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Author Topic: Kali Alternative  (Read 3784 times)

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Re: Kali Alternative
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2014, 12:25:54 PM »
You do that new fag.

No one needs Kali or other OS, install what you need. Some hacking OS will only make you skid, learn what the fuck your doing.

Performance is not up for debate, no matter what you are running as your OS, in the hacking world you still have control on your system, so if Kali is more crap than this other distro it is your fault. *nix is there for you to customize and make your own and tweak and do your own shit. I'm sorry if you haven't learned what hacking really is or what you can do with the knowledge you are supposed to gain from it.

These one click, pre installed crap is for people who have an idea of what they want to do, but are to fucking stupid to learn it. If you can code a MitM in any language of your choice then go ahead, but IF you could do it you would know what crap your trying to install.

How about learn fucking something?? Too many people come here wanting this and that in the binary world, and we point them to the EBook section. Go there and learn something fag. Actually read and do something with your brain....

This is all directed at TheBlackShadow, and partly at Grey-Fox and M1lak0. Stop encouraging stupidity. No one needs a custom OS, not in the *nix world, hasn't anyone on this board even read Cathedral and the Bazaar? Or know what Linus has to say about this shit?

This is bullshit in so many ways with a few legits.  Having a distro that boost tools you might use is quite nice. Standing in the middle of fucking nowhere at some plant in china to do a pentest with a distro and the packages you _thought_ you needed with no access to your packet manager isn't nice. Who the hell cares what Linus says about things? He's most often a jerk anyway. Stop hating.


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