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Author Topic: Pong in JS [Tutorial, sort of]  (Read 1017 times)

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Offline Uriah

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Pong in JS [Tutorial, sort of]
« on: April 13, 2014, 12:42:05 AM »
This is kind of sort of a tutorial on how to make pong in JS. My friend wanted to know how to make games, and so I thought I'd code up a quick example for him. The comments totally explain how everything works, and I thought it might be useful for any people here who wanted to know how simple games are made, but never quite understood how. Some things I explain are really basic, because my friend is quite new.

This game uses html5 canvas, and the basic principle is constantly updating data, and drawing things where the new data is after clearing the screen. I know this isnt the best possible way to do this, like i used set interval instead of request animation frame, and some other optimization stuff, but this is just a nice, easy to understand introduction that avoids those slightly more complex things, and gets you in the mind of a game dev.

 All you need to understand is javascript.

This is a fully working html page and you can just save it in a .html file and open it in a browser. Ask me if you have any questions :)

Also, is anyone interested in this kind of stuff? I've been planning on making some real tutorials soon.  I can make tutorials on anything html5: mobile apps/games, and websites. I might do some other things in the future as well but im thinking html5 tuts for now. Tell me what you guys want to see so I dont make useless things!

Code: (javascript) [Select]
<!-- This is what comments look like in HTML! -->
<!-- Tell the browser that we intend to use html5 technology like canvas -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Add canvas element and give it an id so javascript can find it -->
<canvas id="game"></canvas>
<!-- Code for pong game -->
<script type="text/javascript">
//a function enclosed like this means that it runs automatically
//it's called an anonymous function because it doesnt have a name.
//wrap your code in these to prevent conflicts with any other code on
//this webpage
//get the canvas element from the DOM
var canvas = document.getElementById('game');
//make the background of the canvas black = 'black';
//set height and width of canvas in pixels
canvas.height = 500;
canvas.width = 900;
//save the height and width of the canvas in variables for later use
var height = canvas.height;
var width = canvas.width;
//this is the variable we use to manipulate the canvas
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
//set a font style for the entire canvas
ctx.font = '25px Sans';
//this array will store all of our previous scores so that
//we can later calculate high score
var scores = [0];
//initialize our current score to 0
var score = 0;
//this variable will hold our animation loop,
//we will use it to stop and restart our animation
//each time the loop runs we will update all of our data
//and then redraw everything in their new positions
var animLoop;
//this is our object for the ball
var ball = {
//remember, on canvas top left is (0, 0)
//so we make x and y one to make sure they dont start at the very edge
//or else our collision handler would catch it too soon
x: 1,
y: 1,
//set the width, height, and radius of our ball
width: 10,
height: 10,
radius: 10,
//x-velocity and y-velocity, how much does the ball move in each direction everytime
//our loop runs?
vx: 5, //5 looks like a decent speed
vy: 5,
//everytime our loop runs, we will add 5 to our current x and y positions,
//causing the ball to move. Each time the loop runs we will clear all
//old images of the canvas so we only see motion
update: function() {
this.x += this.vx;
this.y += this.vy;
//after updating, we now need to tell the canvas to draw in the required
//locations. So use the arc method to draw a ball
//using our current x and y positions, color, and radius data
draw: function() {
ctx.fillStyle = 'red';
ctx.arc(this.x, this.y, this.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
//here's our object for the paddle
var paddle = {
//we want the paddle to be at the center of the screen, so
//width / 2 should accomplish that. however, we also need to compensate
//for the width of the paddle (or else only the left corner would be at the center),
//which I just decided would be width / 5.
//so move the paddle back by half of its width to compensate
x: width / 2 - (width / 5)/2,
//remmeber, in canvas coordinates, top left is (0, 0),
//so the bottom will be the height of the canvas.
//after that, we need to raise up the paddle by its height,
//so subtract 10
y: height - 10,
//the player will control our x-velocity, so initialize it to 0
//the paddle will not move up and down so no y-velocity is required
vx: 0,
height: 10,
//make sure the width of the screen is a fact or the paddle width
//so it always scales even if we increase canvas size
width: width / 5,
//same as ith update method of ball
update: function() {
this.x += this.vx;
//same as draw method of ball
draw: function() {
ctx.fillStyle = 'red';
ctx.rect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
//to get the heigh score...
var getHighScore = function() {
var highScore = 0; //have a variable to store our high score
//loop through of of our stored scores
for (var i = 0; i < scores.length; ++i) {
//if this score is bigger than 0 and alse more than the last score we looked at (i - 1)
//then set the high score to this score
if (i > 0 && scores[i] > scores[i - 1]) {
highScore = scores[i];
//give back the high score
return highScore;
//when this function runs our canvas will show "Click to play"
var beginScreen = function() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
ctx.fillText("Click to Play", canvas.width / 2.5, canvas.height / 2);
//stop the animation with clearInterval(), clear the screen, and then write "Game Over" With current hight score
//also store our current score into our array of scores, so we can see if its the new high one with
var endScreen = function() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
ctx.fillText("Game Over! Current high score: " + getHighScore(), canvas.width / 4, canvas.height / 2);
//what to do when objects collide (game logic here)
var handleCollisions = function() {
//this is called a rectangular collision algorithm
//returns true if objects
//collide within the bounds of their width and height
//and false otherwise. You may have to look at it for a bit to understand how this is calculated
//but its quite simple. Basically, seeing if the x and y positions are the same,
//while compensating for the width and height of both objects
var collides = function(a, b) {
//Just to clarify:
//a is the first object and a.x retrieves the "x" porperty of that object
return a.x < b.x + b.width &&
a.x + a.width > b.x &&
a.y < b.y + b.height &&
a.y + a.height > b.y;
//if the ball and paddle collide
if (collides(ball, paddle)) {
//add one to the score
//we dont need else ifs because these can all happen at once
//if the ball and paddle collide OR the ball is at the top of the screen
if (collides(ball, paddle) || ball.y <= 0) {
//reverse the balls trajectory. So when we hit the paddle go the opposite way,
//and when we hit the roof go the opposite way. In the Y direction of course
ball.vy = -ball.vy;
//if the ball is outside the left or right side of the screen
//remember, we have to use > and < and not just = because we are adding more than one to the
//positions each time. So sometimes it might be a bit past a boundary and we still want to catch that
if (ball.x <= 0 || ball.x >= width) {
//reverse the balls X trajectory so it doesnt cross boundary
ball.vx = -ball.vx;
//if the ball hits the ground, run the endScreen() function....
if (ball.y >= height) {
//call the update and draw functions on both our ball and paddle
var updateAndDraw = function() {
//update our data
//clear the canvas so we only see new drawings
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
//draw objects with new positions
//now update our score counter with the current score
ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
ctx.fillText("Score: " + score, 10, 25);
//run handle collisions function each time
//to make sure our game knows when stuff hits
//whenever we start playing the game again, we need to reset all data to its defaults
//and make sure our current score for this game is once again initialized to 0
//and then we start our animation again with setInterval()
var startPlaying = function() {
ball.x = 1;
ball.y = 1;
paddle.y = height - 10;
paddle.x = width / 2 - (width / 5)/2;
score = 0;
//1000/60 means 60 FPS
//every time our loop runs call the function "updateAndDraw"
animLoop = setInterval(updateAndDraw, 1000 / 60);
//okay, document.addEventLister is a built in thing in JS
//where you listen to key and mouse events on the document
//so here, on every key down...
document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
var key = e.keyCode; //what key is being pressed?
//you have to google or memorize certain key codes.
//they are easy to find and tell the computer which key is being pressed
//these numbers mean left or right
//change move the paddles based on player keys
//remember negative reverses direction
if (key === 37) paddle.vx = -5;
else if (key === 39) paddle.vx = 5;
//everytime a key is released...
document.addEventListener('keyup', function(e) {
var key = e.keyCode;
//if the key being released is the left or right one
//stop the paddle by making the velocity 0
if (key === 37 || key === 39) paddle.vx = 0;
//now, instead of listening for events on the document
//lets listen for events that happen to the canvas element
//the canvas variable was defined at the beginning
//whenever the canvas is clicked....
canvas.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
startPlaying(); //run the startPlaying() function to run the game
//immediately show the begin screen by calling the function on page load
And that's it bro. That's how you make pong in JS. The concepts are actually pretty simple,
and just build on concepts you already understand. Try playing aroud with some values to see what happens.
You could try fixing some bugs, adding a paddle to the top as well, adding more balls,
making the player be able to get certain powers, etc.
Have fun!

Offline BossHacker0101

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Re: Pong in JS [Tutorial, sort of]
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2014, 10:17:16 AM »
Nice game. But if you click it a lot of times it speeds up. And you can move the panel out of the screen. But besides that it looks fine.

Offline Uriah

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Re: Pong in JS [Tutorial, sort of]
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2014, 10:31:25 PM »
Nice game. But if you click it a lot of times it speeds up. And you can move the panel out of the screen. But besides that it looks fine.
Thanks for your comment but like I said I wasn't trying to actually make a good game. It's just a little introduction for my friend. If I were really trying it was old be much better. I'm aware of the bugs :p


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