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Author Topic: Language advice for project  (Read 1426 times)

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Re: Language advice for project
« Reply #15 on: July 20, 2014, 09:37:22 PM »
First, Easy to learn is not an argument, not a valid one anyway.
Second, people writing PhP makes Factionwars cry.
Third, C has no GUI, it has GUI FRAMEWORKS, so hardness to learn one solely depends on the framework you choose to use (and your brain capacity). Code::Blocks as well as TurboC are IDE's.

Just sayin'...
1. I do know about Intergrated Development Enviromnet's
2. Why does people writing PHP make factionwars cry?
3. Sorry for the "easy to learn"
4. Uhhhh, why do I have a 4
5. Thank-you for helping
« Last Edit: July 20, 2014, 09:37:39 PM by Phenom »
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