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Author Topic: Help us destroy a South African Ponzi scheme  (Read 474 times)

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Offline Excellis1

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Help us destroy a South African Ponzi scheme
« on: December 14, 2014, 10:00:35 PM »

I will begin with some context. Some friends and I are starting a business in aquaculture. We are expanding well and required two 1000 liter water tanks for more breeding and storage space. We found some online suppliers. Deals were struck. Payments were made. And the tanks were never delivered. It is a small portion of our overall investment, but is still harmful for a new business.

Upon further investigation into this scam we discovered that this is much larger than we thought. It operates through several different sites and several different products - including things like false debt management and exotic, illegally claimed pets.

All of these are either the same person or criminal entity, as you can tell by the commonalities in their contact details. There is more, but you can find them yourself quite easily if you are interested.

We have tried to resolve this issue legally and legitimately. They do not respond to warnings as they know South Africa's legal system cannot really be taken seriously in these matters. We have tried going through small business court, but backlog and obscene bureaucracy and costs have made that endeavor useless and impossible. We have tried our own social engineering, but they know our voice and contact numbers. We have tried reporting their adverts, but the websites do not effectively ban or view their posts, and they are frequently creating new ones, in new names.

I am not asking for our money back or anything like that, our stupidity, our loss, it will not happen again. I just want to shut this down, so they cannot do this to others, and the South African legal system clearly won't.

Since I saw no rules against this in the forum rules I will post the details we know here, if this is against the rules, tell me, and I will remove them and find a new method for those who are interested.

Tips on how we should go about dismantling this organisation are appreciated, however direct contributions even more so. All I need is a name, and then I can handle it from their.

Here is everything we know:
The details that were displayed on the Invoice:

ADDRESS: No.91 Marshall Rd
South Africa
OFFICE NUMBER: +27 (0) 11 051 5208
CELL NUMBER: +27 (0) 84 790 6965
FAX NUMBER: +27 (0) 86 260 8704

Account details to which we paid:

ACCOUNT NAME: CONTAINERS WORLD *note: containers world is a legit company, they are       ACCOUNT NUMBER: 1390191360           unaware of the ponzi scheme

BRANCH CODE: 470 010

0710212245 - One contact number, the main person in the scheme I assume, as he contacted us with errors in the first invoice that they sent us. It is a MTN number.
0847906965 - A Cell C number. A fake office number. A second person as their is repetition and inconsistencies in how these two members communicated with us.

That is all we have to go on so far. Just a full name, and how you confirmed it, that is all we need.

Thank you in advance,

Offline Axon

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Re: Help us destroy a South African Ponzi scheme
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2014, 10:42:52 PM »
Internet scam is everywhere and in every country, so shutting this business down won't do them any harm. Simply, they will start over. The problem is in the South African government, most of the online scams originate from corrupt or undeveloped governments (China,Nigeria,etc). The government needs to take actions against these people,otherwise they will continue until they fill their pockets. However, you can hack the company's email, the one you posted and from there you can deal a massive damage to their operations.

Offline proxx

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Re: Help us destroy a South African Ponzi scheme
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2014, 08:30:56 AM »
Move on.
I understand the pain from a hardworking person and I feel sorry for you but this shit is very very common and there is not much anyone is going to do about it.
We used to have a member that social engineered/hacked scummers.
You can start out with  a d0x as you already kinda did , hopefully it will prevent others from harm.
Wtf where you thinking with that signature? - Phage.
This was another little experiment *evillaughter - Proxx.
Evilception... - Phage


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