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Author Topic: The Faraday Cage - A Must In Today's Society.  (Read 3732 times)

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The Faraday Cage - A Must In Today's Society.
« on: September 27, 2015, 10:36:43 PM »
What Is A Faraday Cage?
A Faraday cage or Faraday shield is an enclosure formed by conductive material or by a mesh of such material, used to block electric fields. It operates because an external electrical field causes the electric charges within the cage's conducting material to be distributed such that they cancel the field's effect in the cage's interior. The reception or transmission of radio waves, a form of electromagnetic radiation, to or from an antenna within a Faraday cage is blocked by the cage.

Why Should You Convert Your Room Into A Faraday Cage?
There are MANY good reasons for why one should do just that and i will shortly describe the most important ones:

When/if a nuclear war eventually breaks out because Russia have had enough of the cold war where FVEY: are painting them as the criminals to get the public unified against a common enemy again after people wake up and realize the war on terror is only an excuse to control their own population even harder with scare tactics and false flag attacks. Then you will sit comfortably in your room without having to worry about the incoming EMP blast frying your electronics or messing with your brain.

If a solar flare blares up you can relax while the rest of the world fry with electronics popping in their faces like fireworks your biggest problem will be that you have to choke the chicken to your porn stash instead of streaming pornhub. To protect against that your cage requires grounding but i'll mention simple ways of doing that in the end.

The government spying on your mind, We have the nano listening devices that the government injects into everyone when they get vaccinated against long dead diseases they say existed. A Faraday cage will shield us from them monitoring thoughtcrimes when we are sleeping, (dreams is your subconscious mind working hard because the massive upstream of data flowing in the background).
If your parents were some of the smart ones that saw through the lies and didn't get you vaccinated against your will it will also shield against the type of bugs everyone knows about from movies and similar main stream media the government created as a smokescreen hiding their true way of interception.

Building The Base.
I will talk about 3 different ways you can shield yourself against this abuse, they are different price ranges but all should protect you; but the more expensive ones are of course better and will hold longer. They all share two things, 1. They will all block radio waves 2. They are all built in the same manner.

First off, plan the build and make a blueprint!
Do you have windows for lookout or something that you cant block off?
Do you need to be able to open your window for shooting from in case of an invasion?
How many doors do you need?
Measure twice cut once!

You will need a wooden frame along the walls on the floor and a similar one for the ceiling, prop it up with beams in the corners and supporting ones along the middle depending on the
size of your room, build door frames and window frames into the skeletal frame but make sure the hinges are on the inside of your cage and wont touch the cage itself if you go with metal hinges.
Its pretty self explanatory building the frame but if you are unsure on how to do this then look up some shed building on youtube. The only difference will be that you have to be sure your chosen type of shielding fits together so there are no nook an crannies for the signals to get out or in from. I used a regular wooden beam for my frame: 


Method 1. Aluminum Foil
This method guarantees a full shield and should be somewhat cheap, the biggest problem is that it's
not exactly durable, you block off your vantage points and if somebody sees it they will make a bunch of stupid tinfoil hat jokes not
understanding that a hat would essentially work as an antenna and just boost the signals.
Put around 4 layers of tinfoil on top of each other and attach it to your sturdy wood frame, more layers are better but no less than 4.
I would suggest you put a layer of plywood into your frame and attach it to that so it holds better(especially for the floor). I repeat, make sure its overlapping in all the corners and seals tight so no signals can get through.

Method 2. Construction Metal Mesh.
This should be the easiest one to achieve, probably the cheapest and it should block most if not all spying because for example: The average wave length of wifi is lambda=(speed of light)/(frequency) where for wifi frequency=2.4GHz=2.4109 1/s and the speed of light is c = 3108, therefore lambda = 0.1 m. So if you get a mesh where the holes are less than 1cm each a large range of signals will be blocked. Its also durable enough that you can put a carpet over the floor and not even notice the cage.

Method 3. Pet Screen Mesh.
This is by far the best material you can get, even better if you can find it in copper. It has the shielding of aluminum foil and the durability of construction metal mesh + its very simple to bend and make a flawless seam in the corners and movable parts. The only con is that it quickly gets expensive.

Grounding your cage isn't necessary to stop the spying eyes of the government or other ill willing
creatures but if you feel like you want that little extra its rather simple to accomplish, if you have central heating in your house that is connected to ground you could scrape the paint off a nearby radiator and connect a wire from the exposed area too your cage directly.
But the method i personally use is a modified power plug.
Remove the metal sticks and cut off the other end of the cord to a suitable length, connect the green wire with a yellow line securely to your cage and you have a perfectly grounded cage.

Adding a cage inside your cage is also a good idea if you wanna increase your security, adding a couple of layers of aluminum foil on the inside as well as on the outside on your plywood boards will help greatly or nailing up your metal mesh on the inside of your frame as well, you can never be too paranoid.

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Re: The Faraday Cage - A Must In Today's Society.
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2015, 10:43:57 PM »
This would be an interesting project, thanks for the idea.

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Re: The Faraday Cage - A Must In Today's Society.
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2015, 11:00:17 PM »
It would be nice for a quiet room where you can read a book and sip coffee while avoiding the distractions of the internet and cell phones... or just to protect your electronics in the event of an EMP.  Its a pretty cool project regardless though. Good work!

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Re: The Faraday Cage - A Must In Today's Society.
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2015, 11:17:38 PM »

The government spying on your mind, We have the nano listening devices that the government injects into everyone when they get vaccinated against long dead diseases they say existed. A Faraday cage will shield us from them monitoring thoughtcrimes when we are sleeping, (dreams is your subconscious mind working

Are you braindamaged?
Nano devices injected into everyone ? lol
« Last Edit: September 27, 2015, 11:18:27 PM by proxx »
Wtf where you thinking with that signature? - Phage.
This was another little experiment *evillaughter - Proxx.
Evilception... - Phage

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Re: The Faraday Cage - A Must In Today's Society.
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2015, 11:44:56 PM »
Next project, Faraday hats!
I know i have some tin foil somewhere.

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Re: The Faraday Cage - A Must In Today's Society.
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2015, 12:16:47 AM »
Are you braindamaged?
Nano devices injected into everyone ? lol

My thoughts about Satori saying this (hope it's clear what I mean now):
« Last Edit: September 28, 2015, 12:26:55 AM by ptales »
'Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.'

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Re: The Faraday Cage - A Must In Today's Society.
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2015, 12:20:53 AM »
My thoughts about this:

You believe that stuff is happening?

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Re: The Faraday Cage - A Must In Today's Society.
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2015, 12:25:59 AM »
You believe that stuff is happening?

No, I don't. I was referring to the OP.

//Edited my post now to make this clear. Was afraid this would lead to misunderstandings right from the start. :D
« Last Edit: September 28, 2015, 12:36:19 AM by ptales »
'Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.'

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Re: The Faraday Cage - A Must In Today's Society.
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2015, 12:40:20 AM »
Well, those things would work to some extent I guess, but shielding is not that easy. Plus, copper, aluminum, tin, those are not good materials for magnetic shielding due to their low permeability, so I believe they wouldn't do much.

I once talked with a guy who was doing EEG rooms shielding, where you need to isolate the equipment form pretty low noise compared to sun flare EMP, noise such as created by CFLs, and yet the room itself had to be isolated with multiple layers of two materials, one for magnetic and the other for electric field insulation.

Sun flare EMP/Nuke EMP would be much more aggressive.

And dude, what's with all that government paranoia?

I mean, sure, sometimes I wonder if there's someone out there listening... then I start googling a bunch of things like "aspergers", "depression", "anarchist cookbook", "pressure cooker bomb", "list of football games"... and yet nothing, no one knocks on my door :(

And, if EMP trully destroys the technology:

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Re: The Faraday Cage - A Must In Today's Society.
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2015, 07:07:08 AM »
ummm yeah. This is why i fucking hate conspiracy theorists, its not JUST that that they come up with stuff that is flat out crazy talk, they always expand upon it with pure undiluted stupid. So ignoring the "crazy" and expanding on why you are a fucking moron:

#1: Faraday cages are not some magical "cure all", depending on construction many types of frequencies can get in or out.
#2: Faraday cages primarily block ELECTRICAL charges, of a MINOR sort. A catastrophic event like a strong solar flare or EMP would likely just melt the ground/mesh.
#3: As would a direct hit by lightning if you were dumb enough to use thin gauge wire like found in a computer power cord.
#4: the EMP released by a nuclear device is CONSIDERABLY smaller then that of its blast radius and fallout radius. EMP is the least of your worries.
#5: Even in the case of a HAB nuclear weapon or a strong solar flare(class M or greater), your computer isnt going to turn on because...very little stuff in ANY country is actually hardened to that kind of attack, so no power etc. That generator you have sitting out side? its fried too. In a case like that you will be much more worried about finding food, clean water, medical supplies etc, not that you can still safely fap to horse porn without the gov knowing.
#6: The "evil" gov is spying on you and is so smart it has nanites in your blood! but they are way to stupid to toss a bug in your cage with its antenna extending past it so it can safely transmit? Or for that matter cutting your grounds/disconnecting them/etc to render the cage worthless?
#7: Every suggested material is absolutely useless even for the things a faraday cage WOULD do, they are all absolute shit conductors and WAY to thin.
#8: theirs about 90 things i could tell you to go google to expand your knowledge on why you are such a fucking idiot, instead ill stick to one lest your skull explode from brain heat. Go google "sunstorm of 1859". Go read about how things requiring "power" to operate were still operating while turned off, telephone lines(with much thicker gauge wiring then your supposed cage) CAUGHT ON FIRE. Note: THEY ARE MUCH BETTER GROUNDED THAN YOUR IDIOT BOX.

@rest of posters: yes OP is fucking retarded, i get that you arnt as versed in electronics and signals. Thats cool. But even some light googling should show how useless a Faraday cage would be to keep out the "gov" or protect against any other sort of "disaster" level event. It would be like dropping you out of an airplane butt naked with nothing but a handkerchief and telling you it will act as a parachute.
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<Phage> I used an entrence I never use

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Re: The Faraday Cage - A Must In Today's Society.
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2015, 08:10:24 AM »
*innitiates slow clap?*

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Re: The Faraday Cage - A Must In Today's Society.
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2015, 09:43:16 PM »
I'm not concerned about EMP.

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Re: The Faraday Cage - A Must In Today's Society.
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2015, 10:56:21 PM »
Recommended reading: for facts and shit.

Joint Hearing on “The EMP Threat: The State of Preparedness against the Threat of an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Event”
May 13, 2015


DIRECTED-ENERGY WEAPONS: Promise and Prospects

A Near-Term Strategy to Counter the EMP Threat
« Last Edit: September 28, 2015, 10:59:03 PM by 0E 800 »
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Re: The Faraday Cage - A Must In Today's Society.
« Reply #13 on: December 11, 2015, 10:26:55 PM »
Cool. Yet, if an asshole gets the crazy idea to pass a varying magnetic field through your room causing eddy currents to be induced in the metal foils. Hence turning your room into a furnace. How could such attacks be prevented?


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