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Author Topic: Raspberry pi VPN  (Read 1935 times)

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Offline FateDreadnaught

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Raspberry pi VPN
« on: May 01, 2015, 08:45:51 AM »
I am looking into creating a device that I can plant at unsecured WiFi spots in my area, I've got all the hardware and casing done, I just need any and all ideas on how to run a VPN sort of thing through it, and also to be able to remote control it, whilst also the device not logging anything. Another issue is power management. I'm using the b+ which uses a maximum of 1 watt, my current power source for it lasts 42 hours under continuous use, so either I get a better power source or is there some way I can remotely turn it on and off when I'm using it? I'd also like to use it as a cloud sort of thing, I can use a 1TB USB on it, I would also be expecting to have multiple of them. Thanks in advance.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2015, 08:56:19 AM by FateDreadnaught »

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Re: Raspberry pi VPN
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2015, 09:05:59 AM »
I am looking into creating a device that I can plant at unsecured WiFi spots in my area, I've got all the hardware and casing done, I just need any and all ideas on how to run a VPN sort of thing through it, and also to be able to remote control it, whilst also the device not logging anything. Another issue is power management. I'm using the b+ which uses a maximum of 1 watt, my current power source for it lasts 42 hours under continuous use, so either I get a better power source or is there some way I can remotely turn it on and off when I'm using it? I'd also like to use it as a cloud sort of thing, I can use a 1TB USB on it, I would also be expecting to have multiple of them. Thanks in advance.

One of the best sources i have ever come by, that not a lot of people know about is..... Wait for it..... GOOGLE.....


Remote Management:

Power, get creative:


Make a intro fgt...
Thanks in advance
<chris1> give me a idea of a img to use for a avatar
<HTH> A cock

Offline sh4d0w_w4tch

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Re: Raspberry pi VPN
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2015, 06:19:52 PM »
I can't imagine why this would be useful.  They would be discovered and thrown out if nothing else, you would be caught planting them, and they won't give you the benefits of public wifi anonymity without the risks of being there.  The ISPs, if not the stores, would see the incoming IP address and trace it back to you.  A 1TB USB drive is way too much.  If you can still get under 500 GB for HDD,  you can probably get one for the same cost as the Rasberry pi.
DeepCopy | Can you name a VPN provider that's like "hey use our services to hack government sites and spam the internet. Please Abuse our services"

+Polyphony | paging master hackers of evilzone: i am here to learn about your black hatted tools to hack different viruses like facebook, sql, php, and other ring zero exploits

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Re: Raspberry pi VPN
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2015, 08:44:30 PM »
easiest way is to run a ssh server and then pipe your traffic trough the ssh tunnel to the device. Then you could install owncloud or another cloud service which you can access "local" with your ssh tunnel connection.
Power issue could be fixed via a power connector somewhere near your AP, or a solar panel which is strong enough to keep the raspbi awake. It's not possible to turn your raspberry on and off because there is only power or none.

Offline mr.sinister

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Re: Raspberry pi VPN
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2015, 02:52:53 AM »
you could use a tor hidden service on the ssh port for ip anonimity and as a reverse connection to the device, then tunnel throught ssh to the devices end as said above.
maybe you could set a sleep timer of some sort to enter a 'low power state' turning off wifi and any services.
Then set a 'wakeup'time that starts all the services and wifi, auto connect to the AP and you can login over the ssh hidden service again.


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