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Author Topic: Ran into a script kiddie IRL today  (Read 3722 times)

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Ran into a script kiddie IRL today
« on: March 18, 2012, 06:06:28 PM »
Well I was sitting outside a local coffee shop...drinking coffee, smoking a cigarette, and chilling on irc, when this kid rides up on his bicycle, whips out an HP netbook, looks at me and says, "Hahaha....I should crash their net."

Now, before I bursted out into utter laughter, I considered for a second, "You know...maybe he knows a little bit."

Me: "What OS are you running?"
Kid: "What's that?"
Inside my brain I'm doing this: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Me: "What version of windows are you running?"
Kid: "Vista" (smiles at me)
My brain: LOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
Me: "What do you plan on crashing the wifi with?"
Kid: "I got a couple of tools that I made myself, check it out"
(pulls up InSSIDer and the windows version of aircrack)
Me: "Do you even know what those do?"
Kid: "Yeah...I'm a hacker."
Me: ", you're not. That program (pointing to InSSIDer) only probes for networks, you can't actually do anything with it, and aircrack is for breaking the encryption on wireless networks. You can't crash their network with either of those. Nonetheless, you don't even need InSSIDer because there's already a tool within the aircrack suite that does the same thing. Oh yeah, one more thing, you're an absolute fucking retard because the wifi here is open."
Kid: "Duhhhh....."
Me: "Just go the fuck away." (this is where I started laughing hysterically)
So after that, I thought back to the days of running train on people with mdk3...oh teh lulz.

So here's a couple of pro-tips I want noobs to take away from this:
1. Don't ever claim to be the author of something you obviously did not code
2. Don't use Vista for anything. Period.
3. If you ever get the urge to brag about how awesome of a hacker you are, watch this video:
Code: [Select] Smoking's bad, mmkay?

Has a similar situation happened to anyone? If so, please tell about it, because I almost fell out of my chair from laughing so hard afterward.

« Last Edit: March 18, 2012, 06:10:07 PM by m0rph »

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Re: Ran into a script kiddie IRL today
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2012, 06:23:36 PM »
Lol, had similar situations but that extreme. Among others, I had a guy in class last year(hope he doesn't read this :P) that was so sure apple machines was the most secure shit on the planet but he obviously had no facts to back this up with, so he always just reverted the question(s) when confronted. Then one day I overhear the apple fan boy and another guy in my class talking about apple crap, and he goes like: "Yeah, apple is so secure, got no viruses n shit. Its their file system you know. So secure n shit".

After I heard that, I realized I wasn't the only one overhearing it. I had a few friends around me, and we all turned to each other and was like ololololol without the guy(s) noticing :D
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Re: Ran into a script kiddie IRL today
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2012, 06:34:43 PM »
I was talking to my ex girlfriends boyfriend and telling him about how much of a slut she is and he was all like, get any text messages? And I was like no, why? Then he starts going on about a sms bomber so I call him a fucking script kiddie and he starts talking about hacking into Microsoft and stealing something about world of warcraft. I lol'ed and then hung up the phone.

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Re: Ran into a script kiddie IRL today
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2012, 06:53:42 PM »
Uff sadly I don't encounter such people. Maybe it's for the best? well I had a similar guy in class when I was back in highschool, but it wasn't because he was bragging, he just didn't know as much :P but happened a few times he said pretty darn stupid stuff :D

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Re: Ran into a script kiddie IRL today
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2012, 01:52:35 PM »
i had almost the same situation happen to me, except instead of saying he could crash someones net, he said he could hack my ipod and see through the camera..he didnt even have any tools to show me :/. and then there was another kid at school that claimed to hack the wifi password, when really he overheard a teacher tell it to another teacher..

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Re: Ran into a script kiddie IRL today
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2012, 03:31:13 AM »
The sys admin when I was going to college did shit like this. Said he needed to configure the NIC to work with the schools AP's. So I ran my keylogger while he "configed" my NIC, just put in the WPA pass. The pass was was gay and so like someone who doesn't know what their doing, tE@cH3rS was the pass. To beat that, guess what the Cisco's routers "enable" was? "cisco", yes that was the pass.....

Also, a kid in my class was trying to brag to some girls about how uber leet he was, dumb shit using Vista, quick trip with metasploit and a reverse shell, I turned his face red... oh the good ol days.

But really, I started as a skiddie I guess, but learned real quick I was a loser. 5 years later I truly understand and absolutely love the true hacking community, and strive to learn as much as I can. I have kinda fallen into robotic and embedded system hacking, but the warez still overflow my heart.
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Re: Ran into a script kiddie IRL today
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2012, 03:33:28 AM »
Damn, I'm on Vista. This is embarrassing. I guess I will be making the switch. I know what my husband thinks I should switch to. But what about everyone else? What would all of you recommend as a more respected OS?
« Last Edit: May 04, 2012, 03:33:51 AM by fable »
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Re: Ran into a script kiddie IRL today
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2012, 06:01:44 AM »
Respected? RESPECTED ?!!
Only one, YO HO HO.. !!! (this means Linux)

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Re: Ran into a script kiddie IRL today
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2012, 03:19:15 PM »
Once a guy in school used a program or script that shuts down the computer. The following day two teachers were complaining about the network of the computers were he had done that. They were saying the computers weren't able to connect to the server or what ever. After this the guys still believes he crashed the network.

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Re: Ran into a script kiddie IRL today
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2012, 06:17:43 AM »
Fable, Ubuntu or Win 7. Both have a lot of tools available, are easy to customize and easy to use. Ubuntu is a good intro to linux before you pick up something more hard core like back track. also, linux is free.
And this wasn't with computers, but in the office the other day this one kid was talking about how he knows all these fight moves (note: I teach TKD and Brazilian JJ). So he started trying to teach me how to throw a proper punch and put some one in a head lock. He couldnt figure out why the entire office was laughing at him. (he was new and every one else knew what i do)

« Last Edit: May 05, 2012, 06:21:04 AM by Wolf »

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Re: Ran into a script kiddie IRL today
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2012, 09:07:52 AM »
Fable, Ubuntu or Win 7. Both have a lot of tools available, are easy to customize and easy to use. Ubuntu is a good intro to linux before you pick up something more hard core like back track. also, linux is free.
And this wasn't with computers, but in the office the other day this one kid was talking about how he knows all these fight moves (note: I teach TKD and Brazilian JJ). So he started trying to teach me how to throw a proper punch and put some one in a head lock. He couldnt figure out why the entire office was laughing at him. (he was new and every one else knew what i do)

+1 on the ju jitsu. I wrestled (I know, not quite the same) for a year in high-school.
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Re: Ran into a script kiddie IRL today
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2012, 05:10:30 PM »
I tell you doesn't really get any better at work. 

The worst was this "computer expert" that our boss had called (note...not a repair guy, not an actual IT guy....just a self declared expert).    So this guys messing around, and I'm kind of standing there watching him.  I go get something to drink and when I come back, this guy is formatting the drive.  I was stunned, but thinking surely this guy saved our data.   Then he spends 30-40 minutes trying to get the computer to boot (ain't happening).  Our boss comes down and asked him how it's going.  He's telling him somethings really wrong and he cannot figure it out.  He looks at me and said something like Man, our computer is really messed up huh?  I was like, yeah, that happens when you FORMAT THE GODDAMN DRIVE.  Our boss was like...what?  I point at him and say "he formatted the drive".  He looks around for a second and says...where are the back ups?   "Oh, he didn't make any."  He starts screaming at this "expert" and pushes him away form the computer.  I was laughing my ass off.  (I got my ass chewed for that, but.....   ;) ).  That "expert" was banned from our facility after that.

Moral:  Those who   Those who cannot....say they can until they fuck it up.

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Re: Ran into a script kiddie IRL today
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2012, 06:46:33 PM »
Well my story revolved more around the p2p scene with warez and shit, and anyone here who knows me knows I'm pretty deep in the p2p scene. Anyways this guy, we'll call "Ed" which was someone I went to computer repair with in high school and started hanging out. One of the first things he claimed was that he was "aXXo" however he didn't know the difference between DVDScr and a DVDRip. However it didn't stop there he went on to claim that he was an Admin on btjunkie and I just laughed when he went there (yes mr 1337 aXXo) to see the site was taken offline in fear of SOPA/ACTA. Then he's also a super 1337 programmer that doesn't like programming shit "because it takes so long" He also thinks fixing a computer entails reloading the computer with Windows 8 Developers Preview. Also didn't even know how to grab drivers. He offered to fix someones computer, I felt bad for the guy, anyways after he loaded up Win 7 on the machine there was no audio, it didn't have the drivers so he actually told the guy he would have to buy an audio card to put in his computer. I laughed, hopped online, and downloaded and installed the drivers for him, he calls the guy back and tells him he fixed the problem with the audio.

But yes a dumb ass taking credit for shit he didn't do, oh yes he also tried saying that one of the Win7 loaders he created, not the Daz or the Hazar ones, but the "Windows 7 Loader eXtreme Edition" again nothing but a chuckle.

Some people have little knowledge and skill and whenever there is someone around that knows similar if not the same and more some people feel they have to be "The Top Tech" we always get a fun laugh at n00bs. I think thats why I kept hanging out with him because it was fun that he kept making himself look like an idiot.

The people that laugh at the others that try so hard to make them look like the bad ass after talking to a bunch of people that don't know shit about computers and then trying to say the same shit to someone who knows better is just laughs.

Also on that note, I never bragged about what p2p groups I've been in, none the less the things I do for the group, why? Because of security. I'm not going to tell someone IRL: "Hey oh your admin of btjunkie? Cool I'm a member of IMAGiNE and I cap audio" I mean that is just retarded.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2012, 06:53:05 PM by iTpHo3NiX »
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[09:27] (+lenoch) oh no that's voluntary
[09:27] (+lenoch) sorry

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Re: Ran into a script kiddie IRL today
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2012, 06:51:15 PM »
Another story for this topic is actually the quantity of people that started using Guy Fawkes masks as a profile pic after the SOPA protest in January. Many of them were thinking they were what is called hacktivits, or what ever, simply because they would use that mask in profile pics...

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Re: Ran into a script kiddie IRL today
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2012, 07:26:01 PM »
Another story for this topic is actually the quantity of people that started using Guy Fawkes masks as a profile pic after the SOPA protest in January. Many of them were thinking they were what is called hacktivits, or what ever, simply because they would use that mask in profile pics...

I can't stand this. Because setting a mask as your profile pic makes you elite anon. And setting it to a picture of neo gives you the ability to stop bullets with your mind.
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