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Author Topic: My all kit.  (Read 2946 times)

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My all kit.
« on: March 02, 2014, 02:00:08 PM »
So since a while ago I've been thinking about getting some sort of hacking kit for pretty much all purposes, and I came up with a small list, but some of this stuff is hard to get or expensive, not to mention it's own usage questionable.

  • Signal Jammer
  • Voice Scrambler
  • EMP
  • Wireless card (most likely ALFA 1000mW)
  • Magnetic Band reader
  • Chip card reader
  • Radio reader
So... from all these, what do you guys think I should/shouldn't buy?
For example I've read that the EMP is nowhere near what you usually see on movies and TV shows and that it doesn't power off electronics or erases HDD's.
Give me your thoughts about this list!  :D
« Last Edit: March 02, 2014, 02:00:40 PM by I_Learning_I »
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Re: My all kit.
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2014, 02:49:13 PM »
That is the kit I would be carrying around if I was breaking into secured buildings and shit :D
About EMP - yeah I was interested in those as well once. All info I found just said that to actually fry circuits from a distance is not realistic at all, because you would need a device/amp big as a house or something :D never trust Hollywood about technology.
Though techb might share some insight onto EMP.

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Re: My all kit.
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2014, 03:28:03 PM »
im assuming your looking at a single band jammer? if so they are really easy to make, and a ton of videos out their on how too.(including one from a defcon if i remember right). anyway the real issue is that MOST of that stuff isnt illegal in the US(over all) but jamming tech IS...basically everywhere. I could be way off but when i looked at it it was something like 40+ states that have made jamming wireless transmissions/devices that do it illegal. So certainly check the legal status of that. as for card readers etc this stuff is easy to find or make, hell even a EMP isnt exactly hard to make...but it can be dangerous! Uhh other than that on the voice scrambler i would say go check the thread in which a few of us talked about the trouble with that, unless your getting one for "fun" if you want a voice changer/scrambler/encrypted their are a LOT to choose from, and most of them suck. For that though you will have to do your own research as im not even close to current on who is secure/isnt for that kind of tech. Oh and a radio reader? you mean like a police "band" scanner? if so just get a HAM radio licence/radio have fun in multiple ways and still get to listen in if you want.
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Re: My all kit.
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2014, 04:38:10 PM »
Thank you all for your replys! :)
About the EMP yeah, that's pretty much what I read about, and was really disappointed :(
About the jamming technique I do believe it's legal here, not sure, I'm not from US and here laws are pretty loose about pretty much everything, in fact it was ruled 2 year ago that there is no such thing as illegal download so we can download whatever we want! :D

About the signal jammer I do believe I need more information (once again Hollywood in my head blocking all the signals not just 1 band).
Apparently the voice scrambler being reversible is a real thing (Hollywood being truthful!!)
When I said Radio Scanner I actually meant to read the cards that operate on I believe it's Radio frequency, might be InfraRed or bluetooth though, I meant the credit cards that can make purchases without code and you don't even have to put it in a machine. But yeah Police scanner would also be nice! Added!! :D

EDIT: Do you know of any papers good for reading about these subjects? If not I'll just Google  8)
« Last Edit: March 02, 2014, 04:39:12 PM by I_Learning_I »
Thanks for reading,

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Re: My all kit.
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2014, 06:34:48 PM »
Thank you all for your replys! :)
About the EMP yeah, that's pretty much what I read about, and was really disappointed :(
About the jamming technique I do believe it's legal here, not sure, I'm not from US and here laws are pretty loose about pretty much everything, in fact it was ruled 2 year ago that there is no such thing as illegal download so we can download whatever we want! :D

About the signal jammer I do believe I need more information (once again Hollywood in my head blocking all the signals not just 1 band).
Apparently the voice scrambler being reversible is a real thing (Hollywood being truthful!!)
When I said Radio Scanner I actually meant to read the cards that operate on I believe it's Radio frequency, might be InfraRed or bluetooth though, I meant the credit cards that can make purchases without code and you don't even have to put it in a machine. But yeah Police scanner would also be nice! Added!! :D

EDIT: Do you know of any papers good for reading about these subjects? If not I'll just Google  8)

multi-band jamming is a LOT more involved, and depending who/what your using it on useless. ie a naval war vessel is just about impossible to jam. (boosting transmission power, frequency hopping etc. and when you start getting into jamming that does that....not just money intensive but knowledge intensive too). if its more of a "lark" ie you cant get your cellphone to work!(and police force jammers are very much along these lines) its rather cheap/simple to make or buy them. As for more knowledge on the area of transmissions i would suggest picking up a book on it(we probably have something in the ebook library) or a lot of google searching. Far to much info for me to give even a "basic" rundown of it here, and even then i dont know a lot, and dont remember a good bit as well as i havent used most of in in over a decade.

As for the cards/passports etc your talking about that is RFID technology, and their is just a ASSTON of info out their about it.

As for building your own jammer..if i remember right now it wasnt a defcon presentation but a HOPE presentation that i watched talking about it/showing how to make one. That being said their are a lot of tutorials on it out their. Their are also websites that sell that(and most of what else you are looking for) pre-made. As for why i suggested amateur radio for scanning police bands is that "commercial" products have lockouts preventing it/are designed to not get them, but ham radio will allow you access to it and so much more(with the correct atmospheric conditions you can talk to people across the world! Yeah not a big deal now..but it used to be! Also necessary to have the right antenna/enough juice but still!)

Really though if you want to get to know this stuff, the same way you would a "program" i would suggest getting yourself a good to high end (100-300$+) variable temperature soldering iron, get a book on electronics(basic electronics course by norman h crowhurst) , get a book on radio(i cant recommend a good one here, mine is technically classified/what i used in IT "A" school), then look up what you want to build and build it! Bright side to this is not just the satisfaction angle, but that considering a 2.4ghz jammer should cost you 20-30 in parts but would probably be 50+ buying from another source means that if you built most of the devices you want you would probably break even, if not make money from it. On top of it you gain lots of knowledge. Aside from books though you can always just google and wiki for the basics, but its generally helpful to have a book to go off of.
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Re: My all kit.
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2014, 11:10:43 PM »
I wish I could give you a HUGE cookie for this.
Initially I was thinking about just buying out stuff, but I believe you're right, if I'm going to read about it I should probably make my own stuff (at least those that I can and understand!).

Thank you very much, sir!
Thanks for reading,

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Re: My all kit.
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2014, 10:49:59 PM »
I know the US military were using multi signal jammers,a few years ago, whether it was just testing or a very high tech device im not sure, but my friend in the UK army was informing me of a big mishap with the device a few years ago, im not even sure if it was a just a jammer or what, but basically everything in the area electronic was jammed, radios, card readers, electronic doors, computers she never ID'd it, but it was not the size of a house that's for sure, so maybe look up military variants as im sure by now a similar design is already out there somewhere
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Re: My all kit.
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2014, 12:03:03 AM »
Ok thanks for the tip, I'll look it up! ;)
Thanks for reading,

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Re: My all kit.
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2014, 02:23:43 AM »
I'd definitely have to say that a lockpick set should be included in any halfway decent hacking kit.
"Hacking is at least as much about ideas as about computers and technology. We use our skills to open doors that should never have been shut. We open these doors not only for our own benefit but for the benefit of others, too." - Brian the Hacker

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Re: My all kit.
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2014, 03:53:03 AM »
No RFID cloner, lockpicks, door jams, wireless cameras, digital voice recorders, multi-tool, gps dongles, police scanners, binoculars, rope ladder, or duct tape? What is this shit.

Hmmm about that list:

Want/Need everything except the last 3.

I'm not planning on actually using many of these things, or at least not in any criminal way, but in case I ever need to, gotta be prepared!

I'd definitely have to say that a lockpick set should be included in any halfway decent hacking kit.
I know right! What power goes down, crack old school!
« Last Edit: March 04, 2014, 03:53:53 AM by I_Learning_I »
Thanks for reading,

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Re: My all kit.
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2014, 04:00:34 AM »
Hacking kit could resemble the following:

-lockpicks and the knowledge to use them
-laptop w/ wireless adapter that supports monitor/injection
-usb w/ Kali
-usb for storage
-Ethernet cable (never know when you're going to need to hardware in to get on a network)
-multi-tool w/ knife, pliers, scissors, etc
-flashlight (can be effective on camera systems with ir w/o motion alarms, as well as able to see in the dark)
-portable power

I can't think of anything else off the top of my head. So what are we breaking into?
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Re: My all kit.
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2014, 05:10:33 AM »
Hacking kit could resemble the following:

-lockpicks and the knowledge to use them
-laptop w/ wireless adapter that supports monitor/injection
-usb w/ Kali
-usb for storage
-Ethernet cable (never know when you're going to need to hardware in to get on a network)
-multi-tool w/ knife, pliers, scissors, etc
-flashlight (can be effective on camera systems with ir w/o motion alarms, as well as able to see in the dark)
-portable power

I can't think of anything else off the top of my head. So what are we breaking into?

jewler/precision screwdriver set
soldering gear
needle-nose pliers
hemostats(the good kind!)
telescoping rod with magnet(often best to just buy a run of the mill one, then replace the magnet with a better one)

Frankly i would add all the above to that list deepcopy. Also i would note that if your bringing spare cables you should bring one of each type. Also adding a male/male usb can be handy. usb to serial isnt a bad idea either.
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Re: My all kit.
« Reply #12 on: March 04, 2014, 05:35:33 AM »
Hacking kit could resemble the following:

-lockpicks and the knowledge to use them
-laptop w/ wireless adapter that supports monitor/injection
-usb w/ Kali
-usb for storage
-Ethernet cable (never know when you're going to need to hardware in to get on a network)
-multi-tool w/ knife, pliers, scissors, etc
-flashlight (can be effective on camera systems with ir w/o motion alarms, as well as able to see in the dark)
-portable power

I can't think of anything else off the top of my head. So what are we breaking into?
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Re: My all kit.
« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2014, 07:28:40 AM »
Lol basically based on the suggestions above, this is how a hacker set looks like

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Re: My all kit.
« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2014, 11:34:24 AM »
@noncetonic: Lol it sounds cool. However some of those tools doesn't seem to fit into the bag, don't you look a bit odd carrying those around?
And also carrying lots of tech makes bitches wet, so I would carry some even if I wouldn't have use for it :P


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