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Author Topic: "Sniper Elite V3" mini-review  (Read 589 times)

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"Sniper Elite V3" mini-review
« on: September 26, 2015, 07:57:32 PM »

Sniper Elite III is set several years prior to the events of V2, following the exploits of Office of Strategic Services officer Karl Fairburne as he participates in the North African conflict during World War II, in which he learns of a secret wonder weapon programmed by the Nazi forces.

My input:

It looks like the developers were rushing to put this game out, because unlike the previous games this one is really glitchy. It has the same original gameplay and stealth elements, AI awareness is better than before, but their intellect didn't go up - like when I get discovered and I am right above them in a tower or something, they keep running in circles or crouch in a corner and look the other way. Anyway, overall gameplay isn't all that bad, just have to embrace the bugs and keep going.
I said there are bugs and glitches, all of which are annoying at times - if you engage in a fight, then win it, save the game, exit the game and continue from where you left off, AI keeps screaming that he's flanking and whatnot even though it is not doing anything.
You can climb up cliffs, but you cannot climb down cliffs which is like wtf - they completely missed to implement a way to climb down a cliff instead of dropping down and alerting everyone around, thank god you can climb down a ladder at least.
Controls are the same as it were before, but they feel stupid, hard to control the character in small areas.
Currently I am done with 2 missions, but I dunno if I'll continue playing it. However it's a long game, each mission is very long with plenty of stuff to do.

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Re: "Sniper Elite V3" mini-review
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2015, 10:38:39 PM »
I can't really say I liked the game, played a couple of times to "waste time" but overall nothing special.


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