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Author Topic: Do you think one should learn PHP frameworks, which ones and why?  (Read 494 times)

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Offline PsychoRebellious

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I haven't personally tried any PHP frameworks but I've been told to learn them repeatedly by many developers. I've seen some laravel dummy code, and I didn't really find a need to learn a framework. Why would one bother learning some functions names, the very ones that can be coded on your own very easily? I see it pointless but anywhere I go, they demand you know atleast some frameworks like Laravel or CakePHP. I don't really see the need of one or maybe I don't see the idea behind one. Tell me from your experience as a developer which ones you should learn and why you SHOULD learn them.

Offline nrael

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Re: Do you think one should learn PHP frameworks, which ones and why?
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2015, 05:39:28 PM »
frameworks are useful  because if you know how it works it will work fast and more secure (less time than you'd have without it). Maybe you've heard from (css framework) bootstrap, you can compare it to a PHP framework. Bootstrap = your damn fast to create a nice looking site totally easy, without it it's just a pain in the ... and it takes ages.

Offline Onemorenickname

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Re: Do you think one should learn PHP frameworks, which ones and why?
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2015, 04:11:51 PM »
Learnt Symfony2 a while.

You just don't have to re-invent the wheel when you want to do a complex website.
If you want to collaborate with people, you already have an architecture (MVC) plus a nice template system very usefull in order to separate front-end from back-end (TWIG is cool).
Finally, bundles. Quality code often reviewed and checked by countless amount of people which does maybe anything you want.

So, if you want to do small things, vanilla PHP is enough. Maybe with PDO.

If you want to make some real website, frameworks are cool.


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