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Author Topic: What about binary?  (Read 3005 times)

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Offline chapp

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Re: What about binary?
« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2014, 01:25:20 AM »
Binary is a tool and language is a system. All computers use binary but do not interpret the same string of numbers the same way. Is that correct?

My Apologies, I have a bad habbit of turning things a bit OT.

Yes, all current computers use a binary method as a way to represent data. The same binary string might have different interpretation depending on the CPU used (ARM or i386) for instructions.

The reason the usage of binary representation is that it can easily be accomplished in an electrical circuit since a switch is either on or off.

Edit: removed image from quote
« Last Edit: September 20, 2014, 01:25:47 AM by chapp »

Offline TheWormKill

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Re: What about binary?
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2014, 01:32:23 PM »
I agree. It's just that something can't be a language without conventions about the process of decoding it. A binary string needs interpretation, as does any other string of any set of characters. Without interpretation it doesn't mean anything. Thus OP's idea of speaking a universal computer language is a bit misleading, as I see it. TBH, what do you want to accomplish?
Alright, please sway away from discussing whether or not an analogy used to refer to binary was appropriate.

Do you not understand what I am trying to accomplish?

To put it simply getting a good grasp on the fundamentals of computer language, not debating over the semantics of english............

Binary is an alphabet i.e. a set of letters or characters displayed in different configurations to convey specific information & ideas

Languages are the ideas correlated to the configurations

Binary is a tool and language is a system. All computers use binary but do not interpret the same string of numbers the same way. Is that correct?

Which computer / programming language do you want to learn? The rest of your thoughts seems correct to me.
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He should make that "Haskell"
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Offline $Clone

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Re: What about binary?
« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2014, 03:04:56 PM »
in digital electronics computers use mostly Twos complement
if this article does not make any sense pm me i will give a short tut in binary and how binary and computers relate.

Offline darangal

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Re: What about binary?
« Reply #18 on: September 20, 2014, 03:53:07 PM »
Gave it a quick read, I'll get back to you in a few days after I've mastered the material enough to ask useful questions and produce serious discussion that doesn't consist of pseudo-intellectual jargon.

Offline $Clone

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Re: What about binary?
« Reply #19 on: September 20, 2014, 11:02:26 PM »
Gave it a quick read, I'll get back to you in a few days after I've mastered the material enough to ask useful questions and produce serious discussion that doesn't consist of pseudo-intellectual jargon.

hey dude i didn't mean to make it used to ez members hating on spoon feeding info and majority prefer the "pseudo-intellectual jargon" to be frank i hate it.

every letter or better character on the keyboard is represented in binary but God knows you cannot write abcd... in binary it will take forever even to write hello world.So most of the things are abstracted by the OS but in order to deal with computers you require to know what happens in the background.So like i said every character on the keyboard is represented in binary but first it has ASCII
you see 'A' in ASCII table is represented as this 65 is converted to binary for the computer to understand you pressed " A". But there are various form of binary representation:
2.)ones complementary.
3.)two's complementary.
this takes care of signed and unsigned integers in which you will notice the negative changes in all three.
if you really are interested i could help some more.... :) but once you learn how to convert from decimal base 10 to binary base two you will get how compilers and other computer shit works....

Offline darangal

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Re: What about binary?
« Reply #20 on: September 21, 2014, 01:09:44 AM »
hey dude i didn't mean to make it used to ez members hating on spoon feeding info and majority prefer the "pseudo-intellectual jargon" to be frank i hate it.

every letter or better character on the keyboard is represented in binary but God knows you cannot write abcd... in binary it will take forever even to write hello world.So most of the things are abstracted by the OS but in order to deal with computers you require to know what happens in the background.So like i said every character on the keyboard is represented in binary but first it has ASCII
you see 'A' in ASCII table is represented as this 65 is converted to binary for the computer to understand you pressed " A". But there are various form of binary representation:
2.)ones complementary.
3.)two's complementary.
this takes care of signed and unsigned integers in which you will notice the negative changes in all three.
if you really are interested i could help some more.... :) but once you learn how to convert from decimal base 10 to binary base two you will get how compilers and other computer shit works....

I understood everything until you got to complementary, sign magnitude is iffy, If it means the importance of an average it makes sense otherwise that's the point at which I got lost.

I enjoy being spoon fed information as long as I can comprehend the material.

This is why those "Some random skillset" for dummys book collection is so successful.

Offline $Clone

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Re: What about binary?
« Reply #21 on: September 21, 2014, 08:43:34 PM »
okay i guess you don't need the in depth of binary.....but you should try python programming then go to java and c, c++ programming then lastly but not exactly do assembly language by then it will all make sense.But for now  :-X .


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