Hello, here is my first post, i joined comunity awhile ago (not even full week) and i love tutorias.
Now I'm asking for some feedback, for first time i went out there and tried to make a change (I want to be gray hacker with more drops of white). So I've found this site wich is insulting one person, and site as you may guessed has poor security. It has hidden login and an
MD5 Hash.
Now thing is, im trying to crack it with Cain and its not going very well. It says it is going to take 10 years to crack it.
I Just want some help getting this cracked.
All im asking is that you help me crack this
MD5 Hash - "3a49b228eb69abc06291d641e620787d"
WITHOUT " " signs. Oh and 1 more thing, where do i find login page? Here's code: <html><head>
<script type="text/javascript" src="md5.js"></script><style type="text/css"></style>
<script type="text/javascript">
function pass_prompt(){
var password = prompt("What is the password to enable this feature");
hash = hex_md5(password);
alert("Sorry that was not correct.");
} }
.hidden {color:white;}
div {display: block; width: 30px height: 30px; text-indent: -999px; text-decoration: none;}
nav ul li {display:inline;margin-right:20px;}
nav{margin:10px;border:solid 1px;background:lightgrey;display:inline;float:right;}
nav a {text-decoration:none;font-size:30px;color:black;display:inline;}
.hover {font-size:100px}
<body style="background-image:url('http://www.*CENSORED*.jpg')">
<li><a href="http://www.*CESNSORED?>Home </a> </li>
<li><a href="http://www.*CESNSORED*jpg">Skinny Jt </a> </li>
<li><a href="http://www.*CENSORED*png">Hehehe </a> </li>
<p class="hover">Hahahahahaha. *CESNSORED*</p>
<div onclick="pass_prompt();">Stupid!<>
[/size][size=78%]Yes i censored some things on site just because i want to close this case by myself!
[/size][/size][size=78%]Thank you for all of feedback in advance!