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Author Topic: Custom Debian Linux Distro Running from a USB  (Read 528 times)

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Offline b00ms1ang

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Custom Debian Linux Distro Running from a USB
« on: November 23, 2015, 04:20:37 PM »
Hey there kids. So I've been working on a small project for a bit trying to test how my OS runs from a USB, and was curious if anyone else had any experience running a full Debian OS from a flashdrive.

My USB is 30gb, I ain't gonna have many issues with it as far as I know. I generated an easy vanilla ISO with instalinux just for the lulz to practice with. My plan is to do a Linux From Scratch directly on to the USB (I attempted this at first but had problems from the start, and the forum wasn't exactly helpful. A lot of package issues occurred and I'm not sure of the source right off the bat).

So, anyone done something like this? What issues did you face? I'll be starting it up here in a bit once finals stop kicking my butt, and will post progress. I have plenty of live-booting and persistent OS's on flash drives, but have never tried a full package installation. And it's far better to get some real input than just hoping tutorials work.

And let me know of course, if theres a better way of doing this crap. I am known for running myself in circles. Thanks!


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