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Author Topic: Hack Wifi Adapter for better range  (Read 2154 times)

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Offline snoopy

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Hack Wifi Adapter for better range
« on: January 29, 2016, 02:21:51 PM »
If I wanted to broaden the range of my wifi adapter, is it possible to hack it to increase the range or is that an urban myth?

For example using a Pringles tube

Or are there any other hacks to achieve the same result?


So i tried a Pringles can and either i did it completely wrong or its not very affective.

So I purchased a wifi gain booster, which i am going to have ago with and I'll post my findings for anyone else that wants to know whether its worth it
« Last Edit: January 31, 2016, 05:50:22 PM by snoopy »

Offline white-knight

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Re: Hack Wifi Adapter for better range
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2016, 05:38:47 PM »
You can increase the power on the card and use a YAGI or like the pringles can a canteena .

You can make both just google and u will find lots of pages on how .

or you can buy them

Offline iTpHo3NiX

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Re: Hack Wifi Adapter for better range
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2016, 05:49:09 PM »
Or you can just use aluminum foil
[09:27] (+lenoch) iTpHo3NiX can even manipulate me to suck dick
[09:27] (+lenoch) oh no that's voluntary
[09:27] (+lenoch) sorry

Offline snoopy

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Re: Hack Wifi Adapter for better range
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2016, 12:15:29 PM »
Okay, thanks for the links.

I will have a Google about for it, I just wanted to know whether there was anyone here that had tried this and had a positive results before I possibly invest in some proper hardware.

Google will only tell you so much but really people can give you real feedback.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2016, 01:11:17 PM by snoopy »

Offline hashMANmerky

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Re: Hack Wifi Adapter for better range
« Reply #4 on: February 29, 2016, 12:18:16 PM »
Google will tell you you think everyone finds out...magic word "Research''

Cantenna actually works if your far away from the AP you just have to sit and adjust the angle of it until you get perfect signal as it directs the signals in more of a straight line as opposed to not using one where you can catch signals floating. The signal will drop out less with a cantenna once you find the perfect setting point to a specific AP, they are very easy to make, I suggest mounting it on a 'selfy stick' so you can adjust angle and twist it left and right.

The YAGI antenna is incomparable to a CANTENNA IMO because they are a hundred times more effective but cannot really be made from trash laying around your house. I have seen one but it still consisted of more or less parts most people would have to go buy from a hardware store.

You can actually get much more effective results from irradiating any interference's around your home and get the device high up away from other signals that interfere. Don't use really long extension cords for the adapters if its a USB type as this reduces the power unless its already high dbi I personally wouldn't extend it.

With most USB adapters i've split open, you will notice a small circular connection to the board, this is a test port/ external antenna port, in SOME cases you can go to a computer store and buy an antenna to fit that and this will greatly improve your signal receptions. Sometimes it doesn't work so research your model first to see if anyone else has had success, the external antenna's are usually pretty cheap too, they have the fittings on most Samsung galaxy phones but these cannot be used anymore as due to a software floor once you start using that port with an external antenna your phone will no longer use the built in radio antenna and then you'll have to go about your day with an external antenna device duct taped to yourself or your phone just to get a signal.

Make sure you take the adapters board out of its plastic case when making a CANTENNA otherwise you will see no benefit. Trial and error which way to fit it into your cantenna for best results as facing the radio directly out of the cantenna face isn't always the best. Was a while back since I did the cantenna trick but it definitely works.

Good luck Regards HashMan
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