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Author Topic: JanOS: Turn your phone into an IoT board  (Read 182 times)

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JanOS: Turn your phone into an IoT board
« on: October 31, 2015, 02:24:50 PM »
Current development boards for Internet of Things solutions have one big problem: they are very expensive. Boards like the Raspberry Pi or Arduino have a limited feature set and simple extensions, like a GSM shield, can cost $80. That is a shockingly high price when a full smartphone can be available for just $30. Why not break out the mainboard from a mobile phone and use that to develop embedded projects? Cheaper and more powerful.

JanOS is an operating system designed to run on the chipset of mobile phones. It runs without a screen, and allows you to access all phone functionality, from calling to the camera, through JavaScript APIs. JanOS can run on any rooted device that can also run Firefox OS. This includes devices shipped with Firefox OS, as well as Android devices that received a port. If your device is not listed, but it can run Android 4 or higher, you can attempt a port yourself.


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