This community doesnt seem to be that active. I would like to make this site a better place and more popular.
One way to make it more popular would be if anyone has a xbox i will be starting a Game With the Community Event 3 times a week (Monday,Thursday,Saturday) nights at 7:30 to 9:45 Eastern Standard Time.
If anyone wants to join just post your GT and tell me what game you guys want to play.
I also will be trying to learn how to hack from you guys hopefully and i would like to get revenge on a site that unjustly IP banned me.
I also make Graphics. (Avatars, signatures) if anyone wants it i will make a topic for this and will begin making as requests come in.
i have a idea of making badges for this site (Admin,Moderator,Awesome,VIP, Pro Hacker)
I will make these if a Admin approves of them (admin please just post if you think its a good idea)