You cannot register anything.anything, obviously. At least not yet. ICANN would never accept that.
Sorry my bad here.. not anything.anything but anything.allowedDomain like .com or .org or any domain, which are approved.
Well what you need to do is go here
The owner of this site is providing such a service. what you have to do is just register in their forum and order for your domain.
Then they will give you your domain password and username. unlimited space and no restriction.
Well you just go there and get more detail. i will write steps here also.
1) Join their forum.
2) Go to their client area portal and register on their portal and order your domain
3) Now you will get order no immediately.
4) Make new thread in their forum with your order no and your name and domain name.
5) You will get all info in your email and also in portal email.