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Author Topic: Someone Enlighten Me in the World of Shells  (Read 2744 times)

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Someone Enlighten Me in the World of Shells
« on: May 23, 2012, 08:48:31 AM »
I am seeking knowledge on different shell types. I would like to know everything (or at least a sufficient amount of information) regarding the following shell types.. Pretty much what they do, pro-cons, that kind of stuff..
  • UDP Shells
  • SSYN Shells
  • TCP Shells
  • DRDos Shells
  • Slowloris Shells
  • Sockloris Shells

 Now, I didn't really come here to be told to go use Google or the search function.bcz i did so and get nothing........
 Well, there's only one way to learn. So if someone wouldn't mind clearly explaining to me what the different types of shells are, how they work, etc., I would greatly appreciate it.
 Thank you in advance.

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Re: Someone Enlighten Me in the World of Shells
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2012, 05:20:11 AM »
Well, there's only one way to learn.
Not true.

If you aren't looking for people to tell you to use Google I'm sorry to say that you may have come to the wrong place. You can search the forum for info, you can also try other computer related sites. I really like Packet Storm and Nullbyte for knowledge, as well as this place. And yes, Google. Sadly for you this is a forum where people discuss. Not pump out a giant list/tutorial at someones request. I also know that people probably won't give you information about Slowloris here, or really any of these considering what they are primarily used for.

We share freely here but asking someone to give you all the info as a free handout is different. Good luck on your search
« Last Edit: May 24, 2012, 05:21:54 AM by LuciD »
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Re: Someone Enlighten Me in the World of Shells
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2012, 11:28:52 AM »
The thing is that i tried a lot to search this informations on google....but did't get anything ....and every time i ask someone they just told me to google it. :( :( ....the only thing i was able to find was..

UDP & Slowloris
 Both are different variations of DoS, with the same purpose in mind.
 UDP is the best way to attack home connections. The way it works is that a UDP packet is sent to the target server/connection, and the server tries to determine what application is going to use the port that the UDP packet was sent to. When the server realises that no application is going to use that port, it releases an ICMP packet to the address that the UDP packet was sent from, however, the UDP Packet will have a spoofed source address. When enough UDP packets are doing this, it renders the connection unusable...
      But i wanted to know more..So i though that there might be someone here who can actually help me with i posted it here......btw thanks for your reply....and i will check the sites u mentioned on your post.......Thanks


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Re: Someone Enlighten Me in the World of Shells
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2012, 12:22:00 PM »
The thing is that i tried a lot to search this informations on google....but did't get anything ....and every time i ask someone they just told me to google it. :( :( ....the only thing i was able to find was..

UDP & Slowloris
 Both are different variations of DoS, with the same purpose in mind.
 UDP is the best way to attack home connections. The way it works is that a UDP packet is sent to the target server/connection, and the server tries to determine what application is going to use the port that the UDP packet was sent to. When the server realises that no application is going to use that port, it releases an ICMP packet to the address that the UDP packet was sent from, however, the UDP Packet will have a spoofed source address. When enough UDP packets are doing this, it renders the connection unusable...
      But i wanted to know more..So i though that there might be someone here who can actually help me with i posted it here......btw thanks for your reply....and i will check the sites u mentioned on your post.......Thanks

You gotta lay off the space and punctuation button mate. You only need one punctuation after a sentence and no need to have space in front of your sentences on new lines and there is also no need for 10 new lines at the end of your post.

With that said; The topic you are trying to discuss/talk about here is a somewhat tabu topic for most of us. Not because we don't know how it works but because its considered lame, stupid, skiddy, ignorant and so forth. Nonetheless, I will try to shed some light on this.

First. Are you talking about web shells, remote shells, SSH shell? A shell is a pice of software that gives you an interface for the OS. Meaning your average windows command line (CMD) is a shell. The terminal application in most linux distrobutions is a shell. The all so famous c99 web shell is also a shell because it gives you a interface to control the machine over the internet via HTTP. We even have a Evilzone shell (web).

Now, over to your first post. These bulletpoints of yours (UDP shell, SSYN shell.....) makes no sense at all(they make sense, but not in a logical way). Some of them are just made up words as well. If you want a shell that can perform denial of service (from the looks of it, thats what you seek) you simply find some sort of shell that can execute perl/python/php/executables and make or find various DoS tools around. Not that I support this in any way, denial of service is lame.

Good luck, have fun.
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Re: Someone Enlighten Me in the World of Shells
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2012, 12:49:05 PM »
You gotta lay off the space and punctuation button mate. You only need one punctuation after a sentence and no need to have space in front of your sentences on new lines and there is also no need for 10 new lines at the end of your post.
Ok,I will keep that in mind.

With that said; The topic you are trying to discuss/talk about here is a somewhat tabu topic for most of us. Not because we don't know how it works but because its considered lame, stupid, skiddy, ignorant and so forth. Nonetheless, I will try to shed some light on this.
I did't know that.I was just trying to gather some knowledge. Thanks for your help.


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Re: Someone Enlighten Me in the World of Shells
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2012, 03:48:57 PM »
Not that I support this in any way, denial of service is lame.
True, but these days they are like an extra $500 bonus if found on a pentest report.

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Re: Someone Enlighten Me in the World of Shells
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2012, 03:05:40 PM »
It would be much easier to just break it down into chunks.
An example..
"What is a UDP flooder?"
Answer - Well we know the UDP protocol drops packets and is unreliable over TCP and is connectionless.

"What is a flooder?"
Answer - In computing the aim to "flood" is to send mass messages.

In conclusion.
UDP Flooder. = a mass flood of UDP packets.

Now onto your Question.
"What is a UDP shell?"

A shell can consist of one, two, three or several more types.
Two common ones in computer security, 1st one being SSH shells, which you would use to tunnel through in order to increase anonymity.

The second is a c99 shell, or c100 shell etc.
Which is used in web security to gain extra privelages.
Now I may be completely wrong as I've never dealt with web shells, I'm sorry if I made a mistake.

But in conclusion.
Web shell - (c99) + UDP = A shell being hosted on a hacked web server which uses UDP connectionless packets for something like Denial of Service (or whatever)

I may be completely wrong again.
But Google will really help if you break it down :)
Also, try to find some source codes of different "Shells" to learn the full whole as one :)

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