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Author Topic: Windows 8.1 as a OS  (Read 2670 times)

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Offline chris_NVT

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Windows 8.1 as a OS
« on: June 18, 2014, 09:27:39 AM »
Hi everyone,

I wanted to write a topic on Windows since a lot of people are simply bashing it into the ground. Tho Linux is a great OS for people
that know what there doing, for an average person it is not really a user friendly OS. Everyone here has friends and family that run Windows,
this is something we simply can't change because if you switch them to a Linux distro they will be calling you every day with questions!

So most people here are hackers, or wanting to learn about hacking for various reasons. Wether you are a white, grey or blackhat hacker you want
to help your friends and family to be as safe as possible right? This means that you need to know a bit more about Windows, many here probably do.
But i know there are a lot of people out there who think they know about Windows, but misses some key features to secure and properly run Windows.

I'm going to explain what people can do to get Windows more secure, if you already know this (if you are MCSA Win7/8 or MCSE 2012) then this topic
isn't for you. If you like to read go right ahead ofcourse ;-)

[Operating System versions]
Microsoft Windows has many versions that are (still) being used. There are a lot of companies and organizations out there who run a mix of different
versions in there enterprise. Some reasons are: legacy software, hardware requirements, older versions of server OS's, etc. While most of these 'reasons'
can be overcome companies and organizations hold back mostly because of costs.

Here is a list of versions that are commonly used today.

Workstations OS
- Windows 2000 Professional (no longer recieving updates from Microsoft)
- Windows XP (no longer recieving updates from Microsoft)
- Windows Vista
- Windows 7
- Windows 8/8.1

Server OS
- Windows 2000 Server
- Windws 2003 Server
- Windows 2008 Server
- Windows 2011 Small Business Server
- Windows 2012 Server

Right now i only want to focus on Windows 7 and 8/8.1, since NOBODY should run Windows XP anymore as a workstation OS! I don't have to explain
why because you know most here are hackers and know this already :-D. And well Windows Vista isn't really a recommendation because of it's many flauws

[Windows 7 and Windows 8.1]
Windows 7 is a great improvement on Windows XP and Vista, key feature that where introduced in Vista are upgraded and improved. Most companies and
organizations are making the transition from Windows XP/Vista to Windows 7, because right now this is the 'safest' option. By safest option i mean that
many companies and organizations are allready running on Windows 7, so this is a proven concept and Windows 8.1 isn't just yet. Alltho Windows 7 is a
good option, i recommend Windows 8.1 because it has a couple of benifits. I will explain these below.

[Windows 8.1 Overview]
There are many new features that come with Windows 8.1, these features can improve the experience users have with the OS. These can be cosmetic, security
or performance. While most people 'hate' Windows 8.1 because of the new 'interface' this can totally be changed to the Windows 7 style interface.
The taskmanager is totally revamped, you can now get a pretty nice in-depth view of runninng applications, services, and performance!

Here is a small list of features and improvements.

- Revamped Taskmanager
- Greatly improved performance (overall)
- Ability to 'mount' iso's by dubbleclicking (without 3rd party software)
- greatly improved LGP (Local Group Policies)
- great intergration with VPN services (intergration of Juniper components)
- Greatly improved Windows Defender

Most people would say "Great that it's improved but it's still arround $ 120,- for the basic version of Windows 8.1". While this is true Microsoft changed
a key element in Windows 8.1, From Windows 7 and up there is something called rearm. Rearm is basicly a re-activation of Windows, in Windows 7 and 8.1
the rearm count was 3. That means that you could only rearm Windows 3 times before doing a fresh installation! This ofcourse was a problem for technicians
because we sysprep a image that just recieved the latest updates so it can be re-deployed.

Because of this issue Microsoft decided to up the count to 999 times, now you might ask "Well this is great for technicians, but how does it help me?".
This will help you greatly because there are KMS tools out there that can reactivatie you Windows with the 180 day key. And the best part is, you are not
doing anything iligal!

To do a quick math.
You have a 180 day key, and you have 999 times to re-activate your Windows 8.1. To be safe you make a task that runs every 175 days to reactivate.
(175 * 999) / 365 = 478 years!

Security is always a big issue, specially when you run the most common OS versions out there. You want to be secure and safe, or atleast help your friends
and family be secure and safe as much as possible. We all know that 100% safe is impossible, and probably will allways be impossible. Programs and yes
even an OS is a program is still written by humans, so there will always be mistakes. There are several ways to make Windows 8.1 more secure.

Always run your OS as a normal user! This is great advice for any OS, wether is tis Windows, OS X or Linux. Linux used 'sudo' to give you temporary
administrative rights (if setup correctly!), in Windows this is done using UAC or User Account Control. This means that you can run certain things as
another user, with administrative rights while logged in as a normal user.

NOTE: If you 'disabled' the administrator account (or any other account with administrative rights) you cannot run as Administrator or with administrative rights!

Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 have a new feature called "Windows Advanced Firewall" this is a great improvement to the old Windows XP built-in firewall.
You can make rules and be very specific to what you allow or block going in or out with advanced firewall. Best practice is to delete every rule inbound
and outbound and manually add the rules of ports, applications and/or services you want to allow. Advanced firewall can be set that everything is blocked
except the rules you made. Once you have the basic and most common rules setup you can export these and use on other systems!

Anti-virus and Anti-malware
Windows defender is a great tool and comes free with Windows versions, but i won't do everything you want. So i advise to use a third party anti-virus
software package, there are several 'good' ones out there. My favorite is ESET Nod32 or ESET Smart security (nod32 with firewall), it can scan your e-mails,
detect active intrusions, help you with trusted sites and live protection. Eset nod 32 costs around $ 35,- a year so it isnt that expensive.

As of Windows 7 Microsoft built-in a new feature called bitlocker, this truely is a great feature and makes for a great incryption of your drives.
It has several specific options for DATA drives and OS Drives, if used on a OS drive and your hardware has a supported TPM chip you can set different
boot options. Either boot with USB stick, boot using a PIN or normal boot. Once the drive is incrypted tools can nolonger access files like SAM to
exctract or change passwords, even when you boot into 'Safe Mode' you will need the encryption key! So securing you data just became much more easy to do.

NFTS Rights.
In order to protect your data and make sure that malware and other hacks can't easely change or alter key Windows files, you can set NTFS rights for different
users, user groups and limit access very specific. For example: you can give full rights to yourself on Documents, but limit it on every folder that is in
Documents. This can be very usefull if you need to write files in the folder, but want all other sub folders and files to be untouched.

Local Group Policy
In order to make Windows even more secure, there is something called Local Group Policy with over 2000 settings! Here you can force rules that take effect on
two different levels. You have Computer policies and User policies, things like bitlocker settings, firewall rules, etc take place in the Computer policies,
while Limitations of Control Panel items, prohibit regedit from running etc. is done using User policies. Local Group Policies is a great way of securing your
Windows even more by preventing a lot of things.

To make Windows 8.1 look and feel like Windows 7 you only need one tool, and that tool is to make the Start Menu come back like Windows 7. My favorite and free
tool is Classic Shell, this tool supports updates and is extemely customizable! Other settings to make it look like Windows 8.1 can be set at Start Menu properties.
Ofcrouse other recommended software packages are Firefox with No Script (not ideal for avarage users), Ghostery and Adblock Plus, VLC player Abobe Flash and Reader.

This concludes my overview of Windows as an OS, this is not a way to "force" Windows onto anyone tho, it's just to outline some features and ways to secure Windows
and make it a bit safer for users to use. Like i said before, there could be things here you already know.

If there are any questions or remarks, please post them.

Offline proxx

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Re: Windows 8.1 as a OS
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2014, 09:59:30 AM »
I wish I had the time to explain why I disagree but I dont atm, will get back to you.
that know what there doing, for an average person it is not really a user friendly OS. Everyone here has friends and family that run Windows,
Just to cut one tree down.
I have my mom on ubuntu for her banking , pictures and E-mail stuff.
She is a total nontech person that you even have to explain how to attach a picture to an Email.
I told her just go click stuff!
Its very secure compared to the regular windows install , she cant break shit, it just works.
The illusion that people wont understand is ridiculous.
The GUI (gnome2) is by far more intuitive than any windows Ive come across (I work with a multitude of OS's on a daily basis so dont gimme that crap)
Ill chop down the rest of the trees when I got more time.
"can't change etc" never got anyone anywhere in life.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2014, 10:01:04 AM by proxx »
Wtf where you thinking with that signature? - Phage.
This was another little experiment *evillaughter - Proxx.
Evilception... - Phage

Offline chris_NVT

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Re: Windows 8.1 as a OS
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2014, 10:14:00 AM »
Hey Proxx,

Yes that is because you installed and set it up for your mom. Why don't you give her the install dvd and let her install it from scratch. Setup a mail client and install firefox. Those are just two applications, not to mention of people want to use something like libre office or other software applications.

Want to see an average person understanding.
- how and why a software repository is added to a package manager
- How to troubleshoot basic problems with network connections (firewalls)

For you explaining is easy because you use Linux on a daily basis, but out of experience (IT erxperience) users don't understand that fast. Even a switch between Windows XP and Windows 7 can be a strugle, let alone stand when they switch to something like Linux.

It is not that people 'won't' understand, it is that avarage people can't be bothered by learning how to use and manage a completely new OS.

the statement that she 'can't break shit' is nonsense, wether it is Windows or Linux things can get broken because people don't know what there doing.

Looking forward to your attempt to 'chop down' this tree.

Offline nrael

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Re: Windows 8.1 as a OS
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2014, 11:25:49 AM »
I think an average person can install Ubuntu, and install all the needed software...

just downlaod and burn ubuntu dvd (if usb boot is to hard)
clicking through the installer
after restart, search for software center
input the stuff you want to install --> search for mail / office and you'll find thunderbird and libre office for sure! so on...
click install, insert your pw and you're good!
btw, firefox already installed... (theres always a browser per default)

an average person doesn't have to add software repositorys or troubleshoot firewall problems / connections...

I think an average person is not installing ubuntu because they don't know about it and second they won't touch a "running system"

if the pc would come with preinstalled ubuntu, everyone would use it! nobody would install Windows...

Offline chris_NVT

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Re: Windows 8.1 as a OS
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2014, 11:44:04 AM »
Hey Nrael,

Nobody would install Windows? So nobody is going to play ANY local install games? Please don't come with Wine or other Windows emulation software because 80% of the games won't run on it.

There is so much software out there for Windows where there are no Linux version or counter parts for it, what would make people still run under Windows.

The Ubuntu interface is completely different then Windows or Mac, one of the worse things about Ubuntu (out of the box) is that it searches online (amazon) when you use the 'local' search field.

Ofcourse the avarage person needs to troubleshoot network, what if he installs a application that requires internet access and the firewall is blocking it? This is just one example that comes to mind.

Again this post was not mend to Compare Windows -> Linux it's comparing Apples and Oranges because everything is different. This was an attempt to show people that with proper knowledge Windows can be very secure, because the majority of people ARE running Windows and will propably never switch.

If Linux was this simple and supported as you portait it, manufacturers would offer a pre-installed version as well. But it isnt for the average person, so instead of forceing people to Linux i wanted to outline security on Windows.

But ofcourse this was a stupid attempt because people here are mindsetted on Linux and 'defending' it in every way possible, even if the post isn't attacking Linux in any way.

Offline ThePH30N1X

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Re: Windows 8.1 as a OS
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2014, 12:37:14 PM »
Hey Nrael,

Nobody would install Windows? So nobody is going to play ANY local install games? Please don't come with Wine or other Windows emulation software because 80% of the games won't run on it.
The only part here that I agree with is that most software is written & compiled for Windows. Linux isn't suitable for a gaming PC. Ubuntu desktop is better in so many more ways than Windows. And Windows server seems very pathetic.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2014, 12:38:17 PM by ThePH30N1X »

Offline chris_NVT

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Re: Windows 8.1 as a OS
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2014, 12:42:31 PM »
Hey ThePH30N1X

Ubuntu desktop is better in so many more ways than Windows

In what way is this so better then Windows?

Windows server seems very pathetic.

Based on what exactly? Very bold statement to make without any arguments

Offline karsa

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Re: Windows 8.1 as a OS
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2014, 01:11:59 PM »
Sorry to break it to you Chris, but at this point you're just full of it. You go on and on about the shiny new stuff like Joe Average gives two shits about them, and many of your arguments are contradictory to say the least. Not to mention the easy solutions to most problems you have listed. I don't side with Windows or Linux because I use both, the former because I have to, and the latter because I like it.

I've got an idea! Why don't you do some more research beyond reading just the [insert popular tech news site here] trending articles headlines and become more familiar with Linux in general? Maybe broaden your view and understanding of both operating systems so we can avoid having these over-vs-under type flamewars?

Offline chris_NVT

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Re: Windows 8.1 as a OS
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2014, 01:21:16 PM »
Hey karsa,

You're funny, and you talk like you have any clue to who i am or what my knowledge is.

You're not worth responding to in detail

Offline Pak_Track

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Re: Windows 8.1 as a OS
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2014, 01:56:24 PM »
The world has changed the definition of an Operating System, simply, to Windows. They don't give a damn of what else there is. They just go with the flow. User friendly interfaces, just decrease intellectual capability. And let's face it. The world is quite low on smart people.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2014, 01:56:46 PM by Pak_Track »

'Life is but a series of conflicts between the easy way and the right way.'
The more you know, the more you'll realize you know nothing. -Snayler
The problem with being a smart motherfucker is that sometimes the stupid motherfuckers think you're a crazy motherfucker.
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Offline chris_NVT

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Re: Windows 8.1 as a OS
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2014, 02:06:46 PM »
Hey Pat_Track,

Windows has indeed a strong portion of the market and made it user friendly, that does not mean that it is only for stupid people. If you like command-line then you can use powershell, it can perform ANY task you can achieve by clicking and even more.

Technology is moving fast, and you can do things in 2014 on a desktop that people where only dreaming of in 2000. This does not mean that people aren't intellegent, there interest just isn't  in IT, because everyone has there own field of expertise. They use computer for the basics, so why would they need to understand the technical aspects of the OS? Would mean a lot less IT jobs if they could do everything thereself.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2014, 02:07:05 PM by chris_NVT »

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Re: Windows 8.1 as a OS
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2014, 05:35:25 PM »
As someone who has been a Windows user since birth and never had a problem with it that I couldn't fix, I have to admit that chris_NVT has a point. That said, you need to chill a bit, Chris. Some of the people you've been dissing on are quite well-respected around here, and they are more than entitled to their opinions. I like what you've tried to do here, and I agree that since the majority of people use Windows and likely won't switch without significant prodding by their tech departments, it makes sense to know how to secure that OS.

To the rest of you, I don't think that Chris is arguing that Windows is better than Linux. To be sure, there are arguments that I as a gamer can agree with for Windows instead of Linux, but on the other hand, I would agree that Linux is better for hacking/coding, and Ubuntu seems more intuitive, as proxx has said. I think instead that Chris is arguing that most people will still want to use Windows, and that not all of those people are stupid. I, for one, use Windows 7 as my primary OS because I am a gamer. I furthermore know many artists who prefer either Mac or Windows, and they are very intelligent, highly gifted people. The most important thing, I think, is that so many options exist - enough to make everybody happy. To each his own, and that is as it should be.

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Re: Windows 8.1 as a OS
« Reply #12 on: June 18, 2014, 08:25:07 PM »
Hey Pat_Track,

Windows has indeed a strong portion of the market and made it user friendly, that does not mean that it is only for stupid people. If you like command-line then you can use powershell, it can perform ANY task you can achieve by clicking and even more.

Technology is moving fast, and you can do things in 2014 on a desktop that people where only dreaming of in 2000. This does not mean that people aren't intellegent, there interest just isn't  in IT, because everyone has there own field of expertise. They use computer for the basics, so why would they need to understand the technical aspects of the OS? Would mean a lot less IT jobs if they could do everything thereself.
People have fucking forgotten the meaning of the word, 'Operating System.' Windows is an OS. It is not, OS.

'Life is but a series of conflicts between the easy way and the right way.'
The more you know, the more you'll realize you know nothing. -Snayler
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Re: Windows 8.1 as a OS
« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2014, 08:51:47 PM »
Hey Proxx,

Yes that is because you installed and set it up for your mom. Why don't you give her the install dvd and let her install it from scratch. Setup a mail client and install firefox. Those are just two applications, not to mention of people want to use something like libre office or other software applications.
Lol , I got it, ask a regular user to setup his/her own env, exactly the same story.
Wut.. IMAP ... etc etc, most users are to plain stupid to manage a windows install, they get it when they buy a pc, when it burns they buy a new one..
One thing that is so pretty about my example is that she is unbiased which is great.
Thus my point; go ahead , tap whatever you think is good, ffs it works...

Want to see an average person understanding.
- how and why a software repository is added to a package manager
- How to troubleshoot basic problems with network connections (firewalls)
Same argument applies, regular user and this ^ lol, no matter what OS, they will fail.
The network interface since say vista is PURE horror, even a novice user has a hard time understanding this total clutter those fuckjob americans call an interface, the repair button lmfao.
It just doesnt work, we like to keep people stupid because yes if you are going to put it like this noone will ever understand the slightest concepts on networking.
If they are going to touch it.. just show it , shiny buttons that don't do shit will only promote stupidity.
If a users needs to do something with networking (which is hardly ever the case) show them what is going on, it wont hurt and might , just might teach something in the end.
And a package manager is far far more logical than downloading some exe from some website and have a total custom installation every single fucking time.
Oops another toolbar.

For you explaining is easy because you use Linux on a daily basis, but out of experience (IT erxperience) users don't understand that fast. Even a switch between Windows XP and Windows 7 can be a strugle, let alone stand when they switch to something like Linux.

It is not that people 'won't' understand, it is that avarage people can't be bothered by learning how to use and manage a completely new OS.

the statement that she 'can't break shit' is nonsense, wether it is Windows or Linux things can get broken because people don't know what there doing.
Uhm... toolbars , malware , crap crap and more crap.
No she cannot break this install , windows separation of what should be in userspace and what not is ridiculous.
Applications just install in user space and cause terrible things on the system etc etc.
I dont see this as a valid argument.
From personal experience Ive seen people break shit that should be unbreakable because windows is targeted and silly by design.
And ofcourse linux/mac/BSD/solaris or whatever you come up with is breakable, just saying this might actually be a challenge compared to windows.

I work in IT, I have daily issues of all kinds , dont think you are alone here.
The reasons I bring up these points is because I know what I am talking about.
The only way to have a user work on windows and protect them from their own fucking stupidity/lack of understanding/security is to have a total lockdown.
Still they manage to scoop up malware, open up obviously phishing mails or whatever crap.
And nag about good passwords, limited freedom etc.

Understand that I am not fighting a windows vs linux war here.
I had many many many of those discussions and they are pointless.
Iam fighting a vs windows war because I am convinced we can do better.
What I am saying is that windows is the accepted standard and people got used to this silly GUI/interface.
The fact that they are used to dealing with total crapware (and again let me remind you I manage tons of windows servers etc) is because they are used to it.
This does by far not prove that this is the way to go.
I agree with you to full extend that breaking this circle is a very tough game which is scary to even attempt.
But again this is not because this is what we need for the future, I honestly hope the complete microsoft monopoly burns down to the ground.
Within 50 or perhaps 100 years people wont even know what that word means.

I would love to experiment with a customer that is willing to take the challenge to set him up on a completely linux based system.
And if 100 calls , remote sessions and education is what it takes.. I will with proud.

Perhaps I am a dreamer and an extremist or whatever you would like to call it but I honestly believe that this point of view is what get us where we are today and is what we need to succeed as mankind, using the same thought patterns we used to create problems will never solve the latter.

Gimme another tree.

« Last Edit: June 19, 2014, 07:29:36 AM by proxx »
Wtf where you thinking with that signature? - Phage.
This was another little experiment *evillaughter - Proxx.
Evilception... - Phage

Offline chris_NVT

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Re: Windows 8.1 as a OS
« Reply #14 on: June 19, 2014, 08:00:39 AM »
People have fucking forgotten the meaning of the word, 'Operating System.' Windows is an OS. It is not, OS.

Can't people fucking read, it says the OS as in the Operating System Something to read for you.

As someone who has been a Windows user since birth and never had a problem with it that I couldn't fix, I have to admit that chris_NVT has a point. That said, you need to chill a bit, Chris. Some of the people you've been dissing on are quite well-respected around here, and they are more than entitled to their opinions. I like what you've tried to do here, and I agree that since the majority of people use Windows and likely won't switch without significant prodding by their tech departments, it makes sense to know how to secure that OS.

To the rest of you, I don't think that Chris is arguing that Windows is better than Linux. To be sure, there are arguments that I as a gamer can agree with for Windows instead of Linux, but on the other hand, I would agree that Linux is better for hacking/coding, and Ubuntu seems more intuitive, as proxx has said. I think instead that Chris is arguing that most people will still want to use Windows, and that not all of those people are stupid. I, for one, use Windows 7 as my primary OS because I am a gamer. I furthermore know many artists who prefer either Mac or Windows, and they are very intelligent, highly gifted people. The most important thing, I think, is that so many options exist - enough to make everybody happy. To each his own, and that is as it should be.

I have not been dissing anyone, i just treat them as they treat me plain and simple. I posted twice that this was not a comparision post of Windows -> Linux yet people start to ' flame'  that Linux is way better then Windows. All the memebers here are quoting parts that envolved me saying users won't easely switch to another OS, yet not even one comment (except yours) on the rest of the post.

Nobody is adressing any technical part of the topic at all, just hammering on users and comparing apple's with oranges.

Understand that I am not fighting a windows vs linux war here.
I had many many many of those discussions and they are pointless.
Iam fighting a vs windows war because I am convinced we can do better.
What I am saying is that windows is the accepted standard and people got used to this silly GUI/interface.
The fact that they are used to dealing with total crapware (and again let me remind you I manage tons of windows servers etc) is because they are used to it.
This does by far not prove that this is the way to go.
I agree with you to full extend that breaking this circle is a very tough game which is scary to even attempt.
But again this is not because this is what we need for the future, I honestly hope the complete microsoft monopoly burns down to the ground.
Within 50 or perhaps 100 years people wont even know what that word means.

I agree with you that MS is just in it for the money, and that Windows can be improved. Any code written by humans needs improving because we make mistakes, technology changes witch makes us change/update the code etc.

I'm not trying to say that you should convince people to go to Windows or stay on Windows, all i tried to do was point out a few things to make an existing Windows installation a bit more secure.

Most "Members" here will know all of this, but is also see that we have over 700+ visitors online so that was the main reason i posted this.


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