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Author Topic: Getting in the IT field.  (Read 384 times)

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Offline shome

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Getting in the IT field.
« on: January 20, 2015, 09:04:40 PM »
Hey EZ. Wasn't sure where else this thread should go. I'm a student currently, got an Associates Degree, and now pursuing a Bachelor's in Cyber Security. I have extensive knowledge of TCP/IP, networking, experience with *NIX, all different forms of security, etc. I won't lay my resume on here. Point is. Some of my goals involve being a pen-tester, network admin, etc. I understand it's hard to get these jobs without experience, which brings me to my main question:

I don't have any experience working in the IT field, even though I am in school and have great experience(s) i've built on my own. I've put as many of them on my resume as possible. How do I get into this field, and what kind of entry level work should I look for ? Help Desk, Support etc ?

I want to get experience, so I can apply to these jobs I want. How did some of you go about this if you work in the field ?

Also, I understand the certifications realm, but don't know which to pursue first. A+, Network+ ?

It's time to make some money, and my head's kinda spinning. Would be grateful if my community here can give me some helpful hints that are more personable than a google result.

Thanks in advance.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2015, 09:06:42 PM by shome »

Offline nemon1c

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Re: Getting in the IT field.
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2015, 03:34:56 PM »
assuming you truly have the amount of knowledge your stating regarding TCP/IP etc... I would skip the A+ and begin with the Network+ as your first cert. People who usually move to the help desk from a non related field (accounting, insurance, etc...) usually take the A+ as their first cert because they don't have much experience/knowledge in an IT field. Once you attain that, you can look at the Security+ cert and move on from there. A lot of companies will either pay for you to get your certs or reimburse you when and if you pass. The only way to really gain more experience in this field is to read and practice. Sites like and (there are many more I'm not listing) will allow you to practice and enhance your skills regarding security. Like you said, you're going to have to do your time doing some bitch work like the help desk, but if you can, look for some entry level infosec jobs. Anyways, just my $.02, hope it helped in some way.

Offline shome

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Re: Getting in the IT field.
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2015, 12:43:06 AM »
It actually helped a lot, I appreciate the response. Thanks.


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