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Author Topic: Hey everyone! Newbie asking some questions  (Read 1985 times)

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Offline Eclipse20

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Hey everyone! Newbie asking some questions
« on: January 07, 2016, 04:23:10 PM »
Hey there,

So, let's cut the crap and start where the core is.
I am on the forum for quite a few days now, but I can't seem to progress in what I want to learn.
I am someone who has never hacked before, but tried and tried and tried, but never with success.
So.. I've been searching the forums, but I never seem to find what I want to find.

Am I searching the wrong way?
Am I asking too much from myself as a newbie?

All I want to learn (FOR NOW!), are just some basics, a little push in my back to keep going and progressing.
Basics like obtaining people their IP-adress from for example a Minecraft server, Facebook, or anything like that.
To be able to trace people from that. Just these tiny little basic abilities to keep myself motivated, instead of bailing out too early, like I did with almost everything in my life until now. This time, I REALLY want to learn. I really feel like I can be someone in this community. But, let's start from scratch!

So, anyone has some tips for me?
I installed a vm + ubuntu 15.10 now, so I'm good to go! :)

Thankyou for reading this

Offline white-knight

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Re: Hey everyone! Newbie asking some questions
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2016, 05:24:39 PM »
You say that you want to learn the basics but you want to skip right into hacking ..

You want to get an IP from mine craft server well learn NETWORKING .

To learn the basics start with the basics Networking, Programming and so on.

Just my opinion  :o

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Re: Hey everyone! Newbie asking some questions
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2016, 09:14:32 PM »
People often come to this forum to the illusion that you can quickly become a hacking professional just by reading a few posts and asking some questions. However I've learned that hacking in more of a mindset and a life style. Simply wanting to "hack" just to show off or teach someone a lesson or look cool in front of your friends is not how you should approach learning hacking. These factors can be part of the reason but you really have to ask yourself, why am I trying to learn this? And if you don't have a deep seeded reason, you won't get very far.

Not to put you off, just think about it
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-Steve Wozniak-

Offline d!amond

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Re: Hey everyone! Newbie asking some questions
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2016, 09:31:06 PM »
Your post sounds like a bad troll attempt and shows zero self-motivation.

I mean you can talk big and say that you've tried over and over again, to feel better about yourself, yet I believe you've never even googled about what a IP really is.. And that doesn't leave a good impression on the community.

If you really want to know some of the basics, grab a copy of TCP/IP Illustrated(maybe a little bit outdated, but still top-notch knowledge) and lose yourself in this book. Or start with the OSI model. Or write a gui in visual basic to track IPs in facebook.

This sounded maybe a little bit harsh, but questions like yours are polluting the community and forum and this is not okay.

I installed a vm + ubuntu 15.10 now, so I'm good to go!

That was funny.

Offline Katheudo

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Re: Hey everyone! Newbie asking some questions
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2016, 11:34:01 PM »
Google is your friend.
Its nice to be important but always important to be nice!

Offline Padrino

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Re: Hey everyone! Newbie asking some questions
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2016, 12:41:48 AM »
I'm new on here too, but speaking as someone with background knowledge in Computer Science you cant just learn the basics of hacking. It doesn't work like that. You need to have a good foundation knowledge in programming and networking. Read books, Google shit, start from the very bottom and work your way up man. Don't learn how to break systems, but UNDERSTAND THEM. It sounds like total tech-hippie bullshit but it's true.

Try learning some of the basics of the more common and useful stuff your likely to encounter on the net - HTML, ASP, PHP, SQL, Java Script  etc.

Learn some of the basics of a common Object-Oriented programming language Java, C++ ... etc. this will give you a firm understanding of the basic concepts used in coding and will help you pickup other languages used for scripting when you need them.

Also, learn the basics of networking. You can't expect to go around snooping IP's if you don't understand how the protocol stacks work, or have familiarity with things like the  OSI TCP/IP model (I mean you could but you shouldn't).

There are some great tools online, I haven't used it myself but code academy might be a good shout. Also CISCO may well have some good materials published.

Hope this helps,

Happy Hunting.
Happy Hunting

Offline Eclipse20

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Re: Hey everyone! Newbie asking some questions
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2016, 07:08:15 PM »
Thankyou guys for your reactions.
Thanks to you I know what to do and where to start.

I will not be VERY active the first 1 or 2 weeks, because I've bought books to learn Java, Html-5 and Networking.
So I got my hands full of that now, and whenever I progress, I will be more active on the forum!

Once again thanks for the advice, I will be back with more knowledge!


Offline cookiegotback

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Re: Hey everyone! Newbie asking some questions
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2016, 01:45:35 AM »
People, easy on him.

First little boy, You can´t be an Hacker without having some "computer" concepts on your head first as you can´t build engines without knowing math, as you can´t being president without knowing how to lie ( :P ).

I know that is hard to start. You don´t know where you should start , what you should learn, the path you should follow...

I´m going to try to help you

First of all read this :

Then read a book, you can find those on evilwiki, even though u won´t have access (cause you dont have many posts) you will be able to know its names. The good about books, it that they tell you a lot more than you expect. You want to be a "website hacking" , you gotta know how networks work, so go find a book about it.

Evilzone wont explain you every single thing, but it will tell you many websites, tools, even tutorials for you to increase your skills.

After learning the basics you can start hacking, watch some tutorials, grab a tool (e.g: kali linux) and explore it...

Be patient

If you like what i wrote pls give me a cookie or a thank you
« Last Edit: January 10, 2016, 01:46:45 AM by cookiegotback »

Offline Eclipse20

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Re: Hey everyone! Newbie asking some questions
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2016, 12:49:28 AM »
Thankyou Cookiegotback,

You pushed me precisely in the right direction. I am already busy reading things about networking, tho I need to read the most of the things twice before understanding them. But hey, better something, than nothing at all right?
I'll be focussing on my exams on school first, then I'm launching myself into the books and pdf files some classmates sent me.

Thankyou for the advices, I feel accepted here :)
Keep it up guys,

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Re: Hey everyone! Newbie asking some questions
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2016, 01:34:59 AM »
Although I'm a noob. I can honestly say it took months of stress and problem solving before actually developing my first "hack" as you might say. The issue is about commitment, resources can only carry you so far because the end result is that it's YOU it comes down to. It's weather you have the motivation. Despite your resources for learning (there's a lot) none of it will matter if you don't accept the time and commitment it takes to learning this sort of thing, it's baby steps, not quite something a post or video can solely teach you. (at least from my minimal experience, like I said I'm a noob)
But all bull-crap philosophy aside I recommend getting a mentor. Whether he/she be on this forum or somewhere else. That's been the biggest help for me.

YouTube is fantastic as well. Just like you're doing right now, don't be shy mate and feel free to ask questions within the forum. (just make sure it's not something YouTube can easily answer for you) I've learned they don't like that too much here :p

You can always message me if there's anything specific I might be able to help with! 

cheers mate!

Offline NLited

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Re: Hey everyone! Newbie asking some questions
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2016, 09:29:17 PM »
I can't help you much there. You know it's like trying to show someone how to break an egg it seems easy for the guy showing it to you but it's still not easy for you. First of all you need to understand the concepts just be able to follow the tutorials or videos or ebooks you read in the right way. If I show someone in my class what I do they would not understand it even when repeat it for the hundreth time. Someone who never had to do something with computers is going to complain about things that are simple because he has never seen them before. And for your question about how to get someones ip address. There is a little command in cmd: netstat -ano. Just chat with the person on facebook and you are connected with the person(you basic information). And now you have to trace the ip addresses and look for the right one.-->the remote ip

Offline r4kk00n

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Re: Hey everyone! Newbie asking some questions
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2016, 01:37:00 AM »
Your post sounds like a bad troll attempt and shows zero self-motivation.

I mean you can talk big and say that you've tried over and over again, to feel better about yourself, yet I believe you've never even googled about what a IP really is.. And that doesn't leave a good impression on the community.

If you really want to know some of the basics, grab a copy of TCP/IP Illustrated(maybe a little bit outdated, but still top-notch knowledge) and lose yourself in this book. Or start with the OSI model. Or write a gui in visual basic to track IPs in facebook.

This sounded maybe a little bit harsh, but questions like yours are polluting the community and forum and this is not okay.

It did seem a bit harsh. Worse, it seemed counter-productive.
Supposedly, this is supposed to be a "community" to communicate and share knowledge with people who have similar interests.
The OP came asking advice, acknowledging that they have had issues with quitting things in the past due to lack of motivation and other factors, and were asking people who have maybe been there before, and come through it, for advice.
Immediately insulting someone and shutting them down isn't the best way to handle that.
Especially with this push by admins for a "more active community" where they are encouraging people to post more.
If this is the typical response that can be expected upon posting,  I wouldn't expect to see many new, lasting active members.
But perhaps people on here would prefer it to remain a small community of  "elites."
Maybe it is an ego boost?

Offline r4kk00n

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Re: Hey everyone! Newbie asking some questions
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2016, 01:44:49 AM »
I can totally empathize with the OP.
That is kind of where I am now. My specific problem is that there is such an over-abundance of information, I have trouble choosing and sticking with a starting point.

The other problem I have is that  much of the information available is written to an audience that already has some understanding of  given topic.  I know, for example, that a good place to start would be with networking basics, but as I don't have much of an existing knowledge base, it is difficult for me to find good sources for beginners that are not out of date.
If I don't have a good understanding of networks, how can I tell if the info in a source is outdated, as I have no basis of comparison.
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions and advice.
Unless it is just to tell me I am a n00b, which I already know, so that would really just be a waste of your time, and mine (unless talking down to people makes you feel superior, then by all means, ego boost away)

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Re: Hey everyone! Newbie asking some questions
« Reply #13 on: February 10, 2016, 01:46:03 AM »
Something i have learned over time is that even if something seems incredibly outdated, newer stuff usually builds on those outdated basics.

Offline Biohazard

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Re: Hey everyone! Newbie asking some questions
« Reply #14 on: February 14, 2016, 04:41:41 AM »
Why is this such a difficult recurring topic?  I've lost track of the number of posts on the boards here asking where do I start, how do I do this what is the best.........

Which is followed by the same general answer "It depends" or "what do you want to do?", or even some snarky insult.

It really isn't that hard of a concept to grasp that it doesn't matter where you start, it will eventually all tie into what you want to end up doing.  You can start by learning how networking works, or you can start by learning a programming language it doesn't matter since you need to at least learn both before you can effectively do anything.  Once you are confident enough that you know how to break it, fix it, and exploit move to the next topic and continue to practice.

There is not likely to be one golden source of information for any given topic.  A prime example is the numerous posts asking what the best programming language for hacking is.  There is none, and even within a specific language there is not a single all inclusive book.  One of the most recent examples I read was on recommendations for learning python where one of the most commonly recommended books was Black Hat Python.  I have that and am currently waiting on copies of the others suggested in the topic.  Why?  Because while it is a very well written book, from what I have been through so far, it deals mostly with practical application but minimal explanations.  Type this code, then selects a few lines of code and then gives a general explanation of what it does.  For someone with an intermediate to advanced knowledge of the language this is great, but without understanding what every command does then it is pointless to someone just beginning.  the one thing that I do like is that the author points out that the lines of code in the book are not perfect, they are quick and dirty examples of how to write for a particular objective.  To me, that presents a a better learning opportunity because not only can I see how someone that does this professionally writes, I can look at it and see try and figure out how to improve on it, or add my own style (for lack of a better way of putting it).

I guess what I am saying quit asking "what do I do?" decide what you want to do, figure out what you need to learn to be able to do it, and then just start learning it.  When you get stuck fire up a search engine find an answer, if after several hours of failed attempts, then maybe ask for help.


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