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Author Topic: False Positive with Hydra, Bruteforce method  (Read 1422 times)

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Offline iloveludhiana

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False Positive with Hydra, Bruteforce method
« on: June 13, 2015, 04:37:06 PM »
I am using Hydra to bruteforce my email address. Below is command

hydra -s 465 -S -v -V -l -x 10:12:al -t 1 -w 32 smtp

This returns a false positive. How to troubleshoot this?

Offline nulldigit

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Re: False Positive with Hydra, Bruteforce method
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2015, 10:26:32 AM »
I might be wrong here, but I think the issue is user error. Which is why [hackers] stress learning to code so much. This seems, to me at least, a very script kiddy question. "Help me brute force an email account", "I tried this thing I found online and it aint working..."

This could be handled in Python, and I'll give pseudo code in a sec, but this seems like some kind of copypasta from a tut that isn't working for OP.

Anyway, if you would code this simple shit yourself here is how it could go:
Code: [Select]
load libs you need
load the wordlist your using

for idshit in wordlist
    if login_with(idshit) is true
        do malisouse shit
        go to next creds in wordlist bro

if IcantLoginBro
    useCodeIWroteWith(libsINeed) //to gen more bruteforceshit

Offline iloveludhiana

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Re: False Positive with Hydra, Bruteforce method
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2015, 02:14:49 PM »
Yes, I got code from

I have some python coding experience, will work on this.

Offline Antoni0M0ntana

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Re: False Positive with Hydra, Bruteforce method
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2015, 04:14:58 AM »
I might be wrong here, but I think the issue is user error. Which is why [hackers] stress learning to code so much. This seems, to me at least, a very script kiddy question. "Help me brute force an email account", "I tried this thing I found online and it aint working..."

This could be handled in Python, and I'll give pseudo code in a sec, but this seems like some kind of copypasta from a tut that isn't working for OP.

Anyway, if you would code this simple shit yourself here is how it could go:
Code: [Select]
load libs you need
load the wordlist your using

for idshit in wordlist
    if login_with(idshit) is true
        do malisouse shit
        go to next creds in wordlist bro

if IcantLoginBro
    useCodeIWroteWith(libsINeed) //to gen more bruteforceshit
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Offline dotszilla

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Re: False Positive with Hydra, Bruteforce method
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2015, 06:36:33 AM »
I might be wrong here, but I think the issue is user error. Which is why [hackers] stress learning to code so much. This seems, to me at least, a very script kiddy question. "Help me brute force an email account", "I tried this thing I found online and it aint working..."

This could be handled in Python, and I'll give pseudo code in a sec, but this seems like some kind of copypasta from a tut that isn't working for OP.

Anyway, if you would code this simple shit yourself here is how it could go:
Code: [Select]
load libs you need
load the wordlist your using

for idshit in wordlist
    if login_with(idshit) is true
        do malisouse shit
        go to next creds in wordlist bro

if IcantLoginBro
    useCodeIWroteWith(libsINeed) //to gen more bruteforceshit

lol why do people have so much trouble with hydra... i guess like you said, if they knew what the code was doing to brute force, they'd know whats wrong...

anyways so you at least got something to read

i would suggest reading it from the 1st part... and since you have python experience, you'd know to use open() to read a file instead of making a list like they did there...

P.S making a SMTP one is a little different but that should give you an idea...
« Last Edit: June 23, 2015, 06:38:22 AM by dotszilla »
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