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Author Topic: Stumbling across something you made  (Read 454 times)

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Stumbling across something you made
« on: April 18, 2014, 03:52:39 AM »
It's so awesome to visit a website randomly and then realize it uses your open source code! I was looking at this template for some design ideas:
when I saw the big graph (last graph on the page). I thought to myself: Oh that looks pretty cool! But I thought there were no SVG graph libraries around that work like that, which is why I made my own. So I was really angry for a second, thinking I wasted my time when there was already a library out there that worked apparently much better than mine. But then I clicked the button to view another type of graph, and saw the animations run. I got a WHOA feeling, looked at the source code, and sure enough, it uses the library I made for graphs.

It feels amazing to know that you've contributed to the web and made something other random people actually use and like. Especially when it works nicely. :D Also, I'm a horrible designer so this looks much better than my examples on the github page, which is what caught me off guard.

My Code:

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Re: Stumbling across something you made
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2014, 04:54:53 AM »
Most of the stuff I do and might be used by someone else is stuff with Arduino or embedded crap. So if they use it, and don't post a blog or something about my stuff then I shall never know. I would like to think I'm helping someone out there with their endeavors. But. when I search my names on google I feel a bit better lol.
>>>import this


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