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Author Topic: [PENTEST TOOL] Dumphreak v1.0  (Read 1272 times)

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Offline jpHernandez

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[PENTEST TOOL] Dumphreak v1.0
« on: January 09, 2015, 01:38:44 PM »
Recently, I've just coded a compilation of handy tools that can be use for physical penetration testing. If you have a physical access to a machine, booting this from USB, and exploring the compiled and programmed scripts, can earn you some trophies (I've tried this many times, and indeed, I haven't failed).
Please let me know if it is useful to you. You can view the readme file for more info. This is Windows specific. MD5 Hash - 4357bd34 ac81d622 bb509eae 9c70e798

Thank you for the coming review..  :)
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Re: [PENTEST TOOL] Dumphreak v1.0
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2015, 01:53:43 PM »
Please upload to evilzone -
Click the LOGIN button. Then upload the file and share that link here.
Your description could use some improvement.
For example list out all the tools and what they do.
Also are they exe's or source code?

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<sofldan> not asking for anyone to hold my hand uber space shuttle door gunner guy.

Offline jpHernandez

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Re: [PENTEST TOOL] Dumphreak v1.0
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2015, 02:05:02 PM »
Will upload the zip in no time...

Meanwhile here is the menu for you, it is also contained in the README file inside the zip package


-What is Dumphreak 1.0?-
Dumphreak 1.0 is a local enumeration tool for penetration testing.

-What are its uses?-
If you do pentesting, you know what I mean, if you're not, how do you find this app anyway? :D

-I can't understand the menu-
Ok, it's like this

-Dumper contains tools for dumping information
-Several options in the dumper menu contains the "view dump info" and "export to text file". What does it mean? Simple. View dump info will enable you to see the dump info without saving it to text file, while export to text file, as the name suggests, saves the dump info to text file which is important.

++Dumper Tools++
+Dump User Accounts - dumps user accounts locally
+Dump System Info - enables you to view complete system info
+Dump Computers - lists all the computers in the network
+Dump Local Hashes - dumps passwords (shadowed)
-For x32 bit option is for those who are using 32 bit systems
-For x64 bit option is for those who are using 64 bit systems
**Note: If you don't know what is yours, just explore and click
+Dump Services - dumps running services on the machine
+Dump Network Status - displays the listening and established connection of the local machine.
+Dump Local Ports - list down ports in use
+Dump Running Tasks - dumps running processes
+Dump Wireless Networks - shows available wireless nets
+Dump Wireless Interfaces - shows available wireless interfaces
+Dump Routing Table - displays the routing table
+Dump Complete Wireless Info - dumps complete info about wireless
+Dump Localgroups - dumps localgroups in the machine
+Dump Administrator Accounts - shows accounts which belongs to the Administrator group

-Stealer Tools contains-
**Note: Many thanks to the guyz @ for this awesome tools.. I don't wish to reinvent the wheel that's why i came up utilizing your tools for my program..

++Stealer Tools++
-This tools steals passwords for the following accounts-
-Internet Explorer
-Product Keys
credits to:

-Installer tools just include a few apps for easy installation-
+Telnet Installer - telnet's useful for banner grabbing
+Telnet Uninstaller - to erase suspicion
+WinpCap Installer - winpcap is needed for many apps
+USB Dumper Installer - usb dumper tool for dumping usb info to local system

-Backdoor Tools, contains the most important part of this program-

+Open Backdoor Files - opens the folder containing the backdoor and trojan files for easy transfer
+Open Startup Folder - option to use to easily include the shortcut link or the program directly whenever the system starts
-For all users - indicates the program should start whoever uses
-For specific user - indicates the program should start whoever in the homepath for the current machine user
+Open System32 folder - opens the folder containing the core files of windows. A good place to hide something.
+Generate tini backdoor - converts the tini.dat file into tini.exe, in that way, the AV's cannot detect tini.dat, and you can always turn off the AV's and then generate the tini.exe program for backdoor uses.
+Port klogger.exe to system - requires administrative rights, to copy klogger.exe program to the system32 folder to provide keylogging.
+Port tini.exe to System - requires administrative rights, to copy tini.exe program to the system32 folder to provide backdoor through telnetting to port 7777
+Construct a virus contains three versions of JPS Virus Maker
**Note: Different versions of JPS Virus maker produces different options, so suit your needs
+Summon Beast! - invokes the beast program, a remote administration tool, with own setup-your-own-server and remote control tool. Alternatives for Back Orifice, Netbus, Subseven, Shark++, or Poison Ivy, Cybergate, turkojan, etc..

-About page-
-Contains info about the author

-Is this a freeware?-
-Yes it is. And also slightly open source, if you wanted to improve the program and add some bells and whistles to it, just pm me or message me at and ask for a source code of the main executable. The source code for the tools used is included already, in the bin file, as you can actually edit the batch files, but for executable files, if you would like, you can also ask for the source codes. Just mail me.

-AV's detected it, shall I banish it?-
-It's up to you. It will not cause any harm to your machine, unless you plant a keylogger or run a tini.exe, because all those tools are used IF the machine is not yours.. And also, the tools herein, must be used for penetration testing. I DO NOT ENCOURAGE illegal hacking, for I am not held responsible for damages that you may cause to somebody or someone.

-Is this a use-at-your-own-risk tool?-
-Indeed. You are warned. View the legality.txt file

-It is not running-
-Check the compatibility of the program to your system

-Cannot dump local hashes-
-check to see in the fgdump file in the bin and make the changes
+set the following files to be run with admin compatibility:
After following that, you should run it with no hassle.

More reviews, much better, I do have the source code for the exe might as well upload it if demand is presented.. Glad to help for the hacker community.

jph  :D
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Offline jpHernandez

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Re: [PENTEST TOOL] Dumphreak v1.0
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2015, 02:22:38 PM »
Can't really upload the zip here in evilzone this time, my connection sucks, and today, it just takes nearly forever to upload a 300kb less exe file, you can download the tool for testing, meanwhile, from mediafire, in my indicated link. thanks.


ps. don't forget to rehash the zip, that trick always works...  ;D
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Offline jpHernandez

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Re: [PENTEST TOOL] Dumphreak v1.0
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2015, 02:29:04 PM »
By the way, here's the shot

sometimes, a fan of trolls.. LOL

jph  ;D
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Offline jpHernandez

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Re: [PENTEST TOOL] Dumphreak v1.0
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2015, 03:12:55 PM »
First of all, I used to word "boot" to describe "start", heck, it is not a live USB
Second, it has no hidden backdoors, truly, if you browse to the backdoor files, you will see some backdoor files so that you can use it for your liking.
Third, I named it "dumphreak" for "dump" because of it dumper features, which dumps information about the local machine.
Fourth, bloated? Of course, with all that stuff, it might be a framework
and Fifth, what's the use of beast trojan or the jps virus makers, if you cannot kill AV'S, and no worries about it because you can easily turn them off, dump some info and then turn it back on.

Still Cheers,
jph  ;D
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Offline banginpadr

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Re: [PENTEST TOOL] Dumphreak v1.0
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2015, 12:18:44 PM »
First of all, I used to word "boot" to describe "start", heck, it is not a live USB
Second, it has no hidden backdoors, truly, if you browse to the backdoor files, you will see some backdoor files so that you can use it for your liking.
Third, I named it "dumphreak" for "dump" because of it dumper features, which dumps information about the local machine.
Fourth, bloated? Of course, with all that stuff, it might be a framework
and Fifth, what's the use of beast trojan or the jps virus makers, if you cannot kill AV'S, and no worries about it because you can easily turn them off, dump some info and then turn it back on.

Still Cheers,
jph  ;D
Can i use this program in kali linux with wine?my windows is full and not working right.good work anyways


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