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Author Topic: iPod nano 7th gen activation lock  (Read 510 times)

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Offline silenthunder

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iPod nano 7th gen activation lock
« on: December 05, 2014, 11:59:23 AM »
Google is being of no use, and this stupid activation lock truly does brick these things up..

Friend got it from some dumbass kid, traded him for some sunglasses for some reason. Of course, it'd be no surprise to hear that it's stolen, but I've ran into the kid enough to know he's really stupid enough to have just forgotten his Apple ID and didn't wanna fuck with it. Either case doesn't matter to me, asking him for his password could be worth a shot but I'm determined to prove it can be unbricked.

Is there any way within the parameters of iTunes, Windows 8.1 or iOS 7.1 to remove the lock? I can already tell that if there is, it'd be practically impossible anyways, so has anyone come across any potentially effective 3rd party programs that could do this?

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