So eventhough I consider myself rather familiar in the linux field and have some experience on BSD I would like to have some opinions.
Basically for a project I need a super hardend box that will expose a single port to the webs.
I know there are some distros that claim to be 'hardend' etc etc etc.
So basically I am wondering if I should go for a BSD, BSD is also questioned when it comes to security, perhaps as much as linux, opinions?
Perhaps openindiana, minix, soo many options.
Currently my thoughts go to a CentOS server install , layer 2 and 3/4 firewalling, just a single remapped SSH port exposed, private keys locked with 4086 RSA cypher, blowfish encryption.
Plus once inside the tunnel another layer of encryption.
I will be doing port forwarding over SSH which is not quite optimal when it comes to speed , especially compared to openVPN or IPSec but it is quite secure and very much on-the-fly and no need for additional routing etc.
Any thoughts or tips?