I was gonna compile the script to .exe with py2exe or pyinstaller. Plus i just wanted the feel of writing a reverse shell
I've been checking out HID but i'm not sure i can get the hardware. I'll continue reading up on it though
That will work, you could have the initial batch file save the py2exe generated directory(which contains the executable, some python c-modules and some .dlls for functionality) to the user's appdata/local(to hide) but you will need admin privileges to write registry keys for the startup process.
You don't need admin priveleges to copy to (C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup>) which will achieve the same result as writing to the key in the registry. It will run when the user logs in. Right now I have a shortcut to the Rainmeter binary lurking in my startup folder.
Next have the batch file generate another .bat that points to your .exe in and save it to the startup folder previously mentioned and that SHOULD work.
Since you will be launching the batch file manually(at least for now), you will be able to start the batch file as admin and you can set things up a lot better. First off read this article about alternate data streams and you will see the potential for hiding your .exe even further. Imagine having your .exe hidden inside of another one, let's say explorer.exe.
The result will be that every time explorer.exe runs your binary will also run, inside the original process! This means it doesn't show in task manager, only the original explorer.exe shows in the list with slightly more memory usage than normal. I haven't tried this with explorer.exe but I know for a fact it works with other .exe's.
Read the attachment.
Also, here's a link for a cheap hid device.
https://www.pjrc.com/store/teensy31.htmlWorks with arduino IDE, with Teensyduino plugin available for free on the site in the link.