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Author Topic: dsniff couldn't catch http connection.  (Read 987 times)

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dsniff couldn't catch http connection.
« on: January 09, 2016, 03:14:11 PM »
Hi everyone.

I am testing about arpspoof and try to get username and password from a http connection.
After use arpspoof tool and can sniff data between a machine and router. I used dsniff tool and could catch username/password for FTP protocol like some tutorials on Internet, but when I tried to catch username/password from some web sites when login (use http), dsniff show nothing.

So I try to connect to a test code on my host like this:

Code: [Select]
if (isset($_POST['USER']) && isset($_POST['PASS']))
echo $_POST['USER'].'\\'.$_POST['PASS'];

<form method='post'>
<legend> log in </legend>
User: <input type='text' name='USER'/><br />
Pass: <input type='text' name='PASS'/> <br />
<input type='submit'>

Dsniff show nothing as well. So, dsniff just only catch FTP connection? If it can catch username/password from HTTP connection, can you show me how to do that ?.



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