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Author Topic: Mental illness?  (Read 7802 times)

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Re: Mental illness?
« Reply #45 on: August 15, 2015, 09:01:26 PM »
I'm bipolar, but i wouldn't consider myself mentally ill.

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Re: Mental illness?
« Reply #46 on: August 15, 2015, 09:31:16 PM »
I've never been to a psychologist or a psychiatrist before. I don't really know at what point a behaviour isn't considered normal or when abnormal behaviour is considered an illnes so I won't use any of those terms to describe myself. I occasionally get disturbing thoughts with which I've learned to cope, but never got completely rid of them. I overthink stuff. I get depressed easily as well. From what I've read online, I'd diagnose myself with multiple OCD's, if that's even possible. Sometimes I can't prevent myself from laughing in sad situations (dunno if it's worth mentioning). It's not that I have no empathy, the urge to laugh is often simply too strong.

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Re: Mental illness?
« Reply #47 on: August 15, 2015, 09:54:05 PM »
I've never been to a psychologist or a psychiatrist before. I don't really know at what point a behaviour isn't considered normal or when abnormal behaviour is considered an illnes so I won't use any of those terms to describe myself. I occasionally get disturbing thoughts with which I've learned to cope, but never got completely rid of them. I overthink stuff. I get depressed easily as well. From what I've read online, I'd diagnose myself with multiple OCD's, if that's even possible. Sometimes I can't prevent myself from laughing in sad situations (dunno if it's worth mentioning). It's not that I have no empathy, the urge to laugh is often simply too strong.

Weird, no idea what that could be.

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Re: Mental illness?
« Reply #48 on: August 15, 2015, 11:46:04 PM »
Laughing when it's "uncalled" for can be a coping mechanism. I've caught myself in awkward situations doing this. Freud even speculated the same:

Freud argued that laughter was a coping mechanism, a way of dealing with the unspeakable pain of everyday life. He gives the example of a prisoner about to locked in the gallows, who says to his guard: “Well, this is a good beginning to the week”. The prisoner makes a joke because he doesn’t want to cry; his ego distracts his conscious brain from the unspeakable misery of the moment.

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Re: Mental illness?
« Reply #49 on: August 16, 2015, 03:38:16 AM »
Self diagnosing a mental illness is like self diagnosing IQ, unreliable. Usually people diagnose themselves with illnesses that fit in with their ego not ones that actually exist. Also many mental illnesses are caused by obesity or any other drug addiction, so for the people struggling with afflictions try to cure the disease not the symptoms.

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Re: Mental illness?
« Reply #50 on: September 29, 2015, 03:08:56 PM »
I have mental illnesses and have been to a pysch ward.  I have major depression with delusions aka hearing voices.  Also suffer from mild ocd and anxiety.  When I had the voices they were demeaning and hostile.

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Re: Mental illness?
« Reply #51 on: September 29, 2015, 07:56:38 PM »
People who went to the doctor and talked about their problems, how much did it help? Did you get any magic pills there?

I know I am pretty fucked up, severe social anxiety, OCD that is really taking a lot of my time sometimes, some kind of depression, anger issues, quite probably aspergers, but I just can't go and whine to someone about my feelings and not feel like a total pussy, so I suck it up and keep going. The problem is, I'm very, very tired, and afraid that I'll snap somewhere and fuck up everything I achieved this far, since I'm becoming less and less tolerant to peoples shit.

Offline bigpenis

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Re: Mental illness?
« Reply #52 on: September 29, 2015, 08:02:25 PM »
People who went to the doctor and talked about their problems, how much did it help? Did you get any magic pills there?

I know I am pretty fucked up, severe social anxiety, OCD that is really taking a lot of my time sometimes, some kind of depression, anger issues, quite probably aspergers, but I just can't go and whine to someone about my feelings and not feel like a total pussy, so I suck it up and keep going. The problem is, I'm very, very tired, and afraid that I'll snap somewhere and fuck up everything I achieved this far, since I'm becoming less and less tolerant to peoples shit.

I would highly recommend some kind of medication, it really helped me in the long run with becoming more stable and less depressed so that I could focus on myself and my aspirations for the future. People tend to have this stigma against medication and treatment in general sometimes but personally I think it's just that they lack the understanding of what it's like to suffer daily from depression/anhedonia/OCD/anxiety/social anxiety, you name it etc etc.

An awesome resource for this kind of stuff would be ; the main focus is on peptides for increasing growth hormone but they have an amazingly brilliant administrator and many topics on great ideas such as Low-Dose naltrexone for OCD and depression/anxiousness, the peptides themselves (Ipamorelin, GHRP-2, GHRP-6), as they can help re-calibrate your body's hormonal and endocrine functions to normal, and other fixes that will help you in the long run either to augment an existing medical regimen or to follow lesser-known but sometimes equally-effective treatments for these sorts of mental issues.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2015, 08:08:29 PM by bigpenis »

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Re: Mental illness?
« Reply #53 on: September 29, 2015, 08:05:51 PM »
I would highly recommend some kind of medication, it really helped me in the long run with becoming more stable and less depressed so that I could focus on myself and my aspirations for the future. People tend to have this stigma against medication and treatment in general sometimes but personally I think it's just that they lack the understanding of what it's like to suffer daily from depression/anhedonia/OCD/anxiety/social anxiety, you name it etc etc.
Wel exactly, it is especially remarkable when they have no experience with it yet someone already seem to know that it doesn't work.
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Re: Mental illness?
« Reply #54 on: September 29, 2015, 08:23:41 PM »
Just an FYI to those with social anxiety: the MAOI class of antidepressants (Nardil, Parnate) is a godsend for it, as well as atypical depression and most other types of depressive disorder in general. The food restrictions are way overblown as well.

Also, Low-Dose Naltrexone can be advantageous since it will cause endorphins in the brain to increase by up to three-fold (look up studies done by Dr. Bernard Bihari) and opioid/endorphin receptors have been found to modulate social stress and defeat.

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Re: Mental illness?
« Reply #55 on: September 29, 2015, 08:27:11 PM »
@bigpenis Thanks for sharing your experience and opinion. I am considering it even harder now.

I also registered on that forum and will check it out once they let me in. Though, I dare not to touch anything that helps growth, I'm already too tall and hate it.

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Re: Mental illness?
« Reply #56 on: October 06, 2015, 06:17:21 PM »
Self-treating OCD and a slowly fading social anxiety that almost evolved into an AvPD (avoidant personality disorder.) Man, fuck being stressed. You know, I am just fifteen yet my beard has some grey hair on it. Let alone of the scalp hair. I've been exercising very hard to reduce stress, just burst one of my blood vessels (two I think actually) last night. My arms are also full of white stretch marks. You know, all because I was mocked at school at the early grades.

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Re: Mental illness?
« Reply #57 on: October 06, 2015, 06:55:51 PM »
I live with depression but I have never been commited no. It's not easy but I try to stay away from the drugs and all that they tend to make it worse. My mother and one of my exes both are Bi-Polar and they've both spent time in wards. Takes a lot of understanding and compassion to live with people like that but they really can't control thier emotions. In my early 20s I spent 6 months on anti-depressants and it was a roller coaster I'll never do it again.

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Re: Mental illness?
« Reply #58 on: October 27, 2015, 06:25:00 AM »
My family has a long history of mental illness. Mainly panic attacks, anxiety, depression, schizophrenia. If you consider ASD a mental illness, there's also a little bit of that counting me and my dads uncle. Funny enough, recently I started having panic attacks, no idea why, but i just wake up in the middle of the night with an adrenaline rush and the feeling of death. Thats why I'm on here at 2:30 am when i have school at 8:00.
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Re: Mental illness?
« Reply #59 on: October 27, 2015, 06:43:10 AM »
does anyone have a mental illness hear ? also have you ever been to the psych ward?

severe depression and generalized anxiety with some components of social anxiety. been admitted to the "psych ward" on 2 previous occasions. It used to have a profound negative effect on my life, but now I think I've learned to live with it enough to where I can function as a productive member of society. I still suffer from feelings of meaninglessness and some antisocial behaviors. It makes me feel like an outsider at times, I tend to be aloof more often than involved. My biggest advice to those suffering heavily as I once did: it will get better. Your brain's chemistry doesn't allow you to think this way in times of true despair, but trust me; you'll make it through.
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