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Author Topic: Aren't protocoless URLs a thing anymore and why?  (Read 258 times)

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Offline kenjoe41

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Aren't protocoless URLs a thing anymore and why?
« on: September 18, 2015, 12:49:02 AM »
For starters many http libraries break when you give them a URL with no protocol, and this flask validator extension will take no URLs with not protocol (http/s) on it. I am inclined to write mine that accepts these kind of URLs since sending a redirect to the browser with them servers just the same purpose s protocol-with URLs.

So why is it mostly now a standard for them all to support protocols?!
If you can't explain it to a 6 year old, you don't understand it yourself.[<NgGw/hsq]>EvbQrOrousk[/img]


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