^ Hahaha, she wants it, and wants it hard.
*bones bends over, applies vaseline*
Let's look under the hood of Google!
Does this picture look familiar? It should it's the Google Cloud!
Where the internet "Lives!"
http://lsub.org/ls/figs/cloud.jpghttp://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/10/17/article-2219188-158CA78F000005DC-369_964x641.jpgSoftware we made is being used by Bell Laboratories, Coraid, and other "first-level companies"
Translation for non-technical people - TIER ONE (1) PROVIDERS!
An just so your in the Loop it was code-named "Brazil" - Long before it got called "Plan9".
That is, as it should be the case with all software, our software
works and can be used.
We have as a tradition using the last system we built to work and develop the current research system we are working on.
To mention some software we wrote, it includes;
Several operating systems (we refer also to their kernels, not just to some software you run on top of Linux!)
Several window systems (some of them distributed)
A couple of compilers and run-times for programming languages
Distributed data base engines (DBMSs)
Network protocols
After all, "if there's nothing to hide, there's nothing to fear!"
Attack of the giant ANTS **It's THEM!**
http://www.9gridchan.org/9Legacy & 9Spirit
http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/~baford/vm/9 aka: Research Unix System 10.5 on the Brain! **Fuck System-bs-D**
BSDEMU or BSD Emulation is planned next!
As to this story shown in this Picture!
https://cms-images.idgesg.net/images/article/2014/06/googlessl-100310469-orig.jpgI seriously doubt they had that technical parlence to pull that off without some help!
People should really just ask a geek or hacker nerd what the letters "GFE" stand for!
**A SPECIAL EVIL-ZONE RELEASE** Because we're all hackers and we're all alike, unlike "ioerror && all the developers that maintain Debian - tails" who appear to have never heard of Unix in there Life!
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/62/UNIX-Licence-Plate.JPGJust think how many years of head scratching and bug hunting you'll have once those ever so subtle bug's are inserted into the Gnu/Linux & BSD code base, you'll all be scratching your head for many years still to come! The "Elite" go to the top of the class and the "n00bs" stay on the bottom, it's a dog eat dog world after all...
The best way to describe it would be with an infograph of the "Kernel" showing that Grep / Sed / Awk etc all run from the "Kernel" space, hence the software is built into the "Kernel" not on-top of the "Kernel" and thats why the "Kernel" is only 130'000 lines long, in terms of Size unlike the Gnu/Linux Kernel that is over 130'000'000 lines long and is bloated with useless rubbish!
The design of the Kernel is totally differant and that's why when you look at this;
You should worry!
If people want to fork something, they should start here..
http://swtch.com/plan9history/An to hell with the fact Lucent would end up owning it, I wouldnt care, I'd be just happy to see a "Kernel" that work's the way it was intended, i'd rather see "Lucent" end up owning it putting microsoft, apple & google out of buisness instead of spending the rest of my life listening to Stallman waffle on about freedom's and then get sued the moment you borrow something from the GNU! "Oh for Christ sake there are no backdoors in my Kernel honest!" ~ Linus Torvalds
Wait a minute, I sniff something.. I think it's called *BULLSHIT*
You can almost hear "BullRun" erm Stallman's voice echo across the vast expanse of Cyber-Space "Thats egregious I tell you, you've taken part of my code base and stuck and even bigger backdoor in it, it's mine I tell you.. MINE!"
"I'm pentesting or I'm bug hunting!" the next unix admin you tell that too, will silently think to themselves, oh wonderful another retard!
The Version of the C Programming Language standardised by the ANSI-Authorised C Programming Language Committee X3J11 and the ISO-authorised Committee JTC1 SC22 WG14.
Sometimes refered to as Standard C.
Designed to codify existing practices but also add new features, such as function prototypes
to correct deficiencies in the Language. The standard revoles the differant rules for declairing data objects and clarifies certain
long-standing ambiguous area's..Such as C++, K&R & Posix!
Stallman is the long-standing deficiency and what's more he's a complete pain in the arse!
1984 was a good year, it was the same year that X-(KeyScore)-Windows rolled out of MIT!
"Wait a minute my new Kernel is coming, it's coming!" ~ Stallman
Yeah, dude's only been saying that for the last 31 years with a Maximum of three Kernel maintainers spread out across over 100 Open Source projects! Very efficient and not Lazy at all.