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Author Topic: Tor project  (Read 28325 times)

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Re: Tor project
« Reply #45 on: April 26, 2013, 10:51:12 PM »
@AnarchyAngel, just wanted to clarify and build on what ande said: I did mean creating ssh tunnels/socks proxies on servers you don't own. That's really the only way that method of anonymity becomes effective.

Ive never really had to hide before but i had this idea, and sure some of it can be added/subtracted speed wise.

why not purchase/rent servers in different countries through cleaned money(not going to get into a tutorial on this, im sure most of you know how to do this anyway). no trace back to you, then you can ssh tunnel/proxy from them. hell you could even set them up to try to recoup some of the cash spent(re rent them out as game servers or something) and make it look like they were "broken" into. not to mention you then fully control all those logs, and KNOW for instance that it isnt storing incriminating evidence. from their or before their you could add in vpn/proxie services, Tor, and hell carrier pidgins  Use a laptop, mask your MAC, use public/open wifi networks and finding you or proving you did something wrong should be all but impossible. That is ofc till some agency figures out a way to track you through all of that....

Anyway to me the real issue with this kind of security tends to fall flat is that unless you are REALLY REALLY breaking the law (hacking gov sites, child porn etc) you tend to be lost in all the noise, yes their is a log out their of you searching how to make home made explosives, but to my knowledge ive only ever heard of ONE instance where all this "search" history has stopped someone BEFORE a crime is committed  Besides the vast majority of this information is sold off to companys so they can make better target ad's and targeted products. To me startpage is enough in most cases to provide the extra security needed. because if what your doing is that bad, they will eventually find a way to catch you. We have all read about private proxy companys being pressured into releasing account holder information, hell a few times its even happened to the swiss banks and they would rather be nuked than reveal information. In the end their is almost always a lot of you doing something you shouldnt, and with enough resources dedicated to finding it, you will be caught.

Also and ive thought this for a long time, but i figure ill share this because i feel its relevant to some degree:
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Re: Tor project
« Reply #46 on: May 07, 2013, 10:26:16 PM »
In my opinion, one of the bigger problems is regarding ISPs. Even using something like TOR can in some places trigger red flags through ISPs automated systems.   
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Re: Tor project
« Reply #47 on: June 17, 2013, 05:55:56 AM »
Who cares if they're logged? Using SSL and chaining proxies(different countries) takes care of it.
Do I care if they log "AAKAHAGAJAJ1234417AHJSJ" ? As long as they don't log any 401 it's fine by me.
Even if they know that the IP (Proxy) sent a 401 to this website and that I was connected to it, doesn't mean anything, 1 proxy server can be used by so many people.

Also if you want to be anonymous why using a web proxy? Pick the train to a city 100miles away from your home town and access a free public WiFi , use some new clothes and have some stickers in your laptop, change the MAC before, afterwards burn your clothes and remove the stickers , change MAC back to original and it can't be proven.
Are you really that paranoid?

This kind of stuff has been debated over and over again, depends on the usage you want to give it.

Also about the record by governmental parties, you can't do anything except encrypting the data before sending it through their server, something like PGP, use the public key and send the data, they can't decrypt it.

Cryptoheaven solved that problem, email only. This is WHY I don't want NSA to keep track of my  internet activity. I am no longer using email service in the US because of NSA breach of privacy. Cryptoheaven is located in Canada and all of the email content is encrypted with AES 256 before sending it out. Like learning said, NSA can't decrypt it (man in the middle attack).

- You can use AES CRYPT to encrypt your files (, and then you can put it via clouds (google drive, skydive, and etc). Even if NSA sees the encrypted files, it won't be able to crack it as long you have the password randomly generated with 12+ characters. Will it be cracked? Not for another 10,000 or 100,000 years. You would be dead by then -- waste of tax payer's money.

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Re: Tor project
« Reply #48 on: March 29, 2015, 03:32:53 PM »
Lol, I love how when ande makes a thread providing info on tor, everybody kisses his ass. But when a nobody does it, he gets shitted on
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Re: Tor project
« Reply #49 on: March 29, 2015, 03:53:57 PM »
Be that true or not, I don't love how you necro'd a two year old thread just to say that.

Two years ago tor wasnt in the same sad state of affairs it is now.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2015, 03:55:54 PM by HTH »
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