "god"
please take a look:

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Re: GOD??
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2012, 11:29:23 AM »
god is just something made up by people who don't want to understand anything, and use it as an excuses to make war righteous, and don't care about understanding everything
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Offline z3ro

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Re: GOD??
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2012, 05:30:30 PM »

Nope... In my opinion GOD was made by US, humans, a long time ago when we could not explain some phenomenons. For example, long ago people believed that thunder and lightning were controlled by a god of thunder called Zeus or Jupiter. When he was angry there was a thunderstorm. We now now for sure that this is not the case, right? Like wise, with science now being able to explain many phenomenons thought to be "miracles", GOD has no reason to exist...

Just imagine what would be the consequences of every human being believing in god? We would stop puzzling about the true nature of things and trying to find rational explanation but just be satisfied with the answer: god made it that way... ;)  

Quotes from Stephen Hawking:

According to Viking mythology, eclipses occur when two wolves, Skoll and Hati, catch the sun or moon. At the onset of an eclipse people would make lots of noise, hoping to scare the wolves away. After some time, people must have noticed that the eclipses ended regardless of whether they ran around banging on pots.

Ignorance of nature's ways led people in ancient times to postulate many myths in an effort to make sense of their world. But eventually, people turned to philosophy, that is, to the use of reason—with a good dose of intuition—to decipher their universe. Today we use reason, mathematics and experimental test—in other words, modern science.

Albert Einstein said, "The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible." He meant that, unlike our homes on a bad day, the universe is not just a conglomeration of objects each going its own way. Everything in the universe follows laws, without exception.

Newton believed that our strangely habitable solar system did not "arise out of chaos by the mere laws of nature." Instead, he maintained that the order in the universe was "created by God at first and conserved by him to this Day in the same state and condition." The discovery recently of the extreme fine-tuning of so many laws of nature could lead some back to the idea that this grand design is the work of some grand Designer. Yet the latest advances in cosmology explain why the laws of the universe seem tailor-made for humans, without the need for a benevolent creator.

Many improbable occurrences conspired to create Earth's human-friendly design, and they would indeed be puzzling if ours were the only solar system in the universe. But today we know of hundreds of other solar systems, and few doubt that there exist countless more among the billions of stars in our galaxy. Planets of all sorts exist, and obviously, when the beings on a planet that supports life examine the world around them, they are bound to find that their environment satisfies the conditions they require to exist.

The Hubble Space Telescope snaps new images of the oldest galaxies ever seen. A senior scientist at the University of California, Santa Cruz, explains to WSJ's Robert Lee Hotz and Simon Constable how he did it-and what it means.

It is possible to turn that last statement into a scientific principle: The fact of our being restricts the characteristics of the kind of environment in which we find ourselves. For example, if we did not know the distance from the Earth to the sun, the fact that beings like us exist would allow us to put bounds on how small or great the Earth-sun separation could be. We need liquid water to exist, and if the Earth were too close, it would all boil off; if it were too far, it would freeze. That principle is called the "weak" anthropic principle.

The weak anthropic principle is not very controversial. But there is a stronger form that is regarded with disdain among some physicists. The strong anthropic principle suggests that the fact that we exist imposes constraints, not just on our environment, but on the possible form and content of the laws of nature themselves.

The idea arose because it is not only the peculiar characteristics of our solar system that seem oddly conducive to the development of human life, but also the characteristics of our entire universe—and its laws. They appear to have a design that is both tailor-made to support us and, if we are to exist, leaves little room for alteration. That is much more difficult to explain.

The tale of how the primordial universe of hydrogen, helium and a bit of lithium evolved to a universe harboring at least one world with intelligent life like us is a tale of many chapters. The forces of nature had to be such that heavier elements—especially carbon—could be produced from the primordial elements, and remain stable for at least billions of years. Those heavy elements were formed in the furnaces we call stars, so the forces first had to allow stars and galaxies to form. Those in turn grew from the seeds of tiny inhomogeneities in the early universe.

Even all that is not enough: The dynamics of the stars had to be such that some would eventually explode, precisely in a way that could disperse the heavier elements through space. In addition, the laws of nature had to dictate that those remnants could recondense into a new generation of stars, these surrounded by planets incorporating the newly formed heavy elements.

By examining the model universes we generate when the theories of physics are altered in certain ways, one can study the effect of changes to physical law in a methodical manner. Such calculations show that a change of as little as 0.5% in the strength of the strong nuclear force, or 4% in the electric force, would destroy either nearly all carbon or all oxygen in every star, and hence the possibility of life as we know it. Also, most of the fundamental constants appearing in our theories appear fine-tuned in the sense that if they were altered by only modest amounts, the universe would be qualitatively different, and in many cases unsuitable for the development of life. For example, if protons were 0.2% heavier, they would decay into neutrons, destabilizing atoms.

If one assumes that a few hundred million years in stable orbit is necessary for planetary life to evolve, the number of space dimensions is also fixed by our existence. That is because, according to the laws of gravity, it is only in three dimensions that stable elliptical orbits are possible. In any but three dimensions even a small disturbance, such as that produced by the pull of the other planets, would send a planet off its circular orbit, and cause it to spiral either into or away from the sun.

The emergence of the complex structures capable of supporting intelligent observers seems to be very fragile. The laws of nature form a system that is extremely fine-tuned. What can we make of these coincidences? Luck in the precise form and nature of fundamental physical law is a different kind of luck from the luck we find in environmental factors. It raises the natural question of why it is that way.

Many people would like us to use these coincidences as evidence of the work of God. The idea that the universe was designed to accommodate mankind appears in theologies and mythologies dating from thousands of years ago. In Western culture the Old Testament contains the idea of providential design, but the traditional Christian viewpoint was also greatly influenced by Aristotle, who believed "in an intelligent natural world that functions according to some deliberate design."

That is not the answer of modern science. As recent advances in cosmology suggest, the laws of gravity and quantum theory allow universes to appear spontaneously from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist. It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the universe going.

Our universe seems to be one of many, each with different laws. That multiverse idea is not a notion invented to account for the miracle of fine tuning. It is a consequence predicted by many theories in modern cosmology. If it is true it reduces the strong anthropic principle to the weak one, putting the fine tunings of physical law on the same footing as the environmental factors, for it means that our cosmic habitat—now the entire observable universe—is just one of many.

Each universe has many possible histories and many possible states. Only a very few would allow creatures like us to exist. Although we are puny and insignificant on the scale of the cosmos, this makes us in a sense the lords of creation.

By the way, the notion of big bang has changed! (Google for it)
The Big Bang is not thought to be the BEGINNING of the universe, but only one stage in an endlessly repeated cycle of universal expansion and contraction...  :)

~ God is real. Unless declared as an integer.

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Re: GOD??
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2012, 06:30:02 PM »
Nope... In my opinion GOD was made by US, humans, a long time ago when we could not explain some phenomenons. For example, long ago people believed that thunder and lightning were controlled by a god of thunder called Zeus or Jupiter. When he was angry there was a thunderstorm. We now now for sure that this is not the case, right? Like wise, with science now being able to explain many phenomenons thought to be "miracles", GOD has no reason to exist...

Just imagine what would be the consequences of every human being believing in god? We would stop puzzling about the true nature of things and trying to find rational explanation but just be satisfied with the answer: god made it that way... ;)  

Quotes from Stephen Hawking:

By the way, the notion of big bang has changed! (Google for it)
The Big Bang is not thought to be the BEGINNING of the universe, but only one stage in an endlessly repeated cycle of universal expansion and contraction...  :)


we had mightier beings in the past, possibly "divine".

Do you got a cool story you would like to share bro?

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Re: GOD??
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2012, 01:18:20 AM »
A touchy subject, nevertheless.. my 2 cents..

As long paintings can not paint themselves you can not dismiss the possibility as a whole.
Its clearly pseudoscience claiming there is no such thing as higher spiritual realm.
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Offline iTpHo3NiX

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Re: GOD??
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2012, 02:32:57 AM »
[09:27] (+lenoch) iTpHo3NiX can even manipulate me to suck dick
[09:27] (+lenoch) oh no that's voluntary
[09:27] (+lenoch) sorry

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Re: GOD??
« Reply #14 on: November 03, 2012, 04:32:30 AM »
Uhm well first... Spaghetti monster, thats one thing.

Second of all.
If there is a creator than there is a massive paradox.
Who created the creator?
Another god......

We  are back to square one, its even more unlikely then the bigbang theory.
Ill just stick to the most acceptable explaination.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2012, 04:33:07 AM by proxx »
Wtf where you thinking with that signature? - Phage.
This was another little experiment *evillaughter - Proxx.
Evilception... - Phage


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