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Author Topic: "The Shield" mini-review  (Read 396 times)

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"The Shield" mini-review
« on: March 09, 2014, 08:26:55 PM »

The Shield plants itself firmly post-third season but pre-fourth season. The fallout from the money train robbery has already taken place and Detective Vic Mackey and his strike team of dirty cops are on the verge of disbanding.

My input:

I generally try not to look at the ratings and try things out for myself. I have completed this game long time ago on PS2 and it wasn't as bad as the reviews and ratings claim it to be.
It was a bad game in a way that it was pretty straightforward, you walk basically walk in a straight line. However the brawling and interrogation modes made the game fun to play sometimes, most of the time it wasn't so good... TV series were better :P


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