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Author Topic: "Hacking" School Cameras  (Read 1138 times)

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Offline Jarvie911

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"Hacking" School Cameras
« on: October 23, 2014, 02:00:55 AM »
Hey there, so recently the school installed new cameras around, and the problem is they are quite discrete at hiding them, and with this they are getting rather cocky at how sophisticated their system is. i was thing that if there was a way to gain access through the network and find them all, ( or do some thing fun with them:)) I dont think that they will be very hard to crack, the IT department at this school is dambed near non-existent. any help would be appreciated
« Last Edit: October 23, 2014, 02:31:31 AM by Jarvie911 »

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Re: "Hacking" School Cameras
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2014, 07:22:51 AM »
So what is your goal here? to gain access to the webcams so you can brag about it?

Anyway, I suppose it depends on the camera model. They will have either a website, probably running on localhost where they can see every camera, or have some cool software. Either way the cameras are probably not the home-monitoring type crap cams and have some sort of addresses to get the video feed. Maybe scanning the network will reveal something.

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Re: "Hacking" School Cameras
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2014, 09:42:01 PM »
I would suggest to scan the network and look for camera ip:s or a host machine that stores all the video.
There is pretty much all my knowledge, I'm new, do not judge, please!
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Re: "Hacking" School Cameras
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2014, 08:37:43 PM »
It depends on how the cameras are connected.

The easy way is finding out the model, looking it up on the internet, get the software, connect to the network  and start the software it may show up the cams. But that will only work with poorly configured/secured cameras. (this have a very low rate of success though)

I guess you should start by scanning the network since most probably the data from cams is not available on the network itself but travels internally to the storage where there might be an interface to connect and see the feed or wired to a screen in which case it's more complicated to get access to.

Anws make some recon and try to be more specific.
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Re: "Hacking" School Cameras
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2014, 09:05:27 PM »
It depends on how the cameras are connected.

The easy way is finding out the model, looking it up on the internet, get the software, connect to the network  and start the software it may show up the cams. But that will only work with poorly configured/secured cameras. (this have a very low rate of success though)

I guess you should start by scanning the network since most probably the data from cams is not available on the network itself but travels internally to the storage where there might be an interface to connect and see the feed or wired to a screen in which case it's more complicated to get access to.

Anws make some recon and try to be more specific.

Depends on what network you think you are scanning.
If there is an IT party that takes itself even the slightest bit serious this is not directly availible from whatever network you connect from.
It would be on a different VLAN, would be IP filtered and have proper auth/encryption.

There is no real advice except for learning the network.
Take notice of DHCP servers , DNS, ranges etc.
You can bet your ass that any camera system is routed, through NAT or completely seperate.

I could go on but this thread is probably gonna end up burried.

« Last Edit: October 31, 2014, 09:06:52 PM by proxx »
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