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Author Topic: What's the best start for a hacker In programming ??  (Read 359 times)

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Offline tbamfh

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What's the best start for a hacker In programming ??
« on: September 13, 2014, 10:10:15 PM »
 :) Hello everyone !
I am TBAMFH new to this site .

I want to learn more about the hacking stuffs .Got the general discussion and forum about basic Hacking categories by ADMIN "PHAGE" . After reading it i Felt that it was worth the read.

IN my discussions i have seen they are asking to learn a programming language .
Which should i learn first  C,C++ ,JAVA,Phython ?? :-\
If you take JAVA or C or C++ what and all sub categories should i learn to make myself a half hacker ??
Because programming doesnt make you a full hacker .

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Re: What's the best start for a hacker In programming ??
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2014, 11:07:49 PM »
Half hacker? I don't understand. Hacking is a lifestyle. You can't be halfways into a lifestyle. If you mean that learning programing ONLY doesn't make you a hacker, well, hun, you can start out by learning about OS (operating systems), kernels, wifi networks, anything. Anything and everything. Learn the basics and move on to deeper things. Jumping into SQLi or buffer overflows wouldn't do you good if you don't even know what MySQL is. (Not telling you to crack, just an example)
I think Python would be a good place to start, it's simple and powerful, and it's a favorite of mine. I also think all programmers should be able to at least read HTML, whether they're gonna dabble in web  programming or not. It does get you into the whole mindset too - at least, it did for me. Might not for you.
Then you can try Java. There's somewhat a debate about python or Java and the pros and cons of being someone's first computing language. I recommend you google it and see for yourself.
While we're on the subject, google a lot. Search, can't find it? Ask people. That "ohhh!" moment (or "eurika!", whatever floats your boat) when you figure out what something does and how it can be used
is really kinda nice. Despite the fact it's nothing big, the feeling is kinda nice as a newb lol.
C is closely related to C++, some people recommend learning C first, then C++. Some don't, since it mixes you up or something. I gotta say, I don't know since I haven't gone near C yet, but I think learning C++ then moving onto C would be fine. Again, I don't know.
And try searching this subject up before asking, people tend to get a lot of flames since this question is real old. Hope I helped despite my sorta newb-ness. XD
And Phage is awesome. :3
There are more tuts. Keep looking.
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Re: What's the best start for a hacker In programming ??
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2014, 11:15:07 PM »
Don't ask, just do. Pick a language, learn it and get really good at it.

EDIT: Don't ask, just do. Pick a language, learn it and get really good at it. There is no 'best' way start hacking.

Staff: Don't double post.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2014, 11:20:16 PM by Phage »

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Re: What's the best start for a hacker In programming ??
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2014, 11:24:08 PM »
The half hacker comment aside... Id suggest you make a goal and work towards it. Do you want to learn about the web? Read up on html/css/js and php.

Low level stuff? C/C++.

Wanna write nice portable code ? Java.

Or maybe you just want to script some stuff that will make your life a bit easier? Python... Ruby..... Perl.... You get it...

I do have to say, of you dont know what you want to do... Start with C/++Its basically the grandad for most languages and if you master the concepts and syntax you can transition into other languages very easily. For that if you like i can provide you a lot of information. I saved all my slides and labs for the first two years of software engineering and while i found them rather rudimentary... They would be a good way to learn the language given no prior knowledge.

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