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Author Topic: I want to learn  (Read 1102 times)

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Offline SerpentOne

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I want to learn
« on: March 20, 2015, 01:27:50 AM »
I am in highschool and and want to get into the field of penetration testing, and system security, however I don't know how to hack or where to start. I have Kali Linux and the most I have succeeded in doing is using a deauth attack to mess with friends at school. Please point me in the right direction because this is something I really want to do. The websites I have been to, the people are very vague like they are hiding something from those who wish to learn how to hack. I already have  general idea(you search for vulnerabilities and exploit them). I can get the vulnerability through metasploit but its the exploiting part I don't get. I also don't want to be dependant on other's code. I just want some guidance. :)

We all had to start somewhere, for me it is here.
sorry for bad typing I have a sticky keyboard.

Offline SerpentOne

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Re: I want to learn
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2015, 02:40:04 AM »
Yea but it doesn't tell me how, and for some reason no body wishes to reveal that knowledge

the IT department allows me to pen test their systems as long as I don't do anything that will shut down the net. I want to learn how to hack because I have a suspicion that all the account credentials for my school are not stored as secure as they should be but Novell is keeping me from seeing those files(i found te location of the files). I have full permission to do this.

I am in advanced programming right now and that teacher, whom is an ex admin for the school, trusts me so much she gave me one of the admin accounts and I use it to do things like lock backgrounds and update flash, java, and mozzila.

PS our tech department sucks.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2015, 02:43:29 AM by SerpentOne »

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Re: I want to learn
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2015, 03:27:42 AM »
Yea but it doesn't tell me how, and for some reason no body wishes to reveal that knowledge

the IT department allows me to pen test their systems as long as I don't do anything that will shut down the net. I want to learn how to hack because I have a suspicion that all the account credentials for my school are not stored as secure as they should be but Novell is keeping me from seeing those files(i found te location of the files). I have full permission to do this.

I am in advanced programming right now and that teacher, whom is an ex admin for the school, trusts me so much she gave me one of the admin accounts and I use it to do things like lock backgrounds and update flash, java, and mozzila.

PS our tech department sucks.
I think you have a few misconseptions, let me try to fix them for you.
#1 "hacking" is not a subject, it is a lifestyle and more importantly a mindset. Their is no "go read this book to learn to h4x". Instead it is "go read these books to expand the knowledge of what you can hack"
#2 When a hacker says "go poke at (problem)" they arnt dismissing you, or ignoring your question, they are giving you the exact guidance you need. In other words, they are trying to teach you to THINK. Something school does its best to stop you from doing. For your Novell issue what your after is rather in depth and going to require a great deal of RTFM.
#3 When a hacker tells you to RTFM, READ THE FUCKING MANUAL. GOOGLE SHIT. We arnt telling you this because our knowledge is "sacred" but because telling you to flip a this bit or change that flag does NOT teach you to hack or how to learn. If you really want to expand your mind, this area of expertise is very much so DIY or GTFO. If this seems harsh to you, then flat out, you are in the wrong place/field and should switch to something like data entry or a career at mcdonalds.
#4 kind of a reiteration, but i cant say this enough:We will not hold your hand. This is not because we are scared of you having our knowledge, or because no one helped us so we wont help you. But for one simple reason: You can NOT learn to hack if we do that. Do not however take that to mean we are unhelpful. As even a cursory search of these forums will reveal, we are willing to provide guidance, and love to do so. If we didnt we wouldnt be here. But we will not spoon feed you. Dont get something in a book? ask a question, but at least attempt to understand it on your own before you ask us or you will never grow.
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Re: I want to learn
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2015, 04:31:20 AM »
*Sigh*, DV that post is on point enough I almost don't want to delete this.

OP, you titled your post "I want to learn", prove it. If you PM me, or go on our IRC, any member would be more than happy to give you guidance. We will not spoonfeed you though.

Guidance in a not shitty security based community amounts to "read this, do these problems" and if you have the mindset the knowledge opens up doors for you. You start to see ways things can be manipulated and used in ways people didn't intend. Noone here will give you some leet Novell Bypass Tool.

 If you just want to be a leet hacker now... well.... let's just be polite and say most of the doors opening for you will be ones on cells. Or you'll give up because instant gratification goes a very short ways in this field.
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Offline shadowwolf

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Re: I want to learn
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2015, 04:41:53 AM »
There is no real magic way to learn how to do anything in this world. Read, study code, write code, understand how computers and programs work. This isn't school- you have to be able to study, learn, and apply what you have learned. You can't learn overnight, but you can start researching.
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I think that's an approval from me, we need the right kinda cock around here."- HTH because cock is good, as long as it's the right kind of cock.

Offline cyberdrifter

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Re: I want to learn
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2015, 05:39:20 AM »

What these guys are saying might seem mean or unpleasant, but it's exactly what you need to understand before you can start.

There is no pre-paved road to Cyber Nirvana, you can't learn to see the matrix through reading a couple posts on line or a couple of books. No one can hand you the answers. It IS a journey. It's your own, and it requires that you invest yourself in it (and this means wanting this more than you want videogames or other such distractions). It is a craft that you must pour yourself into and develop over time.

Now with the lecture out of the way. You can start by realizing what skillsets are going to be most useful for you to "Hack". Now different people will argue on the details of this topic. But generally it breaks down to something like this.

If you're already using metasploit I'd imagine you're already using linux, continue to cultivate this and get very comfortable with the commandline, eventual try to move away from using a GUI as much as possible. Learn as many of the commandline tools as you can. Read the Man Pages, learn how to write bash scripts and automate things.

Hacking in essence is the process of manipulating a system. Computers can only be manipulated in so much as you understand how they work and how they talk. Once you understand how they communicate you can manipulate that communication yourself. With that said you'll want to learn a programming language. I would recommend starting out with:
Python as it's a very easy language to learn on while also being quite powerful.
(for this there are tons of books in the ebook library for you to start learning from)
After you feel you've mastered that you'll want to move on to more low level programming languages like C or assembly.
After that you can move on to exploitation, reverse engineering, etc. But you gotta realize you need to start from the bottom and build your way up. You can't start writing exploits before you know how to code... it just can't work that way.

You'll will probably want to get into networking, learning about the protocols, topologies, etc. You'll want to be able to do packet capturing with something like tcpdump and wireshark. You'll want to know how to do proper scanning with a network scanner such as nmap. (and later when you get better, write your own scanners)

You can save exploitation for the very end. because until you understand the foundation... the systems, the protocols, the networking, the programming... (Yes the boring stuff) you're just going to be swimming in a sea of confusion...

I am in highschool and and want to get into the field of penetration testing, and system security, however I don't know how to hack or where to start. I have Kali Linux and the most I have succeeded in doing is using a deauth attack to mess with friends at school. Please point me in the right direction because this is something I really want to do. The websites I have been to, the people are very vague like they are hiding something from those who wish to learn how to hack. I already have  general idea(you search for vulnerabilities and exploit them). I can get the vulnerability through metasploit but its the exploiting part I don't get. I also don't want to be dependant on other's code. I just want some guidance. :)

We all had to start somewhere, for me it is here.
sorry for bad typing I have a sticky keyboard.

I like that... I want that on a shirt...
« Last Edit: March 20, 2015, 05:45:33 AM by cyberdrifter »
.- / .-.. .. - - .-.. . / -... . - - . .-. --..-- / . ...- . .-. -.-- / -.. .- -.-- .-.-.-
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Offline L0aD1nG

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Re: I want to learn
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2015, 01:27:08 PM »
I will answer to this with a question...

... have you checked this -->  ?

Before saying this...

The websites I have been to, the people are very vague like they are hiding something from those who wish to learn how to hack.

... on that forum?
« Last Edit: March 20, 2015, 01:27:28 PM by L0aD1nG »

Offline reap-

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Re: I want to learn
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2015, 07:46:09 PM »
my money is even if someone did type page after page after page of 'this is how you hack 101'  you probably would still just skip to the tool usage and copy and paste it to a shell and run against your schools server.

name=[114,101,97,112];print ''.join(chr(u) for u in name)


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