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Author Topic: [OPINION] Which Android IRC client is the best? (paid/unpaid)  (Read 1174 times)

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Offline iTpHo3NiX

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OK so with this thread I'm hoping to decide which android irc client is the best. However subjective this might be, it's worth a discussion of the pros and con's of the various applications. Just as with desktop apps, people swear by mIRC, XChat, etc. Let's see what our favorite mobile operating system offers.

I've only used a couple of them but let's see...

I just installed and setup AndroIRC and it beats SimpleIRC by a long shot. Setting up and getting going with AndroIRC was a breeze and packs some functions. I guess it can do XDCC transfers now which is cool if I decide to hop on the rizon network, but I do like the auto join, auto identify, etc features as well as the dark theme caked into it. It even supports mIRC colors. Seems like a pretty full featured client. Now add in mIRC scripts and I think we have an ultimate winner. The ads in AndroIRC are unobtrusive enough to not warrent the $2.45 price tag IAP to disable them so that's a huge +. Think of how annoying it would be to have a pop up ad after so many posts in a channel or switching channels or connecting to a new or different network.

So what do you guys use and why?
[09:27] (+lenoch) iTpHo3NiX can even manipulate me to suck dick
[09:27] (+lenoch) oh no that's voluntary
[09:27] (+lenoch) sorry

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Re: [OPINION] Which Android IRC client is the best? (paid/unpaid)
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2015, 07:47:21 PM »
I use AndChat currently. i've so far only tried Yaaic and AndChat. i dont use irc from mobile that much so. Tho andchat is no longer being updated so i guess i'll try out AndroIRC. Looking forward to discussion !!
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