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Author Topic: What to use?  (Read 5961 times)

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Offline Mytosus

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Re: What to use?
« Reply #15 on: October 02, 2015, 08:02:34 PM »
To save yourself from ripping you hair out. I suggest you use Linux and compile with g++. Learing the text editor emacs or vim wouldn't hurt either. Good luck man.

Offline rogue.hackz

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Re: What to use?
« Reply #16 on: October 02, 2015, 08:32:45 PM »
Nano on Linux.

Dude how do you get shit done with nano on Linux? Lol.

I mean I use vim with tons of plugins to get clang complete (autocompletion), and other IDE like features (auto compile and dynamic error detection) working.

Can't imagine doing the same with nano, does it have plugins for c++?
« Last Edit: October 02, 2015, 08:35:06 PM by rogue.hackz »
"The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing" -Socrates

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Re: What to use?
« Reply #17 on: October 10, 2015, 09:37:20 PM »
I like both CodeBlocks and QT

Offline Bluecow

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Re: What to use?
« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2015, 11:25:57 PM »
Code::Blocks is a great free IDE. I love it and it is what I used to learn C++. Also, G++ should be a fine compiler.

Offline Abyss

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Re: What to use?
« Reply #19 on: October 18, 2015, 07:18:20 AM »
I use Code Blocks  in windows but Sometimes it is always nice and easy to use VIM and gcc in linux

Offline Xires

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Re: What to use?
« Reply #20 on: October 19, 2015, 01:31:07 AM »
Dude how do you get shit done with nano on Linux? Lol.

I mean I use vim with tons of plugins to get clang complete (autocompletion), and other IDE like features (auto compile and dynamic error detection) working.

Can't imagine doing the same with nano, does it have plugins for c++?

Not everyone really needs/wants autocompletion.

Offline parad0x

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Re: What to use?
« Reply #21 on: October 19, 2015, 03:59:37 AM »
Dude how do you get shit done with nano on Linux? Lol.

I mean I use vim with tons of plugins to get clang complete (autocompletion), and other IDE like features (auto compile and dynamic error detection) working.

Can't imagine doing the same with nano, does it have plugins for c++?
You have a long way to go, kid. I use vim, without any plugins to code in the language I want. If you can't code without autocomplete, you seriously need to work hard on your skills.
I can understand coding Java with autocomplete as you seriously need to type all the class.function name but not in C, C++ -_-

Offline rogue.hackz

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Re: What to use?
« Reply #22 on: October 20, 2015, 01:06:01 AM »

You have a long way to go, kid. I use vim, without any plugins to code in the language I want. If you can't code without autocomplete, you seriously need to work hard on your skills.
I can understand coding Java with autocomplete as you seriously need to type all the class.function name but not in C, C++ -_-

That really depends, personally autocomplete is not the only reason I use vim. Also it's not easy remembering everything at the top of your head, especially when you're working with different languages and multiple projects.

For example python has a huge standard library, IDE like features come in handy for example in cases where you want to look up the built in functions that are available, the parameters or the documentation with a few key presses without having to look it up manually.

Also like I said before, I use plugins like YouCompleteMe for C++, which allows you to see the errors dynamically as you're coding without having to manually compile and debug it every time. Same can be said about a similar plugin called UltiSnips which allows you to define your custom macro or you can go with the default ones to automatically define classes, header files, formatting  / documenting your code, setting up license agreements, defining basic control stuctures (loops & conditions) without even having to type anything. In other words, it saves time.

Of course for a beginner it won't make sense for all of these features since they're struggling to understand the basics but once you get past that and aim to be more productive as a programmer you need these features. I really don't think you have much programming experience otherwise you would know the benefits of these stuff by now.

Vim by default without any plugins or customization is just a faster version of a normal text editor like notepad. Most pro vim users use tons of plugins and customize vim to be more productive. If you haven't ever customized vim or never tried any of the plugins, then all I can say is that you're just starting to scratch the surface when it comes to Vim.

Of course I can work with nano without any fancy features but then there will be no difference between you and me in terms of productivity.

Also a reminder, next time don't refer to someone you just met on a forum as "a kid" and try not to make judgements on their ability just because they're new. You don't know me nor do you have any idea on my skill sets, my background or who I am in person.

I would actually be interested in pursuing this discussion in a positive light to see where it leads.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2015, 02:56:57 AM by rogue.hackz »
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Offline ArkPhaze

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Re: What to use?
« Reply #23 on: October 23, 2015, 02:18:19 AM »
You have a long way to go, kid. I use vim, without any plugins to code in the language I want. If you can't code without autocomplete, you seriously need to work hard on your skills.
I can understand coding Java with autocomplete as you seriously need to type all the class.function name but not in C, C++ -_-

You'd rather waste your time writing everything out rather than actually working with the logic of the code itself? Development with C/C++ is already slow as it is, *tools* like auto-complete improve workflow, and I use Vim myself. It has nothing to do with not being able to code without it, there's just no point in not using something that can help you write your code faster.

You do realize that the whole point in even using vim is to make text manipulation and editing faster and more efficient? It's the whole reason why movements exist in a way that allows you to not move your hands *far*. If you aren't using plugins, you're really not taking advantage of the full feature-set of the editor itself IMO.

If it was up to the programmer to do everything, notepad would be the only program people use, but that's not the case -- you have much to learn.

I can understand coding Java with autocomplete as you seriously need to type all the class.function name but not in C, C++ -_-

What? Namespaces and static member functions, etc... Don't exist in C++? Have you ever used the boost library? You'd see how verbose some code can be if you ever have...
« Last Edit: October 23, 2015, 03:57:40 AM by ArkPhaze »
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[ J/ASM/.NET/C/C++ - Software Engineer ]

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Re: What to use?
« Reply #24 on: October 30, 2015, 07:39:09 PM »
If you are using Windows you may want to use Visual Studio IDE, the community edition is free, if you can't find it you can pm me for help.  Notepad++ is popular too because it is just a well designed code editor as opposed to a full bloated IDE.  If you are using linux I have little experience and have only used vi.

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Re: What to use?
« Reply #25 on: November 01, 2015, 03:41:14 AM »
If any of you don't already know Microsoft have released the text editor in Visual Studio as a standalone program called Visual Code. The text editor we love but no IDE:
Its nice to be important but always important to be nice!

Offline BurnTheWicked

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Re: What to use?
« Reply #26 on: November 01, 2015, 05:23:01 AM »
@rogue.hackz & ArkPhase - I've been programming for 20 years, I started on the C88, with vi, on a console based bare bones 0.3 Red Hat. I was taught embedded systems design by a 30+ year senior embedded programmer for NASA. I see absolutely no point in using any of the flashy bullshit most n00bs use these days. The truth is, N00Bs have to use those plugins, and all those "extras", cause they are too busy being too new, to keep track of simple bullshit... If you are incapable of keeping track of your program's execution without needing "documentation", you're a n00b, if you can not deduce your mistakes without needing some "auto error finder", you're a n00b. More importantly, if you can not code in a manner, that is self-secured, and hard to exploit; you are a n00b. Period. So, in other words, you are kids... I am a kid.

Offline fuicious

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Re: What to use?
« Reply #27 on: November 01, 2015, 08:26:30 AM »
I'd recommend CodeBlocks aswell if you're just starting out. Looks neat and it's easy to use.

Offline Xires

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Re: What to use?
« Reply #28 on: November 04, 2015, 02:48:14 AM »
@rogue.hackz & ArkPhase - I've been programming for 20 years, I started on the C88, with vi, on a console based bare bones 0.3 Red Hat. I was taught embedded systems design by a 30+ year senior embedded programmer for NASA. I see absolutely no point in using any of the flashy bullshit most n00bs use these days. The truth is, N00Bs have to use those plugins, and all those "extras", cause they are too busy being too new, to keep track of simple bullshit... If you are incapable of keeping track of your program's execution without needing "documentation", you're a n00b, if you can not deduce your mistakes without needing some "auto error finder", you're a n00b. More importantly, if you can not code in a manner, that is self-secured, and hard to exploit; you are a n00b. Period. So, in other words, you are kids... I am a kid.

Let's get the credentials out of the way, since they appear important.

I've been coding for roughly 27 years.  I'm a 'qualified expert'(meaning my aptitude has been tested and verified) in multiple languages and have taught/tutored several, especially C & C++.  I've done quite of a bit of embedded development on multiple platforms and have implemented code for systems run by NASA JPL as well as the United States Navy.  I have created custom hardware and written drivers for numerous devices.  I have assisted in the development of operating systems, kernels, bootloaders, system libraries, service daemons, and more.  I have been asked to edit more than one doctoral thesis and assisted with writing the firmware for an MIT robotics project.  I have even told genuinely humorous assembly jokes after half a bottle of jager in the middle of the woods with no computer nearby for miles.

Now for the shock & awe: I use so-called 'n00b' features.

I don't personally need it, but I do tend to make use of it when available and properly implemented.  Being well-versed or even highly proficient in a language and using features such as auto-completion, object browsers, class maps, flow monitors, etc. are not mutually exclusive.  I'll admit that I sometimes find myself fighting with auto-completion specifically when I find it to be less than adequately implemented but that does not mean that I do not find use for such features.  Typically, the speed at which usable, functional, efficient, and secure code can be written is improved when using such features.  This is true for 'n00bs' as well as for more experienced developers.

I also document my code.  I do this for multiple reasons, not the least of which is so that others can more easily understand my methods and reasoning.  I also use documentation to indicate the expected state of values at certain points in the code, to remind myself of interfaces, to denote future plans and intentions, and even to supplement the features provided by things like auto-completion.

I also attest to the capabilities of ArkPhaze.  ArkPhaze is one of the few people here from whom I accept critical criticism.  I respect ArkPhaze as a developer and hacker.  You should too.

More importantly; you should consider not just the words you speak(type) but also the wisdom(or lack thereof) behind the message that they provide.  One would expect someone of your supposed experience and proficiency to be more aware.

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Re: What to use?
« Reply #29 on: November 04, 2015, 03:06:32 AM »
[09:27] (+lenoch) iTpHo3NiX can even manipulate me to suck dick
[09:27] (+lenoch) oh no that's voluntary
[09:27] (+lenoch) sorry


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