It would be really cool if i can hack into some secrete military base cam, where they reverse-engineer ufo's
If anyone know other tips, tricks, helpful links, beginners tutorial links relating to this cam hacking thing, please post.
Dude, it seems like you don't want to do any research and just want a step-by-step guide..which you're not going to get. The reality is, hacking is dynamic and requires research and information gathering on your target and if you're already failing at the research stage then I don't know what to tell you. When I say dynamic, I mean your approach always going to be different based on your target. There is SO much information on the internet and in books. You just kind of have to read the material and learn..most of the time the material is out-dated or the holes have already been patched, but you still learn and you can create your own personal knowledge-base. Other people will only be able to help so much, that is unless you guys have the same target and working together.
It is always helpful to do research on any questions you have before you create a new thread. I'm not saying you didn't, I'm just saying that maybe you didn't do enough. And if you don't want to get caught, I wouldn't try to "hack" a military base..especially these days, unless you know what you are doing...then you can just make it look like North Korea did it. LOL jk.
That being said, other users have already provided a good method: GOOGLE. Awesome for information gathering and hacking. And I am giving you the same advice. Learn complex google queries and you can find a lot of weaknesses in your target's infrastructure -- there are a lot of websites that will teach you advanced google searches...just GOOGLE them. Or buy a google hacking book from amazon.
Anyhow, just my 2 cents.
Good Luck.