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Author Topic: IPrekt DDNS - A free No-IP alternative  (Read 1430 times)

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Offline iprekt

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    • IPrekt free DDNS
IPrekt DDNS - A free No-IP alternative
« on: September 22, 2015, 01:31:41 PM »
Hello. I've decided a couple weeks ago to work on a small and free no-ip alternative called "IPrekt".

It basically allows you to create an address that will always point to your dynamic IP when it changes. (Ideal for when you want to create a local gameserver, or quickly test a botnet, etc..)  It comes with an "auto-synchronize" option in the website for this to happen, and will soon have a DUC (Dns Update Client) for windows, mac and linux to monitor your IP change in the background and instantly update your address.

It also has a simple API for creating and updating addresses (pretty handy for your arduino or raspberry pi and internet of things type of projects) at :

The service was built to be extremely fast and reactive, from the creation of your address to you using it and connecting to it. No captchas, no account registration. It has a TTL of 1 second, which means, when you change your adress' ip it literally takes no more than a second or two for the results to go public. Here's a demo :

The service is free and still is very new, so any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
I hope it would be of great use to some of you someday.  :)

Offline flying_blind

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Re: IPrekt DDNS - A free No-IP alternative
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2015, 12:27:48 PM »
The tool seems to be working fine. I created a domain to test it out and so far everything fine. I just noticed that during creation it freezed, not allowing me to edit the domain field. In order to solve this I had to close the page and open it again. Refreshing didn't work.

The only thing that it is not very clear is for how long the service will work. In other words, how do you stop it? It looks like that the only way to stop it pointing to the original address that you chose is to actually set the IP to something else, which is not a very elegant solution in my opinion (no clues about the legal aspect).

Suggestion: it looks like a normal user can create how many accounts he wants. In my opinion you should provide the service only to registered and authenticated users and limit the amount of domain that one can create. Otherwise it is possible to simply create thousand of domains which are just garbage as it also looks like that a created record doesn't expire (maybe not true, but this is what it seems).
« Last Edit: October 14, 2015, 12:42:47 PM by flying_blind »


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