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Author Topic: Help with a film project?  (Read 1164 times)

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Offline Triconitroz

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Re: Help with a film project?
« Reply #15 on: April 06, 2015, 01:34:03 PM »

I've consulted my friend who knows a little bit about hacking and figured out more to the battle. It's just a small part of 1 of 2 battles though, but it may give you guys an image of what it'll look like or what I'm looking for.

Here it is:
MARC II uploads the virus, which was itself. Mufti then net cut MARC II, failing the upload. MARC II turns on its firewall in hope to defend Mufti's attacks, but Mufti turned it off. Mufti opened command prompt, typed /shutdown, tracked MARC II's IP address, but MARC II uses /changeip in command prompt repeatedly, changing its IP address every 0.5 seconds. Luckily Mufti remembered MARC II's real IP address, so he froze it immediately. Just when Mufti was about to launch the shutdown, his anti-virus popped up with a text : "Warning! Your firewall has been turned off!" He knew that it was MARC II's attack, but before he could do anything his laptop was shut down.

Mufti reboots his laptop.
MARC II applauds itself.
Mufti's laptop finished rebooting and connected to the WiFi.
The battle started again.

Offline Triconitroz

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Re: Help with a film project?
« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2015, 05:45:34 AM »

I discussed this matter with another friend of mine who knows better than the one I discussed this with before. He didn't progress the plot, but instead he reviewed the battle I've made before.

And the first thing he reviewed was : Mufti shouldn't be on the same room with MARC II. That is the only way the hacking battle can happen.

And then both Mufti and MARC II won't use Windows. They'll use a fictional OS, and the battle will be shown graphically so even people who don't know what a computer is can enjoy it.

Last one, the battle scene itself. He decided to restart everything from scratch. This is what he came up with :
-Mufti turned on his laptop and cut the WiFi's Internet, then he closed ports.
-MARC II turns on Internet and kills Mufti's IP.
-Mufti tried to reconnect, but the password has been changed. He then connected as a guest.
-Mufti decrypts the router, MARC II detects him, and so Mufti failed.
-Mufti uses proxy servers to buy time. MARC II falls for this and tracks through the proxies, while Mufti cracks the router's password.
-Mufti cracked the password, and at the same time MARC II finally detects Mufti's IP through all the proxies.
-Mufti uploads a worm to MARC II, and turns out he was hit by a booby trap, making his laptop reboot.
-MARC II accesses virtual router.
-Mufti connects to the router.
-Internet connection turned off.

And that was the end of session 1 of the first battle. Disclaimer : I don't really understand how any of this can be done, I just trusted my friend.

Then they started taunting each other.

While taunting, Mufti's laptop's anti-virus appeared with an alert, and crashes immediately. He then realized MARC II was uploading viruses to his open ports, so he closed all of them. Session 2 of the battle then started.

And that was all I got so far with my friend. If any of you got some suggestions, I would gladly listen. Or if you detect some kind of plothole, let me know. I would be happy to receive your opinion on this.


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