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Author Topic: Motivation Talk  (Read 499 times)

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Offline WhysoS3rious

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Motivation Talk
« on: June 14, 2015, 01:09:48 AM »
Hello, general discussion so hey ...

I am divided people, i like hacking the idea of breaking things also digital forensic I think is awesome.
I also like other subjects like  a lot.(technology related hacking,coding, networking,linux) mostly also coding. I am a junior just getting my feet wet some schools projects but when I start I can go all day about the topic.
Also how to tell if coding is for you ??? Example: Reading some "hard" code is like alien code and also from junior to "pro" it seems a huge leap in all subjects. Learning new functions, new forensic techniques etc is hard!

Can someone point some advice or share some experience? How to do the leap on becoming a pro!


Offline x0nic

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Re: Motivation Talk
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2015, 03:55:50 AM »
Pick a certain topic that attracts you the most and google the fuck out of it. There are tons of eBooks waiting for you, so just grab one and start reading! (-> <-)
Besides, make sure to check out the tut section of this forum, some threads will surely leap to your eye and give you ideas of all dem fancy possibilities
When it comes to coding, take some general-purpose + beginner-friendly programming language and then rape google with it (although I'd suggest C++ or Python, you might want to generally avoid the common "omg-which-language-first" hysteria. Don't ponder too much, just pick one and start); plenty of great tutorials are right outta there, you absolutely can't miss em. Afterwards, read foreign code of works you'd love to call your own (but better don't actually do that), analyze em line-by-line(again: giyf!), and don't even dare to compile shit until you didn't get the whole point of each single statement. Go on like that until your brain finally produces something useful.

Summarized, I guess it is all about two simple core abilities:
Being able to 1. use search engines properly
and 2. entertain yourself without using your glans
Like that, shit keeps rolling on its own like nothing

Here's a little help on step one:

Offline WhysoS3rious

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Re: Motivation Talk
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2015, 09:33:30 AM »
I see!  Just dedicate on it 8)! It's true but there are always these distractions  :P :P !
Also the problem is, I have a really broad reading : meaning I read about all the things but only touch the surface.

I would like to do something more professional , going more in depth into a subject without drooping it when it becomes complicated.

I thinks it is all power of will, just focus there and keep going!

Offline nulldigit

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Re: Motivation Talk
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2015, 10:01:32 AM »
I see!  Just dedicate on it 8) ! It's true but there are always these distractions  :P :P !
Also the problem is, I have a really broad reading : meaning I read about all the things but only touch the surface.

I would like to do something more professional , going more in depth into a subject without drooping it when it becomes complicated.

I thinks it is all power of will, just focus there and keep going!

That is kinda the point. You wont learn unless you get into the meat and bones. And the only thing that will teach you the guts is your passion, or if in uni the gross ammounts of money you throw at them. Passions, just like the christ [lol movie], stands for something. Be it code  or hacking, or something else. If you have a passion, you don't stop until you understand it. Or at least kinda understand enough to find the next road to walk down.

Moral of the story, walk the roads your feet want to take you down. Anything else will just be a dissapointment.


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