this is inspired by kulverstukas (,336.msg1044.html#new)
this App runs away from you,
to close it, you will have to click the button on the form
or else
Download: shouldn't work anymore
Public Class Annoying
Public Closeable As Boolean = False
Public Rigth, aLeft, Up, Down As Boolean
Private Sub Annoying_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.ShowInTaskbar = False
Rigth = False
aLeft = False
Up = False
Down = False
End Sub
Private Sub Annoying_Closing() Handles Me.FormClosing
If Closeable = False Then Process.Start(Application.ExecutablePath)
MsgBox("No Cheaters~ :P" & vbNewLine & "Close me by clicking the Button!")
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Closeable = True
End Sub
Private Sub ProcessTimer_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ProcessTimer.Tick
Dim X As Integer = Me.Location.X
Dim Y As Integer = Me.Location.Y
If Rigth = True Then X -= 10
If aLeft = True Then X += 10
If Up = True Then Y += 10
If Down = True Then Y -= 10
Dim Pos As System.Drawing.Point
Pos.X = X
Pos.Y = Y
Me.Location = Pos
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub Me_Focuslost() Handles Me.LostFocus
ProcessTimer.Interval = 500
End Sub
Private Sub Me_getFocus() Handles Me.GotFocus
ProcessTimer.Interval = 1
End Sub
Private Sub aLeft_up_Enter() Handles Left_up.MouseEnter
aLeft = True
Up = True
End Sub
Private Sub aLeft_up_Leave() Handles Left_up.MouseLeave
aLeft = False
Up = False
End Sub
Private Sub aLeft__Enter() Handles Left_.MouseEnter
aLeft = True
End Sub
Private Sub aLeft__Leave() Handles Left_.MouseLeave
aLeft = False
End Sub
Private Sub Up__Enter() Handles Up_.MouseEnter
Up = True
End Sub
Private Sub Up__Leave() Handles Up_.MouseLeave
Up = False
End Sub
Private Sub aLeft_down_Enter() Handles left_down.MouseEnter
aLeft = True
Down = True
End Sub
Private Sub aLeft_down_Leave() Handles left_down.MouseLeave
aLeft = False
Down = False
End Sub
Private Sub down__Enter() Handles down_.MouseEnter
Down = True
End Sub
Private Sub down__Leave() Handles down_.MouseLeave
Down = False
End Sub
Private Sub Right_down_Enter() Handles Right_down.MouseEnter
Rigth = True
Down = True
End Sub
Private Sub Right_down_Leave() Handles Right_down.MouseLeave
Rigth = False
Down = False
End Sub
Private Sub Rigth__Enter() Handles Rigth_.MouseEnter
Rigth = True
End Sub
Private Sub Rigth__Leave() Handles Rigth_.MouseLeave
Rigth = False
End Sub
Private Sub Rigth_Up_Enter() Handles Right_up.MouseEnter
Rigth = True
End Sub
Private Sub Rigth_Up_Leave() Handles Right_up.MouseLeave
Rigth = False
End Sub
End Class