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Author Topic: [Question][Help] Require Programming Project Ideas ?  (Read 353 times)

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[Question][Help] Require Programming Project Ideas ?
« on: March 22, 2015, 09:14:04 AM »
Hello EZ,

Diving straight to the point of creating this thread (Might get a bit longer). I have run out of programming project ideas. I would like to have some ideas on which I could work on, something interesting, could be a bigger or research project that's worth of mention in my resume, and which will show my professional proficiency.

It is a well know fact that programming is all about practice, the more you practice the better you get. Lately, I haven't been coding properly at all and its been a few months now. My only projects which are bit worth of mentioning is "Natural Language Question Generation" (My final year research project - Done OK) and Hash-Algorithm-Identifier (I guess I can mention it).  I am in my final semester before obtaining my baccalaureate degree, and have decided to focus on Computer Forensics as a career prospect rather than doing something in everything (Yeah I am like that).

In Computer Forensics, there already exist high level Forensic Software Suites or several hundred tools like OSForensics, Autopsy (GUI for SleuthKit), FTK, X-Ways, EnCase, DFF, Volatility (For Memory Forensics) etc. and we mostly use them when we are investigating some case. So, I have been reading about forensics stuffs lately (Currently Windows Forensics), using different tools and to be honest it takes time to carefully examine HDD images and huge loads of data that these tools produce. Its not like I am not enjoying this, I really am and getting more comfortable with it. Somewhere around this my passion for programming got stampede, and due to the gaps in time frame I am now finding some difficulties in coming up with intelligent solutions for programming problems or even forgot some common concepts.

In my github account I have several projects and except one/two the rest are crappy or maybe more like a childs play sort of thing (I don't know why the heck I even uploaded them on Github). In the coming days I am definitely going to remove most of them.

So all I am asking is if you have some nice ideas for some serious projects (Something that adds value to education which more people will find useful) then please comment. Projects ideas (could be research based as well) related to Computer  Forensics, Steganography or Digital Image Security are more welcomed. I will be honest that I don't like working on web based projects (unless we are providing a web interface for some process that occurs in the back end, example Rekall WebGUI,  ) and so they are off the table

Thank you for your kind attention and the time to spared to read about my problem.

Thank you,
"Don't do anything by half. If you love someone, love them with all your soul. When you hate someone, hate them until it hurts."--- Henry Rollins


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