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Author Topic: The Struggle  (Read 523 times)

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The Struggle
« on: August 13, 2014, 08:41:25 AM »
I have always been dealing with giving up my Human life (Social Life ... etc.) to Pursue only my computer career. Reason being I've always only known computers nothing else. I've always been the person into learning and staying in my room for months at a time literally to learn and it has paid off. I know a lot. I love computers, the area of IT is my life passion. I keep coming into struggles with continuing the life i have with my significant other, Real Life and Computers and as i grow as a person i find myself not using computers as much. I am deeply afraid i will not be as good as i can be. I am young, not cool, but young and i realize knowledge is power. Dealing with this is my Struggle, i have the things i want computer wise and life wise but i can't choose correctly. I do understand at the end of the day that i am only human and that i do need other people but i also realize that living up to societies standards regarding (A Full Life) May just not be for me. I am good at what i do computer wise and i love it. But being human i also love my significant other.

That's just part of my personal complicated story. A very small piece. My Main Question to anyone out there who is dealing with this or has dealt with this is How do i decide to give one up ?, should i just become fully human and give up on computers, or should i become a full fledged robot and work all the damn time which i also love.

Mentally this is killing me, i have been dealing with this for a long fucking time and it's been causing a tail spin in my life. I honestly don't know what to do anymore. Depression is kicking in badly and i'm going crazy <<< Seriously.

I hope you guys can really help. All of this shit is making me unmotivated and unable to do any work or even learn. I hate being human.

Thanks in Advance.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2014, 08:50:31 AM by GuerrillaWarfare »

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Re: The Struggle
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2014, 09:12:20 AM »
Hello there GuerrillaWarfare. First of all , I think this thread is for "Bitch and Moan" category. Now about your problem. You see, most of us here are computer lovers and for some of us social life is kinda low, or at least not like for most people. We live in our own world of knowledge and we love knowledge more then anything. You might even go out sometimes and realize how ignorant people are which can pull you more for computers. As for me, I spent lots of time near PC, gaming, programming and stuff. But, in the end , just like you, I have need for social interaction , we all do, we are humans. Sooo, I somehow started training Kung fu (just for social interaction) and situation went waaaay better. I even found a girlfriend right there. So yes, you can do computer stuff and also have social life. YOU must have social life. Hope I helped.
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Re: The Struggle
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2014, 10:53:38 AM »
Hi. I dont think that you can just decide to be more social or more "geeky" and ignore the other option. You wrote that you like computers, so it isnt choice, it is more like you only miss social connections. 

I am not sure, but if you are studying that much as you write, then this looks to me like you are overworked. And if computers are only thing that you do, you could experience burn out syndrome in the future so other hobby wouldn't be a bad thing.


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